I have a city in another world

Chapter 2249 Undercurrent under the Great Temple

Chapter 2249 Undercurrent under the Great Temple

"Sir, can I pass?"

Under the scrutinizing eyes of monk Loucheng, the leader of the rebels asked, looking very calm.

This is an old fox who knows when to do things, and it can be said to be watertight.

How can he be a simple person to be the leader of a rebel organization? Not chaotic in the face of danger is only the most basic quality.

In this case, one must not panic, otherwise it will easily arouse the suspicion of monk Loucheng.

He thought he had no flaws, and the other party couldn't find any abnormalities, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart.

"where did you go?"

Brother Loucheng asked, while glancing at his boots, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I went to the woods, what's the matter?"

The leader of the rebels had dealt with his body long ago, ensuring that no trace of dust from the outside world would be brought in, and even the contaminated breath would be cleaned up, otherwise flaws might be left.

Sure enough, his guess was right, monk Loucheng really suspected that he was going out, but there was no conclusive evidence.

Otherwise, what was waiting for him was not a question, but a black hole in the muzzle, and the full attack of the monks in Loucheng.

"No problem, you can leave, but try not to go to remote places all the time."

Brother Loucheng withdrew his gaze, and gave a faint warning, indicating that he had doubts about the leader of the rebels.

It's just that in the absence of definite evidence, monks in Loucheng will not embarrass the leader of the rebels, because they also have rules.

At this time, the gaze of monk Loucheng was no longer as sharp as before, and even dimmed without a trace of luster, as if everything just now was an illusion.

The leader of the villain is clear that this should be a kind of secret technique, with the ability to detect.

In the short period of time just now, monk Lou Cheng had already checked him, and there was nothing missing.

This is just a superficial investigation. There must be monks in Loucheng locking him in the dark. Once he shows an abnormal reaction, he will directly kill him.

"Thank you!"

Thanking the monk Loucheng softly, the leader of the rebels lowered his head and continued along the empty road.

His speed was not in a hurry, it was no different from usual, but it had a sense of compulsion, which made people feel awkward.

In the process of advancing, the leader of the rebels could still feel that the gaze of the monk in Loucheng was still sweeping over him.

"What's going on, did you expose yourself?"

The leader of the rebels was full of doubts. If this is the case, why didn't the monks of Loucheng directly take action?

According to the behavior style of monk Loucheng, there will be no hidden dangers at all. If the other party really discovers his secret, how can he let it go?
"Or have you discovered your own secret, but you want to put a long line to catch big fish and take away the organization together?"

Although it felt a little impossible, there was still a sense of urgency in the heart of the rebel leader.

"We must act as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

The rebel leader began to worry, for fear that something would happen to him before the plan was implemented.

If that happens, all previous efforts will be in vain, and there is a high possibility that his life will be lost.

Anxiety rose from the heart and lingered in the hearts of the leaders of the rebels. In their original plan, there were no monks in Loucheng.

Although the success rate of the rebel's plan has become higher because of the existence of monks in Loucheng, the risk has also increased accordingly.

If they had the choice, the rebel leader would rather the monks in Loucheng never show up. In that case, they only need to face the sea monster.

Unlike the monks in Loucheng who are outsiders, sea monsters who are persistent and determined are easier to be used.

The more the preparation leader thinks about it, the more tired he feels, but he must not show it in front of the members of the organization.

No matter how anxious he is, he can only wait passively, praying that the sea monster will come sooner.

At that moment, everything, everything will have a result.

Compared with the Loucheng monks who were waiting in full force, and the sea monsters who took the initiative, these rebels who were trying to fish in troubled waters were actually in a very awkward position.

With complicated emotions, the leader of the rebels came to the front of the building, and walked around to the door of a house.

The building area is very large, and believers who have obtained the qualification to stay behind live in these buildings scatteredly, and it is difficult to see them at ordinary times.

In the case of restricted access, believers are not willing to wander around, but stay quietly in the house to meditate.

Once a dangerous situation occurs, these believers will immediately support, after all, they are also the guardians of the Great Temple.


Amidst the dry rubbing sound, the leader of the rebels pushed the door open and entered. The room was silent, but it was not that there was no one there.

Four believers with the same old complexion are sitting quietly in the center of the hall, like statues placed.

The leader of the rebels walked over and waved to the side, and then saw the light flow, and the space they were in was completely sealed.

"Everyone, how is the matter you are responsible for progressing?"

The leader of the rebels sat down and asked the four believers.

A believer said slowly: "The layout of the entrance of the underground palace has been completed, as long as the opportunity comes, you can start it directly!"

As soon as his words fell, another believer spoke.

"When the sea monsters attack, our people will pretend to be the internal agents of the sea monsters, create chaos with the believers who really joined the sea monsters, and lead the sea monsters to fight with the monks of Loucheng."

After the No. 2 believer finished speaking, he looked at the third person, and the other person also said: "The items used to kill and slaughter the gods have been secretly stored. When the operation starts, we will escort him into the underground palace!"

The last believer said: "The long-distance teleportation array has been deployed. Regardless of the success or failure of the mission, we can all be teleported to the edge of the Kingdom of God through this teleportation array.

That place is located on the top of the Wanzhang Peak, which is an inaccessible and desperate situation, and it will not be discovered in a short time. "

The four believers spoke one after another, and the content of their conversations was obviously related to the murder of the indigenous gods.

From how to act to how to retreat, there are already dedicated personnel to arrange and take charge.

Obviously, the secret organization is not as simple and loose as it seems. The leader of the rebels is the leader outside, but here he is just a core member.

For some reason, the secret organization must have a superficial leader, but the real decision-makers are the five believers present.

Judging from their appearance, you can tell that they are all old-fashioned believers, and they have stayed in the Kingdom of God for an unknown number of years.

It is said that believers like them should have very little chance of betrayal, but this is not the case.

The traitors who really hurt the kingdom of God are these old-fashioned believers, such as the servants of the gods who betrayed the indigenous gods, and almost destroyed the foundation of the kingdom of God.

The five believers who participated in the plan also have the same strength as the monks of the master of the world, and they are considered to be the top monks among the believers today.

Such monks have already betrayed, which shows how wise it is for the indigenous gods to cooperate with the monks of Loucheng.

 Thanks: "Book friend 161230210706931" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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