I have a city in another world

Chapter 2271 Successful interception?

Chapter 2271 Successful interception?

The speed of this sneak attacker was so fast that even Lord Jintong, who had been prepared for a long time, reacted a little slower.

However, he is an old-fashioned creator after all, and he has all the experience and strength, so he has already reacted the moment the accident occurred.

Dare to monopolize this task, naturally have enough strength, self-confidence can guarantee that the indigenous gods will be fine.

"Little thing, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

There was a hint of excitement in Lord Jintong's tone, as if winning a lottery bet.

The scene in front of him had actually been seen by him a long time ago, but he couldn't be sure.

Lord Jintong's eyes are quite extraordinary, he can see the changes of something in the future and make preparations in advance.

Being able to predict future development is a terrifying ability, and very few people really possess it.

Ordinary spell divination is just a deduction and estimation based on luck and reality, and it doesn't really see the future.

Of course, this can also be done on some special planes, because everything in those planes is constantly recirculating.

An ordinary life may have gone through dozens or hundreds of reincarnations, but it doesn't know it.

It's like a drama performed in a loop, every life is an actor, repeating what happened.

The staged cycle of a drama is likely to be tens of millions of years, and there will be slight changes in each cycle, but the overall trajectory will not change.

Because the rules are not sound, knowing what is about to happen in the future, or being reborn with the original memory, it is very likely to happen.

In such a world of planes, some reincarnation escapees from time to time, and they regard themselves as the protagonists, constantly stirring up the wind and rain.

There are also people who are gifted and have the ability to receive information from parallel planes, so they can see and predict the future, but it is always intermittent.

What I saw and predicted actually came from another plane. The general trajectory is the same, but there are many deviations in the details.

If you follow it completely, you will be killed in a daze at some point.

Just because this kind of practice is counted as spying on the secrets of the sky, and the rules of the plane do not allow it, they will try their best to obliterate it.

But this kind of thing mostly happens on low-level planes, and the higher the level, the more perfect the rules will be.

If there are no loopholes in the rules, or it is extremely difficult to exploit loopholes, then this kind of thing will be completely cut off.

Especially for senior monks, divination is just a joke and is of no use at all.

It transcends the constraints of the planes and has uniqueness in the vast world. It is the most top-level life.

They can embody everything, even create the world, so how could they be seen through their destiny?

But Lord Jintong's eyes have a magical ability to see the scene of the evolution of thoughts.

When he observes and locks on a certain target, as long as anyone's thoughts are related to it, they will be seen by Lord Jintong in the form of images.

The thoughts in the minds of living beings are so complex and varied, they are changing almost every moment, and there are many thoughts that are messy and useless.

This is especially true when it comes to a certain object, such as the underground palace at this time, I don't know how many people have thoughts about it.

The scenes formed by these thoughts are entangled together, and they can't stay for long at all. It is from here that Lord Jintong finds the information he wants.

This is a very difficult thing. Fortunately, he has mastered this ability skillfully, and can complete the filtering in a short time, and at the same time filter out useful information for him.

When fighting and performing missions, Lord Jintong will use this ability to lock on the target for observation, so as to achieve the foresight.

When he locked the underground palace before, he saw a figure appearing in many thought images.

The appearance of this figure was blurry, but it appeared more than once, and the images formed by those thoughts attacked the indigenous gods.

These images are enough to prove that among the enemies present, several of them know about the existence of Sombra and have high hopes for him.

Combined with the situation at the scene at this time, Lord Jintong has reason to determine that the rebels have a very powerful means of lore in their hands.

In the thinking of these rebels, it should be possible to assassinate the indigenous gods by this method, and the chance of success is quite high.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of Lord Jintong, and he began to wait patiently, looking for the trace of the black shadow.

After waiting for a long time, the shadow finally appeared.

Sure enough, like the images evolved from those thoughts, he blew himself up and turned into a human-shaped weapon, possessing terrifying lethality.

Because of the extremely fast speed, the spirit envoys and servants guarding the underground palace had no time to defend themselves, and could only watch helplessly as the black shadow rushed into the gap in the underground palace.

At this moment, their hearts were ashamed.

Lord Jintong was different. Since he had expected this scene to happen, how could he let the enemy have his way.

In that case, it would not only lead to the failure of the mission, but also make him lose face.

With a cold snort, two rays of light shot out from Lord Jintong's eyes, falling between the black shadow and the native gods.

The black shadow's attack had just landed, seemingly silently, but everyone could feel the terrifying power contained in that weapon.

In other words, the black shadow itself is a weapon, the black shadow is the incumbent, and the white skeleton is the hilt of the sword, stabbing at the native gods driven by an idea.

Once the native gods are hit, they may not die but will be seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the light beam appeared, the black long sword exuding a fierce aura suddenly pierced the air.

The blade pierced through the head of the native god, but did not cause any damage, as if it was just a phantom.

The black shadow transformed by the executioner seemed to be a little puzzled, not understanding what happened.

But he was only stunned for a moment, and then launched an attack again.

The momentum of this attack was far less terrifying than before, as if the executioner had exhausted all his strength.

The envoy, whose heart was always on the line, let out a long sigh of relief, and then rushed over with a murderous look on his face.

He didn't understand what Lord Jintong did to help the aborigine gods escape the catastrophe. The only thing he had to do now was to tear the guy who sneaked up on his master into pieces.

A silver light appeared, shot out from the hand of the spirit envoy, and landed on the black figure in the blink of an eye.

The power gathered in this blow is enough to kill a god-level powerhouse, which shows how angry the spirit envoy is at the moment.

There was a muffled sound, and the black shadow formed by the executioner's self-explosion was instantly smashed to pieces.

Seeing that the assailant was dealt with, the emissary let out a long breath, feeling relieved.

But at this moment, there were two figures, one big and one small, rushing towards the underground palace. It was obvious that the comers were not good.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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