Chapter 2241
There is very little wind in the Kingdom of God. Whenever the weather is hot, it feels like being in a steamer.

Especially on the ocean, this feeling is more obvious, like being in a steamer.

In the past, the Kingdom of God was not like this, but everywhere was pleasant, but as the indigenous gods fell asleep, the environment began to become worse and worse.

The envoys of the Great Temple can control small-scale weather changes, but they need to consume the essence of the gods, so they will never be wasted easily.

War has never been poetic, whether it is marching or fighting, it is a mental and physical torture.

Believers have no right to protest and can only suffer in silence.

On the commanding platform of the battleship at the forefront, Tang Zhen stood with his hands behind his back, staring intently at the sea ahead.

On the deck of the battleship around him, there were full of heavily armed Loucheng monks, the whole process was silent, as silent as a statue.

Quietness is still a kind of practice, and the moment it explodes, it will definitely be earth-shattering!

Throughout his life, he did not know how many times he would set foot on the battlefield, and this time was just one of them.

Regardless of Tang Zhen or the monk Loucheng, they both regarded it as normal, and their calmness made people feel scary.

Some people say that the monks of Loucheng are war machines. In fact, there is some truth to it. In many cases, the monks of Loucheng represent ruthlessness and destruction.

Tang Zhen glanced at the floating islands of plants behind him. Under the control of monk Loucheng, they were arranged in a neat formation and followed the battleship at the same speed.

Even with his eyes wide open, he couldn't see the edge of the team, because there were too many plant floating islands.

Just like moving giant monsters of the archipelago, looking at each other from a distance, it looks extremely spectacular

Each plant floating island is very large, and believers can be seen everywhere on it. Because of the stifling heat and humidity, many believers have already taken off their battle armor.

Leaving the familiar land environment and entering the ocean to fight sea monsters, the eyes of the believers are full of bewilderment.

As the team continued to move forward, the air seemed to become more and more dull, and even breathing became oppressed, feeling suffocated.

The Kingdom of God has a special environment, and there are many places that make people feel quite weird and unreasonable.

Believers lose their original memories and become extremely adaptable to the environment, so they won't feel abnormal.

No matter what you are like before, once you enter the Kingdom of God, you have to get used to everything here.

Other than that, there is no other choice.

Believers lost their original memories, only their belief in the gods was intact. In this case, they became the best tools for manipulation.

Countless believers fought against the sea monsters, and finally fell on the land of the Kingdom of God, coming in obscurity and leaving quietly.

The number of believers who died in battle is too many, so many that no one will remember them, and most of the believers have no names, so how can people remember them?

Memory is a good thing, and without memory, these believers are more like solitary and unsocial beasts.

The mind of the indigenous gods is very indifferent, and they regard believers as ants and tools. His purpose of constantly recruiting believers is full of utilitarianism from beginning to end.

However, things did not develop as expected by the native gods. First, the Warriors invaded the Kingdom of God and completely occupied the Warrior Continent.

The Kingdom of God lost half of its country, and even the Palace of the Forbidden Temple was forced to close for thousands of years.

Afterwards, the indigenous gods were seriously injured and fell asleep, and the sea monster family got the treasures of the super plane, and their strength was unprecedentedly improved.

Since then, the strength of the sea monster has been improved unprecedentedly, and it has become a real threat to the Kingdom of God.

The actions of the indigenous gods are tantamount to cocooning themselves, and even a little stupid.

In this harsh environment, the believers began to play their presupposed role, resisting the sea monsters one after another, which has not changed for many years.

What remains unchanged is the environment, but the mentality of believers has begun to change, and they are no longer as foolish, loyal and pure as they were at the beginning.

The indifferent gods are no longer their only ones.

At the very beginning, the memory of believers was erased without any extra thoughts.

But with the passage of time, the Kingdom of God has become a special society, and the minds of believers have become more and more complicated.

They began to have their own ideas, knowing what they should pursue, and no longer foolishly let the big temple fool them, and regarded the indigenous gods as their only belief and motivation for survival.

If the indigenous gods are awake, they may be able to change this situation and allow believers to repurify their souls.

But he, who has fallen into a deep sleep, is simply too busy to take care of himself, so how can he care about other things?

As a result, among the believers in the Kingdom of God, traitors began to appear one after another, and even the powerhouses at the Creator level had betrayed the indigenous gods.

These traitors are a great hidden danger. Fortunately, due to various reasons, there is only one master of the demon plane left, who was finally killed by Tang Zhen.

Under internal and external troubles, the helpless native gods finally set their sights on Tang Zhen, and tried every means to reach a cooperation with monk Loucheng.

If he doesn't, he'll be a puppet controlled by sea monsters and a complete bug nest!
In this war, the indigenous gods have no way out, and believers have no way out.

Even the sea monsters have no way out!

Seventy-four five defense zone.

This is just one of the many defense zones in the Kingdom of God, and it is a medium-sized area, so the chance of encountering sea monsters is extremely low.

Because of the concave shape of this sea area, the overseas legions attacking the mainland are basically blocked by the defense zones on both sides of the periphery.

Unless there are too many sea monsters, some fish that slip through the net will pass through the two defense zones and attack the seven, four and five defense zones.

The reason why this defense zone is so peculiar is that when the Continent of Believers was attacked, the damage to this area of ​​the sea was particularly severe.

It was as if a piece of biscuit had been bitten off abruptly, making it appear unusually abrupt.

In this sea area, there are still huge sea monster skeletons, jutting out of the water, the number is too numerous to count.

Now the surface of the skeleton is covered with dust, covered with colorful plant moss, which looks like clumps of styles from a distance.

There are many such scenes in the Kingdom of God, full of cruel beauty, all of which are related to death.

The skeletons criss-crossed in the sea area, making the environment below the sea surface extremely congested, and it was difficult for large sea monsters to move here.

Such a harsh environment makes sea monsters extremely disgusted, so when conducting a war of attrition, they will deliberately avoid this place.

Because of the special environment, this defense area also has a name, called the no-incident defense area, which means that it is always safe and sound.

The no-hazard defense zone lives up to its name. If believers here want to earn military exploits, they can only go to other defense zones to help out, or engage in some side jobs to make a living.

Over time, such an alternative defense zone will inevitably become lax.

There are always believers on duty on the city wall, but they always look listless, staring at the calm sea all the time, anyone will feel tired and tired.

When the monks in Loucheng, who supervised the battle, arrived at the safe defense zone, they found that the number of believers here was seriously insufficient, not even one-tenth.

"Can you tell me where all the believers here have gone?"

Facing the majestic Loucheng monk, the elderly believers who stayed behind did not dare to perfunctory, and hurriedly explained the situation.

"Because there has been no fighting for a long time, the number of personnel here has always been short and has never been filled.

Even the regular believers in the defense zone will secretly leave at ordinary times, trying to go to other defense zones to earn military exploits.

This time when going out to sea to fight, all the believers who stayed behind went out to sea together, earning military exploits with His Excellency Tang Zhen.

The rest either just returned, or were injured, in short, there were various reasons why they could not go to sea.

Otherwise, the number of people you see will probably be less than half. "

After the old believer finished speaking, he showed a regretful expression, as if he was depressed and did not follow him to the sea.

"There are less than [-] believers in such a large defense area. If this is a bigger sea monster, it may be able to swallow it in one bite!
Did we offend the headquarters? How could we be sent to such a place? Isn't this just a joke? "

Hearing the old believer's explanation, Qian Chongyun shook his head depressedly, and said to Mo Ziqi and Tang Hao next to him.

The two shrugged, also a little speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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