I have a city in another world

Chapter 2181 Mirror Palace Phantom

Chapter 2181 Mirror Palace Phantom
Transparent crystals seem to be endless, but in fact they are not endless.

As Tang Zhen continued to move forward, it didn't take long before a huge and incomparably large space appeared in front of him.

Crystal clear, like a crystal palace, there is no trace of variegation.

It seems that any filth will not appear here.

It is hard to believe that such a magical place exists in the ocean of the kingdom of God below [-] meters.

The space is large, but not empty.

Thick mirror-like hexagonal crystals stood in clusters in this space, and the light from inside made the place bright.

At first glance, it's like entering a mirror house in an amusement park, with your own shadow everywhere.

Indistinctly, it gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

The ground is also as smooth as a landscape, like walking on the surface of water, it seems that it will fall down at any time and fall into a bottomless pool.

"Under the thousands of miles of deep sea, there is such a place, which is very wrong in itself."

After a brief observation just now, Tang Zhen found that these crystal pillars seemed to be scattered, but in fact they implied a certain pattern, confusing the perception of the entrant.

If it is formed naturally, it can only be said to be a wonderful workmanship, and there is never a shortage of such miracles in nature.

However, this is the Kingdom of God. Whether it is the indigenous gods or some unknown powerful monks, they can all do this.

Tang Zhen prefers to imagine that this is a special man-made space with special functions.

The performance of Red Feather Bird and War Demon also proved this point, this place is not easy.

Tang Zhen stared at himself in the mirror, looked up and down a few times, then turned and walked forward.

He found an abnormality, only himself was reflected in the mirror, but there was no red feather bird.

But Tang Zhen remained calm, as if he didn't realize it.

Among the surrounding mirrors, the voice of Tang Zhen illuminated also turned around at the same time, but Tang Zhen in one of the mirrors did not move at all.

He just stared at Tang Zhen's back coldly, and after a few breaths, a weird and sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just as Tang Zhen passed by a cluster of crystal pillars, the him in the mirror suddenly turned around and slashed towards him with a knife.

The war knife came silently, like a poisonous snake, and went straight to the fatal point.


Tang Zhen seemed to have been prepared for a long time. At the same time as the sword came, he stretched out his hand to fight lightly, and the sneak attack was instantly resolved.

With a crisp sound of "click", Tang Zhen smashed the saber into pieces, and then punched the mirror.

There was a scream, and the Tang Zhen in the mirror was smashed into meat paste, and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

"What is this?"

Looking at the crystal pillar that quickly returned to its original shape after the monster disappeared, a trace of doubt flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes.

The moment he lowered his head, the figures in the nearby mirrors suddenly raised their heads at the same time, their eyes were as red as blood.

With weird smiles, they stretched out their hands towards Tang Zhen at the same time, and then through the mirror, they stretched towards Tang Zhen like rubber.

Dozens of arms formed an airtight net, sealing off all Tang Zhen's activities.

Before Tang Zhen could fight back, the bird on his shoulder suddenly chirped, and a ball of flames burst out.

Immediately afterwards, the flame exploded and turned into many little birds exactly like him, landing on those skinny arms.

Like boiling oil meeting a raging fire, those arms immediately burned, and then quickly spread into the mirror.

Tang Zhen in those mirrors turned into a burning fireball at the same time, let out a shrill scream, and turned into a cloud of black smoke in a blink of an eye.

"You little thing is still a bit useful."

Tang Zhen reached out and touched the red feather bird, and said with a smile.


The red-feathered bird called a few times, with a hint of resentment.

"You feel angry because the mirror can reflect me but not you, making you feel disrespected?"

Tang Zhen couldn't help but laugh, Hong Yuniao's sudden attack was due to this reason.

But after thinking about it, Tang Zhen felt something was wrong. Why could the mirror reflect himself but not the red-feathered bird?

"Is it because this little thing is not human?"

It's not possible, but it doesn't stand up to scrutiny, after all, the red-feathered bird is not a spirit body.

Moreover, the dissipated black smoke faintly gave Tang Zhen a sense of familiarity, as if he had known each other before.

"what is the problem?"

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen walked slowly in front of a crystal pillar, and looked intently again.

This time, Tang Zhen's figure did not appear in the mirror, but was gray.

Soon, in the gray background, the outline of a person slowly emerged and gradually became clear.

It was the same Tang Zhen, but his whole body was covered in blood, his battle armor was torn apart, and there were fatal wounds all over.

Swords and arrows were pierced into his body, many of which were broken, and the scene was extremely miserable.

Blood continued to flow from his wound, staining the ground blood red, and expanding towards the surrounding area.

His face was also covered in blood, and one eye had disappeared, leaving only a black hole.

The drooping head slowly lifted up, and behind the blood-soaked and drooping hair, a single blood-red eye stared fixedly at Tang Zhen through the mirror.

There was indescribable resentment in those eyes, as if a volcano was about to erupt, enough to swallow everything and completely burn it to ashes.

"Tang Zhen, I want you to die!"

Slightly opening and closing his mouth, he squeezed out one word at a time, containing endless hatred.

Tang Zhen looked at his extremely miserable self and couldn't help but ask: "There is such deep hatred between you and me?"

The man in the mirror sneered.

"Hate? That's right, the hatred is as deep as the sea, I wish I could tear you apart!"

When Tang Zhen was speaking in the mirror, bursts of black air gushed out from the wound on his body, looking extremely terrifying and hideous.

"Okay, I will give you a chance to take revenge, come and kill me!"

Tang Zhen sneered, took two steps back slowly, and hooked his hands at the person in the mirror.


The man in the mirror raised his hands, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, and then saw countless twisted and hideous figures rushing out of the gray space behind him.

Not only this mirror, but also Tang Zhen, who was dripping with blood and had a ferocious face, emerged from other crystal pillars.

They rushed out of the mirror, and rushed towards Tang Zhen like a raging wave.

Tang Zhen stood where he was, without moving at all, but coldly looked at the ghost-like figures around him.

The seven-foot distance centered on Tang Zhen was an insurmountable barrier. After those figures approached, they immediately disappeared like bubbles.

Whenever these figures dissipated, billows of black smoke would rise up and condense in the sky above Tang Zhen's head.

The black smoke kept surging, and hideous and distorted faces emerged, screaming at Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen raised his head slightly, looking at the faces in the black smoke, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

After watching for a while, Tang Zhen slowly lowered his head and sighed softly.

"Hate and resentment are the most persistent, they will die and never leave, they condense into demons peeping in the dark, and now they finally find a chance to attack.

That's okay, I'll give you a chance to settle all the grievances in the past! "

As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhen let out a low growl, and billowing flames shot into the sky.

But in an instant, the entire space was shrouded in raging flames, turning into a boundless sea of ​​flames that seemed to never go out.

In the sea of ​​flames, countless hideous figures twisted and danced, and completely disappeared into nothingness as they rushed towards Tang Zhen.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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