I have a city in another world

Chapter 2224 Junior Elite

Chapter 2224 Junior Elite
The moment the transport ship left Baixilou City, the mercenaries sitting on the transport ship finally saw the outside world.

It turns out that the bottom of Baixi Tower City is actually a vast ocean, and there are no islands to be seen at all.

This unexpected scene made the mercenaries feel a little headache. They were most afraid of the weird terrain battlefield.

Fortunately, it was only the ocean, not the impasse of the sea of ​​fire and icebergs, otherwise it would be really difficult to move forward.

When everyone looked carefully at the sea again, they immediately noticed something was wrong, and their expressions changed slightly.

The sea water is terrifyingly deep, and huge black shadows can be seen from time to time, swimming in the ocean.

One of them was shaped like a lizard, with a length of hundreds of meters, it could definitely be called a colossus.

These are just random monsters. If you search carefully, there must be more powerful monsters.

Compared with the barren land, the truly terrifying super monsters are hidden in the ocean, and their size is enough to make land monsters unmatched.

Those island-like monsters abound in the alien ocean, and they can easily set off huge waves.

For monks of Ah Feng's level, the deep-sea monsters are too terrifying, and they are simply not something they can fight against.

The sea monster only needs to bite them in one bite, and it can swallow them into the stomach, and eventually there is no bone residue left.

"Brother, is this a water world, and the enemy we are going to deal with is an aquatic monk?"

A mercenary looked at the ocean below, with a worried expression on his face, and asked his companion next to him in a low voice.

"I don't know, shouldn't it be?"

Another mercenary replied that in fact, in his heart, he also suspected that the enemy was hiding in the ocean.

If you want to destroy the enemy as soon as possible, you must take the initiative to attack, but if the battlefield is beneficial to the enemy, then the attacker will suffer.

In the war history of various planes, there are many examples of people suffering disastrous defeats because they did not adapt to the battlefield environment.

Even if the monks of Loucheng can go to the sky and enter the earth, they will not be blocked by mere oceans, but their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced after all.

Especially for low-level monks, such a battlefield environment is extremely unfriendly, and if they are not careful, they will fall due to various accidents.

Death in battle is not terrible, death in battle due to various strange reasons is the most embarrassing thing.

The mercenaries at this time knew nothing about the situation on the battlefield, so they could only guess wildly.

It's not just the mercenaries who are confused, even the owners of the buildings and cities have just received specific information.

Through the meeting function of the building city, the owners of the building city gathered in front of the cornerstone platform, and they were having a meeting with Tang Zhen, who was in the [-] defense area, to discuss the specific war plan.

The content of the meeting needs to be highly confidential to avoid leaking information, so before the war plan is formulated, the mercenaries can only guess wildly.

Looking at the extremely calm sea, Ah Feng's mood fluctuated, and he was secretly anxious.

After finally leaving Baixi Tower City, he was about to rush to the battlefield to kill all directions, but in the end he encountered such a helpless situation.

Although the Baixi Valley where he is located has water and lakes, and the width of the stream is tens of meters, it cannot be compared with the ocean at all.

It was the first time he saw the ocean since he was a child, and the shock in his heart was a little bit more.

Ah Feng himself is not good at water, now seeing this vast and boundless ocean, subconsciously a trace of fear rose in his heart.

In addition, there is still a trace of confusion. Facing this special battlefield environment, is it possible for him to complete the mission?

Although monk Loucheng's skills include special means to deal with the underwater environment, as well as various equipment for water warfare, they may not be able to solve his predicament.

It seems that even with the mercenary support system, the road ahead is still full of hardships, and you must do your best.

Compared to Ah Feng's bewilderment, Tang Hao also frowned, feeling that the task was not easy.

He can be sure that the enemy is in the ocean, and the main battlefield may also be on the ocean.

Facing the monster hiding in the deep sea, he felt like he was hitting cotton with his fist, and there was nowhere to burst out of his strength.

The complex battlefield environment will inevitably affect his performance, and this is the most important point.

The competition for the master of the building city has officially started now, and Tang Hao is very worried that he will be left behind in the competition.

Especially the competitors this time, almost all of them participated in the teleportation, and they should all be in the Kingdom of God now.

After all, in the entire Holy Dragon War Zone, this is a once-in-a-century event, and it is impossible for the contestants to miss it.

According to Tang Hao's understanding, among the competitors this time, there are not only strong players from various building cities, but also real elites from Sacred Dragon City.

There are even rumors that the junior monks at the senior level of the Holy Dragon City also participated in this competition, and they are absolutely popular players.

Although the privileged classes are not prevalent in Sacred Dragon City, the qualifications and cultivation environment possessed by the descendants of these veterans are far superior to ordinary monks, and their own strength is even more powerful.

Facing such a competitor, Tang Hao felt a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, the entire competition process is under the monitoring of the cornerstone platform, so there is no need to worry about anyone daring to cheat.

Otherwise, there is no need to compete at all, just obediently admit defeat.

Just when Tang Hao was thinking secretly, he saw something in the sky in front of him.

After taking a serious look, he confirmed that they should be two transport ships, which belonged to the same model as the transport ship he was using.

This ocean is boundless, it is a bit too coincidental to meet two transport ships from Loucheng.

In Tang Hao's view, the other party seemed to have searched for a signal, and then stopped here to wait for him.

Sure enough, as soon as this idea came up, the operating system of the transport ship sent a reminder that someone was trying to communicate with him.

Tang Hao hesitated for a moment, then he chose to agree.

The next moment, two figures appeared in front of them, all wearing standard battle armor, looking heroic.

"Brother Tang Hao, let me introduce myself. My name is Qian Chongyun, and I come from Building No. [-]."

A handsome monk introduced himself while looking Tang Hao up and down with a smile in his eyes.

After hearing the other party's name, Tang Hao thought for a while, and then knew the other party's origin.

In the holy dragon war zone, there are many veteran monks who have followed Tang Zhen all the way, and each of them has left an immortal legend.

Apart from other things, just following Tang Zhen in founding the Holy Dragon War Zone, this kind of credit is enough to be admired by the younger generations.

The most important point is that these are living legends, and now all of them have important responsibilities.

To be able to be born in an era where legends coexist is definitely extremely lucky for monk Loucheng.

Regarding the stories of these legendary monks, Tang Hao can be said to know very well. Among the few monks who impressed him the most, there is the elder of the young monk in front of him.

"May I ask a question, I don't know if Your Excellency Qian Chongyun has anything to do with Senior Qianlong?"

Tang Hao arched his hands and asked Qian Chongyun.

"That's my grandfather, of course you don't have to think about it, this competition has nothing to do with his old man.

If I let him know that I use his name for convenience, it will probably kick my ass. "

When Qian Chongyun said these words, his face was full of helplessness.

Others envied him for his good background. He had a grandfather of a legendary monk, but he felt very stressed.

Born in such a family, you need to pay several times more than others, otherwise you will embarrass your elders.

Although grandpa never made such a request, and he was very tolerant towards his juniors, Qian Chongyun never let up in the slightest since he was a child.

This also makes him a leader among his peers since he was a child, and he is always the focus of attention wherever he goes.

This time, Qian Chongyun took the initiative to sign up for the selection of the Lord of the Loucheng in the Holy Dragon War Zone, with the purpose of building his own Loucheng and completely getting rid of the influence of the elders.

It's not rebellion, but I want to prove that even without the protection of my elders, I can still start a career through this incident!
If Tang Hao knew Qian Chongyun's thoughts, he would definitely feel touched. At least on this point, the two people's thoughts coincided with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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