I have a city in another world

2244 - The Situation Suspension

2244 - The Situation Suspension

Amidst the violent explosion, the sea monster was blown to pieces, and pieces of corpses covered in flames flew around.

After seeing this scene, everyone cheered in unison, and their eyes sparkled even more.

This scene made them see hope, and their spirits were also lifted.

"Beautiful job bro!"

Mo Ziqi next to him turned his head and shouted, then quickly rushed to Ah Feng, and looked him up and down.

"What weapon did you use to kill the sea monster, can you come up with more?"

There are no weapons such as incendiary bombs in the defense zone at all, and the surface ablation cannot cause damage to the slime monster, only the internal explosion can be effective.

It turns out that the slime monster's body is filled with super corrosive gases and liquids, and when it encounters the flames of the incendiary bomb, it will explode violently.

Mo Ziqi discovered the weakness of the sea monster, and knew that if there were enough incendiary bombs, then the sea monster would not be a concern.

At the same time, he also suspected that Ah Feng had storage equipment.

That's why he asked Ah Feng if there were more incendiary bombs. It should be known that some monks always like to pile up a large amount of commonly used materials in their storage equipment.

He is like this, so he puts himself in the same way as others, thinking that Ah Feng is also like this.

Ah Feng was a little hesitant, he didn't want to reveal his secret, so as not to cause others to covet him.

However, he also knows how strict the discipline of monks in Loucheng is, especially for such things that are ungrateful for profit, they will be severely punished.

If someone is really trying to do something wrong, as long as he reports it, he will definitely be dealt with.

In the auxiliary system, there is also the option of reporting to ensure the safety of the host as much as possible.

This can be achieved because the cornerstone platform is responsible for supervision, and it can do its best to ensure fairness and unite Loucheng monks.

It's just that the situation is special now, and he has just accepted the mission. If he conceals it, how will he complete the next mission?
Gritting his teeth, Ah Feng said to Mo Ziqi: "I can take out more incendiary bombs, but I need enough military exploits, and I don't have enough combat exploits."

After hearing Ah Feng's answer, Mo Ziqi frowned, and then glanced at Ah Feng with a surprised look.

As a monk of Sacred Dragon City and a descendant of the core figures, Mo Ziqi knew something about some hidden events.

Even because of his own ability, he also participated in some secret experiments, which can be said to be well-informed.

The situation on Ah Feng immediately reminded him of a secret experiment, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

If Ah Feng's situation is as he imagined, it is definitely a good thing that he can't wait for. Apart from other things, at least they have an extra mobile logistics warehouse in their team.

This is also one of the goals of the original experiment. Having such a monk in the team is equivalent to having an invisible cornerstone platform that can solve any material needs.

"I know what's going on, your luck is good, and our luck is also very good!"

Mo Ziqi said with a smile, and then, under A Feng's puzzled eyes, he passed a lot of military achievements to him.

"You take it and use it first, and if it's not enough, go to Tang Hao and Qian Chongyun, the two of them should not lack military exploits.

After the battle is over, let's settle the score slowly, anyway, it won't make you suffer! "

Ah Feng looked at Mo Ziqi, guessing that he might know his secret, otherwise it would be impossible to transfer a large amount of military achievements so simply.

Although he was shocked in his heart, Ah Feng's worries disappeared when he thought that this auxiliary system came from the Holy Dragon City.

It seems that there must be more people who know this system than I imagined. It was ridiculous that I was cautious before.

After figuring this out, Ah Feng let go of his hands and feet, and began to exchange weapons and equipment in large quantities.

The incendiary bombs he bought before actually had a dedicated launcher, but it was only because of his lack of cash that Ah Feng only bought incendiary bombs.

Now that he has become a rich man, Ah Feng is no longer stingy, and directly bought the transmitter as well.

Only by using professional weapons and equipment can the efficiency of hunting monsters become higher, and the rewards for combat achievements will be more.

He completes the system tasks, Mo Ziqi and the others earn military exploits, and everyone gets what they need.

That being the case, I don't have to hide it, so I just let go and do a big job!
Looking at the launcher Ah Feng took out, Mo Ziqi smiled and waved at him.

Ah Feng agreed, and immediately threw the transmitter away, and then bought a new set.

"So it's this kind of weapon. I've used it before, and it's especially effective against mecha tanks!"

Hearing Mo Ziqi's words, Ah Feng was sure that he had really used it, otherwise he would not have directly stated the biggest advantage of this weapon.

He couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart that the monks in Sacred Dragon City were really extraordinary, and the novelty things he had just come into contact with were actually leftovers from other people's play.

Mo Ziqi raised the launcher, aimed at a newly formed slime monster in the distance, and directly pressed the launch button.

A stream of light flashed, and the slime monster was hit by an incendiary bomb, and it was directly blown into a pile of scorched and burning fragments.

"That's right. Upload the video just now to the headquarters to let other defense zones know the weakness of the sea monster. I believe they have a way to deal with it."

While Mo Ziqi was speaking, the launcher in his hand fired continuously, and fireballs exploded on the top of the city.

A lot of mud monsters were killed, and the pressure on the people on the top of the city was greatly relieved, and they finally had a chance to breathe.

Mo Ziqi laughed out loud. He thought that he would not be able to hold the defense zone, but he didn't expect things to turn around so quickly.

In the following time, if there are no accidents, it should not be difficult to hold the defense zone.

"Brothers support me, it won't take long for reinforcements to arrive!
What you have to do now is to let me go and kill as many as you can! "

The believers on the city wall heard the words and echoed loudly at the same time, their faces full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

Originally, he thought that he would die for sure, but he didn't expect the turn of events. Not only did he save his life, but he also had the opportunity to earn more military exploits.

A group of old, weak, sick and disabled fought with the wind, and they turned out to be alive and well. It didn't take long to clean up the sea monsters that rushed up the city wall.

After regaining the initiative, the battle became easier, and everything finally returned to its normal rhythm.

At the position above everyone's heads, three transport ships have already lifted off and are constantly shooting at the sea monster.

In the defense zone at this time, only the transport boat has the strongest firepower and undertakes the main task of suppressing firepower.

The monsters that rushed up the city wall from the coast were less than one-tenth of the total, otherwise the believers on the city wall would have been swallowed up long ago.

But those fish that slipped through the net were still a headache. They rushed up the city wall nimbly, forming one mud monster after another.

Now, taking advantage of the small size of the slime monsters, it is still possible to barely kill them. If these slime monsters merge again, it will become even more difficult to kill.

Fortunately, although there are many such sea monsters, their lethality is average.

As long as the cleaning is continued so that it cannot form a scale, then the disaster can be minimized.

This is a war of attrition, and we must persist until the sea monster is completely defeated, and there must be no slack during this period.

Otherwise, as long as there is a little gap, the sea monster will take advantage of the gap, and then continue to develop and grow, devouring all the believers in the defense zone.

As long as a defense area is successfully captured, sea monsters can continuously pour into the mainland, and then directly kill the Great Temple.

When that moment really comes, the situation will be like a flood that has burst its embankment, and it will no longer be controllable.

(End of this chapter)

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