I have a city in another world

Chapter 2264 Fierce battle in front of the Great Temple!

Chapter 2264 Fierce battle in front of the Great Temple!
Void monsters have unique talents, and ordinary monks cannot sense them with the naked eye and mental power, so naturally they cannot judge how many there are.

But through other methods, it is still possible to make a rough judgment.

At this time, the sky near the Great Temple was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was replaced by a pitch-black void.

The black is pure and shiny, rolling and wriggling like a living thing.

This happens when the void comes into contact with the breath of the plane, and it is dangerous for people to see at a glance.

The Kingdom of God, which has never seen a dark night, is now becoming darker, but this kind of darkness is different from the night, and more often it represents destruction.

Sooner or later, the night will be replaced by light, but once the darkness of the void appears, it will never dissipate.

Although it is impossible to accurately determine the number of void monsters, it can be determined that the number is extremely large based on the speed of their devouring.

From the current point of view, at least there are more than [-], and they are all mature bodies.

In the void, I don't know how many monsters are coming.

The most worrying thing is that after these void monsters entered the Kingdom of God, they didn't just wait to be beaten in a daze, but scattered in all directions.

One is to avoid blows, and the other is to grab food, all the void monsters are gathered together, and the slow ones cannot be eaten at all.

The Kingdom of God is huge, and it is completely possible for these void monsters to move freely and go wherever they want.

Because of its ability to be invisible, once the void monster leaves the battlefield, it will disappear without a trace in an instant.

This is the real headache, and there are endless troubles.

If you catch up with the void monsters, eat and drink enough, hide in a corner to rest, and then try to find the monsters, it will be as difficult as heaven.

Although we know the disadvantages, there is no way to prevent them, we can only let the situation develop.

This is something that cannot be helped, after all, the battlefield is in chaos at the moment, and there are countless void monsters, even if the cultivator of Loucheng wants to kill them, he can't kill them.

As for those believers, there is no hope at all.

what they can do now.It is to attack as much as possible. As for how many void monsters can be hunted and killed, no one cares at all.

In fact, with the density of the void monsters at this moment, as long as they attack the holes in the sky, they can guarantee 100% hits on the void monsters.

Of course, the vast majority of attacks only hit the target, but they can't kill them at all.

Among the monsters killed, [-]% died at the hands of monks in Loucheng, and less than [-]% died at the hands of believers.

In the sea water near the great temple, a large number of void monster corpses have accumulated, and there are still many half-dead monsters struggling in the sea water.

Those Sea Clans got the chance and started to attack the void monsters. They seemed like swarms of ants, and they killed them without fear of death.

From the beginning of the attack on the Great Temple, they were in a state of being suppressed, and they were beaten so hard by the monks of Loucheng that they couldn't hold their heads up.

The tyrannical sea monster has long accumulated infinite anger in his heart, and now he is on the verge of erupting.

Now that they had found a target to vent their anger on, they naturally attacked crazily, not caring about the difference in size between the two sides at all.

Void monsters can devour planes, so their strength is not weak, and ordinary sea monsters cannot compare with them.

So even a wounded void monster is still like a sick tiger, and can easily kill a wild dog.

Right now, the entire ocean is boiling, and there are scenes of fighting and fighting everywhere. Those void monsters that showed signs due to injuries are covered with dense sea monsters.

Because of the special physique, the void monsters appear and disappear from time to time, which also makes those sea monsters seem to be suspended in the air.

During the tumbling and turning of the void monster, countless sea monsters were squashed into meat paste, and the sea water had completely become viscous and turbid.

The huge sea eye that was originally hanging in the sky was still flowing out of sea water, but was discovered by a few void monsters, and after approaching, they opened their mouths and swallowed them continuously.

Those sea monsters that rushed along the sea eye were swallowed by the void monster along with the sea water, and lost their lives inexplicably.

The source of sea water was cut off, and the sea water that was about to submerge the Great Temple began to decrease at this moment.

The scattered corpses that had been floating before piled up as the sea water receded, layer upon layer like hills.

The scene of corpses lying horizontally and blood flowing is simply shocking.

As if feeling the smell of corpses, those void monsters rushed to the ground and started devouring them again.

Pieces of darkness began to appear on the muddy ground, indicating that there was nothing here.

Such an area is very dangerous, does not have any conditions for the survival of normal life, and the temperature is also frighteningly low.

If you accidentally fall into it, there is a [-]% chance that you will lose your life, even if you are a monk.

This is also the hateful thing about the void monsters. They devour everywhere like this, leaving traps everywhere, causing countless natives to lose their lives.

On a chaotic battlefield, this kind of void trap is even more difficult to guard against, and you will fall into it if you are not careful.

If you're lucky, you can run back in a short time, but if you're unlucky, you'll just get lost in the void.

In this extremely special environment, those who enter by mistake will lose their way and lose their lives in a short time.

After death, it will become a mummy, wandering around in the void, and the same is true for the soul, which will eventually wear down and collapse in a long time.

For low-level monks, the void is a taboo place, and if it is not necessary, they will never set foot in it lightly.

This forbidden land will always be a playground for the strong, such as Lord Zhankuang and others, who can come and go freely.

The monks of Loucheng knew this situation, so they would avoid the trap as much as possible, otherwise even with their skills, they would have to spend a lot of effort to get out.

The void monster turned from the sky to the ground, which was expected, but the expression of the monk Loucheng became more and more serious.

Judging from the current situation, it might not take long for these void monsters to approach the Great Temple, and then swallow it mouthful!

For void monsters, no matter air or other things, it is one of their food, and they will not be picky at all.

The food devoured is different, and the nutrients obtained are also different. If a void monster devours the indigenous gods, it may directly become a demigod-level existence.

Of course, the possibility of such a thing happening is extremely small, neither the monks in Loucheng nor the servants guarding the Great Temple will absolutely allow such a thing to happen.

Just when there were more and more void monsters near the ground and the defense line of the monks in Loucheng was shrinking, the Great Temple, which had been silent for a long time, finally moved.

A dazzling light flashed, and then the temple in the central area of ​​the Great Temple was seen, and there was a sudden loud noise.

The temple blooms like a lotus flower, and the light is gushing out of it. What is surprising is that the light is as viscous and gorgeous as honey, and it seems to contain infinite vitality.

This is pure energy close to the source of God, and it is definitely the most precious treasure for monks.

The believers around were attracted by this breath, turned around in surprise, and when they saw the vision in the great temple, they showed expressions of shock and longing.

They knew very well in their hearts that as long as they snatched and absorbed these energies, they might reach the sky in one step.

Some believers who had no thoughts at all began to become restless, and their eyes became dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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