I have a city in another world

Chapter 2218 The Secret Experiment of the Holy Dragon City

Chapter 2218 The Secret Experiment of the Holy Dragon City
I don't know how long it took, Ah Feng woke up from the coma, and his consciousness began to become clear.

Recalling the previous experience, Ah Feng's heart is full of vigilance, the first thing is to determine his situation.

If you are in danger, you must find a way to get out of the predicament, and you must not stand still.

The surroundings were terribly quiet, and he felt his eyelids were heavy, and he couldn't open them at all.

It seemed that he was the only one left in the whole world, and his originally numb perception was slowly recovering.

Ah Feng had a feeling that he was half lying on a large bed, which was very soft and comfortable.

So who put himself on the chair, was it his companion, or a monk from Baixi Tower City?

Thinking of this, Ah Feng suddenly found that his eyes began to itch, as if the eyeballs had grown back.

It seems that before this, the eyes did not actually exist.

"It's really strange, how could I have such an idea?"

Thinking of this, Ah Feng slowly opened his eyes, only to find that his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything at all.

"What's going on, where have all the companions gone?"

Ah Feng's heart was full of doubts, and the feeling of uneasiness never dissipated, on the contrary, it became stronger.

When he was about to get up, Ah Feng found that his body seemed to be out of control, and he couldn't move at all.

This special situation made Ah Feng nervous again.

He found that since he came to Baixi Tower City, many things had exceeded his expectations, which caught him off guard.

"Could it be a trap, but the problem is that it's not necessary at all?"

Just when he was feeling flustered, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of Ah Feng's eyes, followed by a woman's voice.

The voice is gentle and gentle, which makes people feel more cordial.

【Hello, how do you feel now? 】

Hearing the woman's voice, Ah Feng was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked: "Who are you, what's wrong with me now?"

[You are in a state of deep sleep, and you are communicating with me with your general spiritual consciousness, which is why various abnormal situations appear.

Once you get used to it, everything will be back to normal.

By the way, let me introduce myself, I am the leader of the mercenary system. 】

Ah Feng frowned, and said in a puzzled tone: "Mercenary system, what is that?"

[The mercenary system is a super system tailor-made for mercenaries in the Holy Dragon War Zone. It allows mercenaries to have stronger combat effectiveness and obtain logistical support no less than that of monks in Loucheng.

After the mercenary system is activated, it can provide you with services at any time, providing remote exchange, and a series of functions such as asking for help...]

Hearing the woman's introduction, Ah Feng was filled with shock. If this mercenary system could really work like this, it would be like an artifact.

The problem is such a good thing, how could it be inexplicably encountered by me?
"I want to ask, do all mercenaries have this system?"

[This system is currently in the experimental debugging stage, and the requirements for experimenters are very high, especially in terms of qualifications.

After the chip is implanted, it can only be activated with a very small chance. 】

Hearing the woman's explanation, Ah Feng nodded.

Whether he wanted it or not, this incident had already happened, and according to the woman, this incident seemed to be only good for him.

If this is the case, then there is no need to resist too much, just let things take their course.

"So can you tell me, what should I do next?"

Since there is only a very small chance of triggering this system, it means that he is lucky. Ah Feng is eager to become a strong man, so naturally he will not miss such a rare opportunity.

[Very well, next, please follow my guidance to carry out the initial debugging and integration! 】

In the following time, Ah Feng followed the woman's guidance and carried out the fusion operation step by step, appearing extremely serious.

At the same time, in the Sacred Dragon City, which is thousands of miles away, a group of Loucheng monks are watching the image in front of them.

The weakest ones are all above the king level, and the aura of several Loucheng monks is as deep as an abyss and unfathomable.

The content of the video they watched was Ah Feng, who was being debugged by the mercenary system. At the same time, beside him, there were groups of rapidly refreshed data.

In addition to Ah Feng, there are dozens of images of monks of different races in this huge space.

They are all repeating the same thing, that is to follow the guidance of a female Loucheng monk to complete the integration step by step.

The female monk was able to deal with dozens of people at the same time, but she was still able to handle it with ease, and even had time to chat with her companions.

"The qualifications of these test subjects are very good. If there are sufficient resources, it should not be a problem to be promoted to a law monk."

Watching the process of experiment guidance, a white-haired Loucheng monk said in a calm tone.

"Whether you are a Loucheng cultivator or a wild cultivator, if you want to be promoted to a law cultivator, you must ensure sufficient resources and guidance.

The problem is that the most indispensable thing in the Holy Dragon War Zone is genius, but the resources are very limited, and it is impossible to achieve equal exposure to rain and dew.

Under such circumstances, whether monk Loucheng can grow up or not depends more on himself.

What we have to do now is to create an item similar to the cornerstone platform, so that monks in Loucheng can use it at any time, so as to have stronger combat effectiveness.

As long as this experiment is successful, from now on, the monks in Loucheng in the Holy Dragon War Zone will have super strength, and they will all be comparable to the chosen ones! "

A Loucheng monk said loudly, his tone slightly excited, while the monk next to him nodded secretly.

The purpose of launching this experiment is naturally to help the monks of Loucheng and enhance the strength of the entire Holy Dragon theater.

Compared with the barbaric theater in the past, the strength of the Shenglong theater has indeed more than doubled, but compared with other theaters, the difference is not a star and a half.

Tang Zhen is also the lord of the Fifth War Zone, which allows monks in the Holy Dragon War Zone to often have the opportunity to go to the Fifth War Zone.

Everything is about comparison.

Although the Fissure Territory is only a territory of the Fifth War Zone, and it has been established for the shortest time, it is enough for the monks in Loucheng to understand the overall strength of the Fifth War Zone.

Compared with the Holy Dragon War Zone, it is indeed not a star and a half. The more they understand this gap, the more impatient the monks in the Holy Dragon War Zone feel.

They are actually very clear that there is no possibility of any comparison when the two theaters are put together.

If the Fifth War Zone and the Holy Dragon War Zone go to war, there is no need to think about the result, and the Holy Dragon War Zone will fail [-]%.

After experiencing the tragedy of a war zone being destroyed, the old residents of Holy Dragon City all had a sense of urgency in their hearts.

They knew one thing, only when the war zone was really strong, and all the monks in Loucheng were like dragons and tigers, could they ensure that the past tragedies would not repeat themselves.

In the cruel competition, only the strong survive forever, this is true for monks, and it is also true for war zones.

Although the holy dragon battle zone is still growing stronger, the monks in Loucheng are still not satisfied, but rack their brains to find ways to improve the strength of the monks in Loucheng as much as possible.

This also led to a very special phenomenon, that is, there are countless inventions in the Holy Dragon War Zone, and many of them are weird products of technological civilization and cultivation civilization.

Some things are not very useful, but some inventions are ingenious and prove to be very effective.

For example, this mercenary support system was developed by monks in Loucheng from the original world, inspired by the cornerstone platform, hoping to make monks in Loucheng have stronger survival and combat capabilities.

According to the developer's words, every Loucheng cultivator in the Holy Dragon War Zone should have a protagonist template, so that they can meet gods and kill gods, and ultimately be invincible in the world.

However, before the Loucheng monk auxiliary system, the research and development team first created a set of mercenary auxiliary systems, the purpose of which was to use these mercenaries for testing to determine the feasibility.

Although the selected mercenaries may be suspected of becoming guinea pigs, they can obtain countless benefits.

For them, this opportunity to participate in the experiment is definitely a rare opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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