I have a city in another world

Chapter 2293 Poseidon is a good medicine?

Chapter 2293 Poseidon is a good medicine?
The Emperor of the Sea no longer roared, his heart was ashamed.

After the defeat, he is no longer the king of the hundreds of millions of sea clan, but a prisoner of the monks of Loucheng, and his life and death are controlled by others.

Roaring and roaring in this situation is tantamount to humiliating oneself, so why bother?
After figuring this out, the Sea Emperor became quieter, as did the nine split bodies.

Although it is silent at this moment, it does not mean that it will give up. If there is a chance, the Sea Emperor will definitely find a way to escape.

The sad land of the Kingdom of God, the farther away the better, even if no void monsters appear, they will never come back!
As for the obsession in his heart, it has long since dissipated, and he can no longer control his emotions.

The Emperor of the Sea came to a complete realization, although this is a good thing, but judging from the current situation, it seems to be a little too late.

If the monk Loucheng let him live, there would be no problem, but if he wanted to die, even if he had three heads and six arms, he might not be able to stir up any troubles.

At this time, the spirit envoy had already circled the sea emperor who had been mutilated four or five times in situ.

His eyes were full of smiles, as if he was looking at some peerless treasure, and there was a gloomy and strange smile in his mouth.

He even stared at Poseidon deliberately with provocative eyes, trying to ridicule him, but Poseidon didn't respond at all, silent like a stubborn stone.

The emissary felt bored, so he shook his head and turned back, coming to Lord Jintong.

"Your Majesty Jin Tong, why don't you crush this bastard to ashes, but imprison him instead?
The sins he committed are no longer enough to pay for with death, just killing him is considered the greatest kindness! "

After the excitement passed, the envoy regained his indifferent face, and asked in a slightly dissatisfied tone when he looked at Lord Jintong.

Because of the contract, he can make some not very excessive demands, such as suggesting how to protect the safety of the indigenous gods.

Otherwise, lending him two guts, and not daring to be so presumptuous in front of Lord Jintong, it would be pure courting of death.

The so-called fox pretending to be a tiger must be like this.

But the most important reason is that the spirit envoy's mental state is very abnormal, and he is completely different from before.

Lord Jintong narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and he couldn't help feeling a little disgusted with this foolish and loyal servant of the spirit envoy.

In order to protect his master, he has become a little crazy and paranoid, and this state has become more and more obvious as the Kingdom of God is being destroyed.

This is not a good thing, and even a little dangerous. If this guy loses control, he will probably be a new Neptune again.

Because of the special authority he possessed, the harmfulness of this guy may even surpass that of the Neptune.

If he came up with some extreme idea after knowing the plan of the monk in Loucheng, and wanted to kill the indigenous gods, or take him away to escape, then the whole plan would be greatly affected.

Thinking of the next plan, Lord Jintong couldn't help thinking secretly, should he kill this guy?

In that way, the last hidden danger surrounding the aboriginal gods can be completely erased.

The problem is that it is easy to kill the spirit messenger, but there will be endless troubles.

This spirit envoy is the closest person to the native gods, almost a confidant who lives and dies together. If he is killed rashly, how can he explain it after the native gods wake up?

The indigenous gods are not weak, and they have information on the super plane. If possible, the fifth theater will naturally try to win them over.

If one is able to serve in the Fifth War Zone, one must have the opportunity to obtain the qualification of a lord and become one of the members of the Fifth War Zone.

That being the case, then you should not be too extreme in doing things, but leave a certain amount of leeway.

It would be unreasonable to kill his loyal servant while destroying the opponent's kingdom of God.

Lord Jintong gave up the idea when he thought of this, and then turned to look at the Sea Emperor.

Although he imprisoned the Sea Emperor, he did not kill him. Before sending him to the world of Loucheng, he had to keep a close watch on him.

Seeing Lord Jintong ignoring him, the emissary had a slightly gloomy expression, but he didn't say much.

At this time, he didn't realize that in Lord Jintong's mind, he was wondering whether to kill him!

At this moment, Tang Zhen's voice sounded: "The purpose of keeping the Sea Emperor should be to treat your master and let him recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

What is the origin of the Sea Emperor, I think you know better than everyone present. To put it bluntly, the Sea Emperor is your little half master, but has an independent consciousness.

Erase the consciousness of the Emperor of the Sea, and then fuse with your master, what kind of result will there be? "

When the spirit messenger heard this, his body trembled slightly. He naturally knew what would happen if he did so.

However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this, and the spirit envoy cannot do it by himself, unless monk Loucheng is willing to help.

Since Tang Zhen said such a thing, does it mean that monk Loucheng has decided to help?
Thinking of this, the emissary showed a hint of excitement, and looked at Tang Zhen expectantly.

Tang Zhen ignored the excited emissary, but continued: "If you don't want your master to wake up one day earlier, then you can kill the Sea Emperor now, and you can do it yourself.

So we will never do this kind of thing, do you understand? "

Tang Zhen glanced at the spirit envoy, and said in an emotionless tone, which relieved the embarrassing situation just now.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the emissary froze for a moment, then showed a panicked expression.

What he did just now was almost tantamount to murdering his own master. If it was true, it would be an unforgivable crime.

It is for this reason that the spirit envoy feels panic and uneasiness in his heart, feeling that he is a sinner.

"Sorry, I was too confused, please forgive me."

It only took a very short time for the spirit messenger to adjust his mentality, salute and apologize to Tang Zhen and the two.

"Forget it, those who don't know don't blame."

Lord Jintong only glanced at the spirit envoy from the corner of his eye until now, and at the same time said in a cold voice.

The spirit envoy thought for a while, and asked Tang Zhen, "May I ask Your Excellency Tang Zhen, if my master recovers from his injuries, is there any possibility for the Kingdom of God to be restored?"

When he heard that he could use the Sea Emperor to heal his master, and that the native gods might wake up early, the spirit envoy had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Tang Zhen laughed lightly when he heard the words, but there was a hint of sarcasm in the smile.

Not to mention that the invasion of the void monsters is an irresolvable disaster at all. With the plan formulated by the fifth theater, the Kingdom of God is also doomed to be unable to survive.

It is wishful thinking to expect the indigenous gods to keep the Kingdom of God by themselves after they wake up.

The Kingdom of God will be wiped out, and it is not far away.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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