I have a city in another world

Chapter 2316 Prepare for the Battle

Chapter 2316 Prepare for the Battle
After completing the teleportation, the monks in Loucheng took a brief rest and then returned to their respective Loucheng.

The settlement of battle achievements is also carried out at the same time, because the time of this plane war is not very long, and the rewards of the various buildings participating in the war are not particularly rich.

Such is the case with plane wars, no matter how well-prepared, there is no guarantee that every war will be rewarding.

On the contrary, those monks who participated in the competition for the Lord of the Loucheng gained a lot of battle points, especially the three of Qian Chongyun, the victory is already a certainty.

It won't take long for them to receive their own building city cornerstones and go to the frontier of the Holy Dragon War Zone to build a building city.

It is precisely because of these up-and-coming stars that are constantly rising that the strength of the Holy Dragon War Zone will become stronger and stronger. Perhaps in a hundred years, it will be easy to initiate a war of planes involving hundreds of millions of monks.

In fact, in this war of planes, the fifth war zone benefited the most, and Tang Zhen ranked second.

It's just because of his special status and what he gained was not military exploits, so he can't be compared with his subordinates.

After the evacuation of the various buildings, the remaining warriors and believers were also properly arranged.

After entering the holy dragon battle zone, they were really shocked, and sure enough, this world did not disappoint them.

Especially after learning more information and knowing the true strength of Loucheng World, believers and warriors have been completely shocked.

I never imagined that there would be such a powerful force outside the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God is not worth mentioning in front of it.

Fortunately, there was no real confrontation between the two sides, otherwise they were destined to become cannon fodder and be destroyed together with the Kingdom of God.

In the following time, they will go to the designated place to study and train according to the arrangement of monk Loucheng.

If you want to fight with the monks in Loucheng, the quality of believers and warriors is far from enough. You must work hard and pass the final test before you can go to the battlefield.

There are special personnel responsible for these tasks, and Tang Zhen doesn't need to worry about them at all.

After the Battle of the Kingdom of God, Tang Zhen once again disappeared from everyone's sight, and he didn't know where he went.


In the deep and calm lake, a flat boat is slowly moving, surrounded by faintly colorful mist rising.

Tang Zhen, who was wearing a purple robe, was sitting on a bamboo chair. On the small table in front of him was a jug of side dishes, which looked exquisite and refreshing.

He was the only one on the boat, and the surroundings were silent. From time to time, water birds flew past, and there were also terrifying giant shadows appearing and disappearing at the bottom of the lake.

It's just that from the beginning to the end, no monster dared to approach the boat, as if it was a restricted area.


A strange cry came, and then at the end of the huge lake, a blood-red giant bird flew across the lake.

Amidst the tumbling waves, a giant snake nearly [-] meters long was caught, and then thrown into the air by the giant bird.

Because of its ability to fly, the giant snake did not fall directly after being thrown into the sky.

It quickly stabilized its body, and at the same time opened its mouth wide, attacking the giant red bird.

When the giant red bird saw this, a hint of mockery flashed in its eyes, as if it was a bug struggling.

The next moment, the red giant bird rushed down the giant snake like lightning, and its sharp claws were carried on the body of the giant snake.

Like the sound of leather being torn, the giant snake was torn apart, and blood and internal organs were flying all over the sky.

The giant bird turned into a cloud of red mist, wrapped the corpse of the giant snake in it, and devoured it completely.

"You naughty bastard, don't continue to mess around, or the water monsters in the lake will be wiped out by you sooner or later!"

Tang Zhen shook his head with a smile, and lightly reprimanded the giant red bird, but judging from his tone of voice, it was obvious that he didn't really care.

This huge lake is the experimental area of ​​Sacred Dragon City. The water monsters are artificially raised, and many of them are experimental subjects.

Because of this giant red bird, the water monsters in the lake have had bad luck these days, and they would be caught and devoured by it from time to time.

The giant red bird is not short of these foods, it's just a pure game. Compared to the true size of the giant red bird, these water monsters don't even have enough teeth.

The giant red bird had fun, but it angered the monks of the holy dragon clan who were in charge of the observation experiment. They could only ask Tang Zhen for help, hoping to take care of the giant red bird.

Regarding the complaints from his subordinates, Tang Zhen must deal with them in a timely manner. He will not deliberately make things difficult for his subordinates just because he is the master of the war zone.

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the giant red bird uttered a cry of dissatisfaction, and then shrank rapidly, turning into a water snake nearly [-] meters long.

Looking at the appearance of the giant snake, it is clearly the replica of the giant snake that was swallowed just now, but it has turned blood red.

As the water surged, the giant snake got into the lake and started chasing other water monsters in the water.

This time it was just chasing and playing, but it never swallowed it. Obviously Tang Zhen's order had an effect.

That being the case, Tang Zhen didn't say any more, and he didn't want to wrong the giant red bird too much.

"You are very leisurely, but I am so tired that I have nowhere to reason!"

Suddenly a voice sounded from the ear, the voice sounded very familiar, as if Tang Zhen himself was talking to himself.

The next moment, a young man in a white robe suddenly appeared on the boat.

Before he appeared, there was no sign at all, but after he appeared, he didn't feel any abruptness, as if he should have been there.

In particular, the appearance of the other party is the same as Tang Zhen, as if he is the most perfect copy.

The fact is indeed the case, the young man in white robe is Tang Zhen, both the main body and the clone, there is no difference between each other.

During Tang Zhen's mission in the Kingdom of God, the avatar was being laid out on the plane of the Creator. Because the two had no contact with each other, Tang Zhen didn't know how far the layout had gone.
Tang Zhen, who was wearing a white robe, smiled, and slowly sat down at the table, taking a serious look at Tang Zhen in the purple robe.

"I've been promoted to Creator, congratulations!"

Zipao Tang Zhen grinned: "We are happy together."

"Now that I have been promoted to the Creator, the next thing will become much easier."

Tang Zhen in the white robe said with a smile, poured a glass of wine at the same time, and drank it down with his head raised.

"I'm not in a hurry to deal with the Creator Plane, because it won't be long before I will participate in the battle zone ranking competition in the Loucheng World.

I don't know exactly how long it will take, but there are priorities, and things about the Creator plane can be put aside for the time being. "

Tang Zhen in the white robe heard the words and nodded in agreement.

Compared with conquering the creator world, the battle zone ranking battle is more important, so it is natural to focus on this matter first.

"The fifth theater will participate in the competition. This is a certainty. Our theater must also participate in it. I don't know how you plan to arrange it?"

Tang Zhen in the white robe asked again, if he didn't participate in the competition, he would be ranked at the bottom by default when the battle zone was re-ranked.

Although the current Holy Dragon War Zone is also ranked at the bottom by default, but this is also a helpless thing.

Now that he finally found an opportunity, he naturally had to fight for it, no one would be willing to lag behind.

If you can get a high enough ranking, the cornerstone platform will get higher authority, needless to say the benefits for the holy dragon theater.

"I was going to let you participate in this competition, so I called you back urgently to see if I can complete the promotion before the ranking battle starts!"

The white-robed Tang Zhen was taken aback when he heard the words, then took a serious look at the purple-robed Tang Zhen, and then asked softly, "You mean, the Creator?"

"That's right, it's the Creator!"

"It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip to the Kingdom of God, and you have given me a lot of surprises!"

Tang Zhen in the white robe laughed loudly. In a battle zone at the bottom of the ranking, having two creator monks at the same time is already considered strong enough.

When the competition starts, it is estimated that many theaters will be surprised, wondering when such a dark horse will emerge!
(End of this chapter)

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