I have a city in another world

Chapter 2298 Entering the Void

Chapter 2298 Entering the Void
It didn't take long for worse news to come, making the situation even more tense.

Even though the forward route was heavily defended, it was still attacked by void monsters. It can be said that it was impossible to defend against.

Although the monk Loucheng tried his best to resist, but in the face of the berserk void monster, the way forward was still messed up.

Void loopholes are everywhere, and it is impossible to move normally. If you are not careful, you will rush out of the Kingdom of God and enter the void.

Once entering the void, it is difficult to return to the Kingdom of God, which is equivalent to directly entering the monster's lair.

If only Tang Zhen was alone, where would he not be able to go?
Even though the void was terrifying, he swam in it more than once, and retreated completely every time.

For a monk of his level, the void is not as scary as imagined, just like a mortal crossing the sea, as long as he is fully prepared, basically there will be no problems.

However, he is now the team's commander, responsible for commanding the entire escort team, so he must not take risks lightly.

This is also the reason why Tang Zhen has been avoiding the void loopholes. After all, it is the lair of void monsters, and the harsh environment is extremely unfavorable for monks in Loucheng.

Once you enter the void, you will be restricted everywhere. There is no problem for high-level monks, but low-level monks are likely to be stuck there.

It is not a problem to lose some manpower. Ches are unavoidable in the war. Tang Zhen is worried that the entire team will be affected.

However, since the route has been set, it cannot be changed temporarily, otherwise the whole situation will be messed up.

Knowing that there is a pit ahead, you have to bite the bullet and rush forward without any hesitation.

This is the battlefield, and many times it is involuntary, not wanting to do it, but having to do it.

"Everyone listens to the order, the target is empty, advance at full speed!"

Hearing Tang Zhen's order, all the monks were slightly taken aback, but recovered their composure in a very short time.

After getting the order, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, they will rush over without hesitation.

Seeing that he was entering the void, Tang Zhen chose to go into battle in person, guarding the heavy battleship with three lords.

The large and small warships in the escort team never stopped firing, and all weapons were activated and entered a state of full-load operation.

Even though there was nothing in front of him, he still seriously plowed it several times with cannon fire, absolutely not daring to be careless in the slightest.

After cleaning, the team moved forward quickly, not daring to waste any time.

The area destroyed by the void monster is already in a mess, with almost no way to go.

The dark void, like an insurmountable barrier, completely blocked the escort team.

If you want to move forward, you must enter it.

Inside that void, there seemed to be pairs of greedy eyes staring at the team that had just approached.

Farther away, one could see the Void Monsters being devoured continuously, like pests crawling on the leaves, leaving clear traces.

"In the following time, we will travel directly through the void, and we will also ask the three lords to provide guards and guide them in time."

The biggest danger of entering the void is the complete loss of sense of direction. In many cases, one just enters the void and cannot find the entrance to the void again.

Whenever this happens, it will lead to a series of accidents, until finally lost in the void.

Among the entire escort team, there were no more than a hundred monks who could discern directions in the void.

It is undoubtedly a difficult task to ensure that such a huge team can pass through the void smoothly and then return to the Kingdom of God through loopholes.

That's why Tang Zhen specially told the three lords before he acted, for fear that something might happen.

"Do not worry!"

Lord Zhankuang and Lord Jintong remained silent, but nodded slightly in agreement, and only the Lord Protoss replied.

"Since this is the case, please be vigilant and enter the void immediately!"

Under Tang Zhen's command, the escort team rushed into the void hole without hesitation, and was instantly engulfed in darkness.

It was pitch black in the void, no sound or direction could be felt, but Tang Zhen and others were not troubled.

The moment he entered the void, Tang Zhen's mental power spread and connected with several Loucheng monks around him.

Those monks followed suit and released their spiritual power to connect with other Loucheng monks.

In a very short time, a mental power network was formed, and then they could share each other's perception and perspective.

At this moment, a special image immediately appeared in the minds of the team members who were unable to sense anything, which was the void they were in at the moment.

In the void at this time, they are not the only escort team, there are countless void monsters.

They are like sharks smelling blood, cruising in groups. The formation of these monsters is in a three-dimensional state, and it is impossible to determine how many there are.

One thing is certain, once these void monsters surround them, they can easily engulf their team.

Ninety percent of the monks had never seen this kind of scene in the void, and it was the first time for those believers who followed the action to see it.

Just when the monks in Loucheng were secretly shocked, Tang Zhen and other four lords had already launched attacks continuously.

Being in the void, you don't need any scruples when you move your hands, so the offensive of the four lords is extremely fierce, and they are completely trying their best.

However, due to the special environment of the void, their terrifying attack methods did not make much noise.

What the monks in Loucheng could see was that the void monsters that were rushing over collapsed and dissipated without a sound.

Like dominoes, it continues to spread towards the rear, and I don't know when it will stop

But in the blink of an eye, in the surrounding void, countless pieces of broken meat were piled up and floating.

The void monster rushed over aggressively, but never got close to the team, and was torn into pieces by incomparable violence

Such a spectacular and bloody scene cannot be observed with the naked eye, otherwise it must be unforgettable forever.

Cultivator Loucheng, who was in the encirclement, was not in the mood to watch the show at all, because there were more void monsters rushing towards him.

Just when they were hesitating whether to launch an attack, Tang Zhen's voice suddenly came from their ears, and it rang directly in their minds.

"Everyone listens to the order, without any hesitation, just follow the marked direction and go all the way.

If someone falls behind during the period, they must be pulled back immediately, otherwise once the connection to the spiritual network is disconnected, they may be completely lost in the void! "

Hearing Tang Zhen's stern warning, the monks in the team did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly followed the team, while maintaining a stable connection to the spiritual network as much as possible.

Once disconnected, you may lose your way and be completely swallowed by the void.

The four lords, including Tang Zhen, have turned into mobile forts at this moment, guarding the four directions of the team, up, down, left, and right.

As for the position directly in front, it was cleaned up by heavy warships and other escort warships, with dazzling lights constantly flashing.

Although the killing effect was not as good as that of Tang Zhen and the others, the frequency of attacks was high enough, and the efficiency of killing monsters was not low.

The only safe place now is the direction the team came from, and it hasn't been filled by void monsters yet.

It's just that there is no arrow to turn back when you open the bow. Now that you have taken action, it is impossible to go back. No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, you have to bite the bullet and rush over.

The area gnawed by the monsters in the void is over a hundred kilometers in total, but the monks in Loucheng are extremely fast, and they have already traveled half of the distance in a blink of an eye.

Perhaps after a while, he will be able to break out of the void and return to the Kingdom of God through the loophole.

(End of this chapter)

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