I have a city in another world

Chapter 2262 Huge loss?

Chapter 2262 Huge loss?

The cracks in the void near the Great Temple have become bigger and bigger at this time, and at the same time, because the fragmentation is too serious, it has reached the point where it cannot be healed.

This is the source of disaster, void creatures are attracted by these damaged gaps, and then flock to them.

The fact is, as the protoss lord deduced, the culprit of this matter is actually the Neptune, a guy with a weak brain.

His self-righteous surprise attack method actually has fatal hidden dangers, but the Sea Emperor is eager for success and doesn't pay attention to it at all.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, he has no experience in this area at all, and he doesn't know what it means to do so.

Seeing these things through experience will never appear out of thin air. The hidden dangers of the Great Thousand Plane are absolutely beyond imagination.

Haihuang just had high eyesight and low hands, so when he lifted a rock, he smashed his own foot instead.

To put it bluntly, things are actually very simple.

Because it is one with the native gods, the Sea Emperor also has certain authority to change the rules governing the Kingdom of God.

Because it is not a genuine owner, the operation process is extremely difficult, and the success rate is not very high.

Creating oceans in the Kingdom of God is already the limit of his ability. This is because the indigenous gods have not repaired it, otherwise the oceans in the Kingdom of God would not exist at all.

When the native gods were not asleep, the Sea Emperor seldom used this ability, for fear of exposing too much and causing trouble.

At most, it is to use this ability to steal the energy that keeps the Kingdom of God running, so as to increase the number of Sea Clan.

The Emperor of the Sea knew very well in his heart that the Kingdom of God was the territory of the indigenous gods, and if he angered the other party, he would definitely chase and kill him desperately.

The smartest way is to obediently hide in the deep sea and act as a "fatten pig" for the indigenous gods, making the other party mistakenly think that they can be slaughtered and harvested at any time.

But in fact, they are secretly accumulating strength and looking for ways to counter-kill the indigenous gods.

After the native gods fell asleep, the Sea Emperor began to let go of his hands and feet slowly, using this ability more and more often.

This time, the Sea Emperor used this ability to surprise the Great Temple, and built a teleportation channel between the deep sea and the Great Temple.

Cultivator Loucheng put a lot of pressure on the Sea Emperor, so he had to secretly take advantage of surprise attacks and strive for a quick victory.

The crux of the problem is that the transmission channel cannot be established inside the Kingdom of God, but only outside the Kingdom of God.

The outer layer of the Kingdom of God is naturally empty.

The Sea Emperor quietly built the tunnel, thinking he had deceived everyone, but he didn't know that there was a huge hidden danger in his approach.

In the process of building the passage, there was already a trace of plane breath leaking out without a sound.

Void monsters have a perverted sense of smell, and they can capture the unique breath of the plane even if they are far away, and quickly gather and approach.

It's a pity that the Neptune didn't realize this from the beginning to the end. When he started to act, the void monster had already approached the area where the Kingdom of God was located.

At this time, the Sea Emperor has also realized that it was his own stupid behavior that caused this accident.

Haihuang was conceited and extreme, and would never admit that he had done something wrong, but after discovering the behavior of monk Loucheng, he immediately issued corresponding instructions.

The Sea Clan gave up attacking the Great Temple and tried their best to defend against the attacks of void creatures!
The extremely fierce battle scene came to an abrupt end the moment the heads of both sides gave orders. The monk in Loucheng was because of his professionalism, and the sea monster was because of his absolute obedience to the mother.

The surroundings became extremely quiet, and everyone looked at the sky above their heads, at the fire dragon magma falling from the sky.

Compared with just now, the cracks at this moment have become bigger and bigger, and some cracks are completely magma waterfalls falling from the sky.

They fell into the turbulent ocean, and after encountering the sea water, water mist boiled and filled everywhere.

After the hot magma cooled, it turned into black mountain peaks, which continued to accumulate and grow.

Or in other words, islands that appeared out of thin air, expanded rapidly under the impact of the waves, and then connected into a whole.

The Emperor of the Sea sprayed magma in the void, but unintentionally, he ruthlessly tricked his subordinates once again.

The seawater boiled due to the high temperature and turned into a large pot of boiling water. The sea monsters, who could not bear the high temperature, jumped out of the seawater one after another.

The vast majority of sea monsters are not strong enough, and they don't have the ability to stay in the air. After leaving the sea for a short time, they quickly fall back again.

The weaker sea monsters, including those who were dead or seriously injured, had their carapaces glowing red at this moment, floating layer upon layer on the surface of the sea.

The disgusting smell after boiling, mixed with water mist and bloody smell, seems to be the most effective emetic, making people feel nauseated.

Many believers looked ugly, or had already started to vomit. They dared to swear to the indigenous gods that they had never smelled such a disgusting smell.

At this moment, another mutation occurred.

Waves of fluctuations similar to ocean waves suddenly rippling near the cracks in the sky, and then the sky that was originally riddled with holes became completely fragmented.

Violent fluctuations came, like an earthquake, making people unstable.

The originally clear sky has become horrible, and the void outside the Divine Palace can be seen with the naked eye.

The plane barrier in this area has completely lost the possibility of repair, and it will only get worse as time goes by.

The value of this broken state of the Kingdom of God has been greatly reduced, and it may be attacked by creatures outside the realm at any time.

It doesn't matter to the monks in Loucheng, their task is to protect the indigenous gods, as long as this guy doesn't die, then it's not a breach of the contract.

The people who really suffered losses were the believers of the Kingdom of God, the countless Sea Clan headed by the Sea Emperor.

Even Tang Zhen will suffer huge losses, and the devastated Kingdom of God will only make his original plan come to nothing.

"After Tang Zhen knew that the void monster had invaded, he might have been mad with anger!"

After seeing the changes in the sky, the protoss lord said in a calm tone, unable to tell whether it was joy or sorrow.

Lord Zhankuang nodded, and he thought so too, feeling that Tang Zhen's luck was really bad.

You must know that this action is the labor and effort of the fissure territory, which is the price paid for the benefits.

The benefits of the cornerstone platform have already been obtained, but the benefits that Tang Zhen wants can only be obtained bit by bit after the Kingdom of God is pacified.

However, judging from the situation at this time, it might be impossible for Tang Zhen to reap the expected benefits.

Even if the sea monster is eliminated and the void monster is successfully intercepted, it will inevitably pay a huge price.

At that time, the Kingdom of God will also be fragmented, and there will be no value at all
Although Tang Zhen suffered a loss, he could only bear it silently. After all, this kind of thing itself has great risks.

"Actually, Tang Zhen is not bad, at least he has completed promotion in the Kingdom of God and became a Creator.

Only by becoming the Creator can one be qualified to participate in the real affairs of the Fifth War Zone, otherwise, one will never be taken seriously and have no access to real secrets.

And based on what I know about Tang Zhen, what he is best at is finding opportunities in adversity and obtaining unexpected benefits.

Similar things have happened more than once, and it is precisely because of this kind of luck that Tang Zhen is able to rise rapidly from the humble beginnings, and is qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and me.

He just doesn't know how to solve this crisis, whether he can get unexpected benefits like in the past? "

After saying this, the Protoss Lord turned his head and looked towards the sea, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Counting the time, Tang Zhen should have arrived at the destination and formally fought against the Warrior Alliance.

Needless to say, the strength of the monks in Loucheng, coupled with the cooperation of those national-level Loucheng, defeating the coalition of warriors who are only taking the bait task is simply an easy task.

Perhaps it won't be long before Tang Zhen will appear in the Great Temple to find a way to solve this real crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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