Chapter 2279

At this time, Patriarch Fenglei's attitude was already very respectful, an attitude that had never been seen before.

Everything comes from strength.

After seeing the power of the monk Loucheng, he no longer had any illusions, and he was glad that he knew how to judge the situation and not be foolishly used by the sea people.

If he is really obsessed with his obsession and continues to fight against monk Loucheng, the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course, with Fenglei's shrewdness, he would definitely not make such a low-level mistake. He actually knew how to do this matter from the very beginning.

Facts have proved that his choice is very wise.

At the end of a great battle, none of the powerful Sea Clan showed up, which already explained the problem.

They are abandoned sons, the purpose is to attract firepower, death is not a pity.

Even if the monks in Loucheng don't kill them, the Hai Clan will never let them go, and will definitely try to get rid of them all.

What these damn guys did is far more heinous than the enemy. They just want to break the foundation of the Warrior Continent and not leave any way for the Warrior to survive.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Fenglei gritted his teeth with hatred. If he is given a chance, he will definitely make those sea people look good!

Although according to Tang Zhen's request, the warriors are likely to leave this world, but thinking about it carefully may not be a bad thing.

The mighty Sea Clan are not opponents of the monks of Loucheng, which is enough to prove their strength. If these giant city warriors choose to follow, they may have a better development.

This world is too small and has too many limitations. As a descendant of the Void Bandit, warriors naturally yearn for a wider world.

Through the understanding of the monks in Loucheng, Patriarch Fenglei discovered that in some respects, the monks in Loucheng were actually exactly the same as the bandits in the void.

Such a powerful force may be more suitable for warriors like them.

At this moment, Tang Zhen turned his head and looked at Patriarch Fenglei.

Under Tang Zhen's gaze, Patriarch Fenglei was a little flustered. In order not to look too embarrassed, he could only lower his head lower.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen couldn't help laughing and said: "Your demands are not excessive, and I can give you enough time, but it's not now.

The Continent of Believers is being attacked by void monsters and urgently needs manpower to alleviate the crisis. Since you are already in the team, you should naturally join in.

After all, this matter is also related to you, because it won't take long, and the Martial Artist Continent will also be affected.

According to the devouring speed of the void monster, if it is not controlled, the Warrior Continent will be completely reduced to nothing within a month at most.

At that time, not only will you not be able to get the resources you want, but you will even lose your homeland completely. "

Patriarch Fenglei nodded, but he was a little worried in his heart, afraid that Tang Zhen would let the warrior fight against the void monster alone.

Void monsters are very powerful, and ordinary warriors fighting against them are not much different from dying.

Tang Zhen seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and said to Patriarch Fenglei: "You can rest assured that I will not use you as cannon fodder like the Haizu.

For your mission, you are only acting as an assistant. On the real battlefield, there are not many times when you can be used. "

Upon hearing this, Patriarch Fenglei nodded his thanks again, his face full of gratitude.

This is what he and other Jucheng ancestors are most worried about, that is, after defecting to Loucheng monks, they will also be used as cannon fodder.

For those who surrender, this is the greatest tragedy, and their dignity and freedom will be completely lost.

At that time, in the face of the powerful Loucheng monks, the warriors didn't even have the ability to resist regret.

Even if there is a real resistance, the final outcome is doomed to be a tragedy, because the strength of the two sides is no longer at the same level.

Hearing Tang Zhen's promise at this time, Patriarch Fenglei let out a long sigh, completely letting go of his hanging heart.

A strong man like Tang Zhen said what he said, and since he said so, he would definitely do so.

His subordinates will also strictly enforce it, instead of obediently obeying and violating.

Tang Zhen smiled when he saw this. Naturally, he would not deceive Patriarch Fenglei. The Holy Dragon War Zone does not need cannon fodder, and the same is true for the Fissure Territory.

Martial artists follow to participate in the battle, and they only perform auxiliary tasks, and rarely participate in formal battles.

This has nothing to do with whether the warriors are trusted or not, but that the monks in Loucheng are of extremely high quality. Many tasks seem simple, but ordinary warriors are simply not competent.

Forcibly replacing them will only add trouble, not help.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally the wisest choice to honestly perform logistical support tasks.

If these fighters are motivated, then at the right time, they are also qualified to become real Loucheng monks.

The world of Loucheng is extremely inclusive, even former enemies can cooperate with each other, and one day they will set foot on the battlefield together.

Seeing Patriarch Fenglei's expression, Tang Zhen knew what he was thinking, knowing that he was really relieved until now.

After thinking about it, Tang Zhen continued: "When this mission is over, I will give you enough time to return to the Warrior Continent to prepare.

If there is any accident, I will not let you suffer, but make up for it from other aspects.

For your partners, monk Loucheng will never treat you badly, you can rest assured! "

While speaking, Tang Zhen's mind was already on the Continent of Believers, checking the information just delivered.

In fact, in Tang Zhen's eyes, the Martial Artist Alliance is not worth mentioning at all, not even an opponent.

His attention has always been on the Continent of Believers, paying attention to the troubles there, wanting to see if his guess is correct.

Although he was not there, all the monks in Loucheng stationed in the Continent of Believers were his eyes.

If there is any disturbance, it will naturally be known at the first time.

From the beginning of the battle, Tang Zhen felt that something was wrong, and as the battle officially started, that feeling became more intense.

It seemed as if there were a pair of big hands in the dark, manipulating everything, deliberately against himself.

Various changes occur one after another, but they are controlled within a reasonable range and will not get out of control.

By the time the void monster appeared, Tang Zhen was basically sure that there must be a conspiracy behind this matter.

Although there are quite a few void monsters, the void is so vast that even if you search deliberately, you may not be able to encounter void monsters.

But in this battle, the void monsters came to them by such a coincidence, and there were so many of them.

If this was really an accident, it can only be said that the native god was extremely unlucky, and he was doomed to lose his kingdom of God.

However, Tang Zhen knew in his heart that this incident was definitely not a coincidence.

"Maybe the three lords are hiding something?"

This thought flashed through Tang Zhen's mind, and then he smiled coldly.

Since the other party chooses to conceal it, even if you ask yourself, you will definitely not be able to get the answer you want.

If this continues, then simply ask the cornerstone platform directly, and believe that he should give himself a satisfactory answer.

After making up his mind, Tang Zhen handed over the command to his subordinates, and at the same time ordered all Loucheng to follow and go to support the Continent of Believers.

Compared with super battleships, when Loucheng deals with void monsters, its killing efficiency will be more than doubled.

But they will also face many dangers. The most powerful weapon of the Void Monster is the all-encompassing mouth.

Even the energy shield that protects Loucheng can be swallowed without any effort, and then Loucheng is swallowed in one bite.

Therefore, this battle actually has great risks, and it may also be very difficult.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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