I have a city in another world

Chapter 2295 Transfer

Chapter 2295 Transfer
Looking at Tang Zhen with a cold face, the emissary knew that what he said just now had angered this god-level monk.

Tang Zhen seldom gets angry. Once he does get angry, the consequences will be very serious, and it is likely to make his situation even more embarrassing.

Realizing this, the emissary felt a flash of fear.

In fact, he himself knows that the Kingdom of God has reached the end of its rope, and he is now the master's only reliance.

If there is a problem with him, then the fate of the indigenous gods will be worrying, and he will really be to blame for death.

"Damn it, what's wrong with me? Is it because I care about it, or is it because of other reasons?"

Like a pot of cold water being poured on the top of the head, the spirit envoy immediately became sober, and at the same time secretly wondered in his heart, how could he become like this?
This state is quite wrong, paranoid and agitated, which is not in line with his personality at all.

The only explanation is that the gradually collapsing Kingdom of God affected him, but he himself didn't realize it at all.

The Kingdom of God is closely related to the indigenous gods, and he is a life created by the indigenous gods. I wonder if he will also be destroyed when the Kingdom of God is destroyed?
Indescribable panic rose from the spirit envoy's heart, and he kept reminding himself that no matter what he said, he couldn't die before the master woke up!
The only person who can help him now may be the monk Loucheng, so he must not offend them, but protect him as much as possible.

Even if he bears the burden of humiliation, it is nothing at all.

"Your Excellency, please don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to target you, it's just that the Kingdom of God is too important to me.

He is my master's painstaking management and construction, and his feelings are extremely deep. I really can't bear to watch it collapse and disappear like this. "

When the emissary spoke, he had an expression of fear and sincerity, as if he was sincerely apologizing.

"So that's the case, understandable."

The original intention of Tang Zhen's rebuke to the spirit envoy was to make him aware of his situation, and to cooperate with monk Loucheng as much as possible after he felt a sense of crisis.

The spirit envoy did wake up in time, and began to worry about gains and losses, for fear that his behavior would make monk Loucheng unhappy, which in turn would affect his master.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen sneered secretly. A spirit envoy with this kind of mentality would become more sympathetic.

"If you have no objections, I will summon my men to escort your master away.

The situation now is different from the beginning. The Void Monster has already remembered your master's aura. As long as he re-enters the Kingdom of God, he will definitely be sensed by the Void Monster.

In the eyes of those void monsters, your master is the most delicious piece of fat, and they all want to take a bite.

Therefore, during the evacuation process, there is a high possibility of brutal battles, and we must be prepared.

If there are believers who are willing to follow, they can also follow along. If you miss this opportunity, you will not be responsible for your future life and death! "

Tang Zhen clarified the conditions and requirements, but the emissary did not have any objections, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll recruit people now."

Tang Zhen turned around and exchanged glances with Lord Jintong, both knowing each other.

Both parties contacted their subordinates and began to gather nearby, preparing to escort the indigenous gods away.

If they move again this time, they cannot rely on the seraph king for traction, but need to use heavy warships.

Otherwise, the void monster would be able to swallow the native god directly with just one bite, and the monks in Loucheng would not even have time to react.

Afterwards, monks in Loucheng opened the way and escorted the indigenous gods to the transmission channel until they left the Kingdom of God.

Before the action, it is necessary to seal the indigenous gods, so as not to break his body due to unexpected circumstances when he leaves the kingdom of God.

At this time, the indigenous gods and the kingdom of God seemed to be a whole. If they were taken away forcibly, it would definitely bring about unknown negative effects.

However, if the spirit envoy agrees and Tang Zhen and others take precautions in advance, the negative impact can indeed be minimized.

The more participants involved in this matter, the better, so Tang Zhen sent a message to the Protoss Lords, asking them to come as soon as possible.

They are also participants in the plan. At this critical moment, they must be present.

After doing all this, it is a quiet wait.

It didn't take long for the two lords to rush over and reach the subsidiary world through the tunnel.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, what's going on?"

After the war mad lord saw the sea emperor, he laughed happily, feeling quite happy that his revenge had been avenged.

At the same time, there is still a trace of regret, lamenting that he did not kill the Sea Emperor himself, but let Lord Jintong take advantage of it.

After the arrival of the Protoss Lord, he asked Tang Zhen directly, not Lord Jintong.

He has worked with Lord Jintong before, and he knows that the other party's personality is as cold as ice. If there is no need, he will never speak easily.

He didn't even bother to explain things like this, and it was useless to ask.

Knowing that he would run into a wall, the protoss lord naturally wouldn't make fun of himself and make himself look embarrassed.

"Before you came, I had reached an agreement with the spirit messenger, and the other party agreed to transfer the indigenous gods to the world of Loucheng.

The reason for inviting you here is to prepare to seal the indigenous gods and help protect them during the transfer. "

Tang Zhen explained briefly, there is no need to elaborate on this kind of thing, presumably the two lords also understand what is going on.

Although the two lords don't know much about the plan of the cornerstone platform, they do know a thing or two.

Sending the indigenous gods into the Loucheng world is also the most critical part of the whole plan.

Knowing these is enough, as for what is going on, they will definitely know when it is time for them to know.

"I also ask the two of you to work together to seal this native god and transfer it as soon as possible."

Tang Zhen didn't want to waste any more time, lest things change later.

The two lords also had the same idea, and they planned to send away the hot potato of the indigenous gods as soon as possible, and then the monks of Loucheng could let go of their hands and feet, and they could evacuate the Kingdom of God whenever they wanted.

The existence of this guy is always a hidden danger. If something really happens, all the hard work will be in vain.

In the following time, Tang Zhen and other four lords cooperated with each other to completely seal the indigenous gods in the underground palace.

The indigenous gods in the seal will maintain a special state, even after leaving the Kingdom of God, there will be no problems.

While the sealing was in progress, the summoned monks of Loucheng also came one after another, waiting near the exit of the tunnel.

Escorting the native gods and taking away the suppressed Sea Emperor, all the monks left the subsidiary world together.

The believers who originally belonged to the affiliated world stared blankly at the scene in front of them, not knowing that the world they were in had entered a countdown state.

Compared with other affiliated worlds, believers in this world are more unlucky, because the envoys have extracted the energy of the affiliated world, making the collapse of this world faster.

When the aborigine gods were in danger, they stood up to protect them without hesitation, but they didn't know that they were cheated by the objects they were protecting.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

This is the behavior style of the indigenous gods, and the spirit envoys are also deeply affected, and they are merciless in trapping believers.

Based on this point alone, the indigenous gods deserved what they suffered today.

 Thanks: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "Book Friends 161230210706931", "Qianli Qingyi" for their rewards, thank you book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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