I have a city in another world

Chapter 2331 Is it a blessing or a curse?

Chapter 2331 Is it a blessing or a curse?

Tang Zhen knew very well that fire cannot be contained in paper, and this matter will be known sooner or later.

A total of five ruffians were killed, and the way of death was so horrifying, it must attract great attention, and then find him.

You must not take chances, that is self-deception. When you treat others as fools, in fact, you are the one who is foolish.

In this case, instead of passively waiting for things to turn bad, it is better to be more proactive, and maybe you can save the day!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately took out his mobile phone and called his friend.

"Xu Feng, I'm Tang Zhen, I want to talk to you about something..."

Seeing this scene, the clone couldn't help showing a smile, and a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes.

This guy Xu Feng has played a very important role in his life. I remember getting a weapon from him when he first came to the world of Loucheng.

Now when encountering this kind of thing, I immediately thought of this guy, who made him really have a wide network of contacts.

"Tang Zhen, why did you think of calling me, kid? Something happened, right?"

Xu Feng was surprised when he received Tang Zhen's call. Although his tone was relaxed, he still had a trace of concentration.

Tang Zhen did not explain in detail, but hoped to have an interview. Xu Feng did not hesitate and asked Tang Zhen to meet at the designated place.

Before hanging up the phone, Xu Feng reminded Tang Zhen again that everything should be decided after the two discuss it.

He knew very well in his heart that Tang Zhen and himself were two people, and this guy would never call him if it was not necessary.

Even if he was living a happy life and wanted to drag Tang Zhen, he still ignored it.

Calling now can only explain one thing, Tang Zhen has no other choice.

Tang Zhen packed up his things, carried a satchel on his back, and left home directly.

The avatar shook his head secretly, feeling that things were getting out of control, but he still had no intention of interfering.

For Tang Zhen, this matter was almost a fatal crisis, but for the avatar, it could be easily resolved.

That being the case, why rush for a while, it is better to continue to observe.

Not long after, Tang Zhen arrived at the agreed place and saw Xu Feng standing beside the car smoking a cigarette.

"Come here, do you want one?"

Xu Feng looked at Tang Zhen's attire with a hint of surprise on his face, and then handed over the cigarette case and lighter.

Tang Zhen walked over without saying a word, took out one, stuffed it into his mouth, and lit it clumsily.

The firelight shone on his face, making him look a little gloomy.

"Tell me, is there something wrong, is there anything I can do for you?"

Although the two of them seldom communicate, as long as Tang Zhen asks for each other, Xu Feng will definitely go all out to complete it.

This is the friendship between the two, which is difficult for outsiders to understand, and Xu Feng is too lazy to explain.

"Something happened to me and I needed to get out

Avoid the limelight, my sister, please take care of me. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's answer, Xu Feng was slightly taken aback, trying to figure out what was going on, but he still didn't speak in the end.

"I know your character, and I definitely can't blame you, but there are some things, even if you reason, it's useless.

No problem, don't worry, leave this matter to me! "

Tang Zhen nodded. Since Xu Feng had agreed, he would definitely do it.

"If you are short of money, just open your mouth. If you are poor and rich, you can't do without money in your pocket."

While Xu Feng was speaking, he directly took out a leather bag from the car, took out another wad of money and handed it over.

Tang Zhen didn't refuse, he was really short of money now, and originally planned to borrow some from Xu Feng.

When it was time to speak, Tang Zhen would never hesitate, otherwise it would only make his situation more difficult.

The two spoke a few more words, then Tang Zhen turned and left, heading straight to the station.

He doesn't know how much time he has left, and now he can only race against time to leave the city before being locked.

The avatar was always on the sidelines. After seeing Tang Zhen's choice, he couldn't help falling into silence.

If he followed Tang Zhen's ideas, his life would take a completely different path. Could he discover the world of Loucheng at that time and become a monk of Loucheng?
If this is the case, it would be too terrifying, and nothing in the future will even happen!

"Things shouldn't be that simple. We still need to continue to observe slowly. If the situation is wrong, we must stop it in time!"

The more I think about the avatar, the more I feel something is wrong. If Tang Zhen is allowed to mess around like this, the real world may change beyond recognition.

Fortunately, I arrived in time and followed the whole process, otherwise, once these things really become a reality, it will definitely have a great impact on the future.

After realizing this, the avatar immediately went to the previous alley to completely wipe out the bodies of the five ruffians.

In fact, after Tang Zhen left, more than a dozen passers-by passed by, but none of them saw the corpse on the ground.

The doppelgänger used the method of concealment to cover several corpses, so that the naked eye could not see them at all.

Tang Zhen didn't know this, otherwise he wouldn't have fled in a hurry to avoid being imprisoned.

Tang Zhen, who was on the long-distance bus at this time, didn't know that a crisis had quietly disappeared, and the five ruffians disappeared from the world, so there was no way to suspect him.

After finishing this task, the avatar returned to the room where Tang Zhen lived, and brought over the "glass bead" that changed his fate.

What kind of secret is hidden in this thing? The avatar dare not study it lightly, lest it will cause more trouble.

But one thing is certain, what is hidden here is not simple, because he can't see through it at all.

After returning to Tang Zhen's side again, the avatar began to ponder secretly, feeling that things might be a little different from what he had imagined.

Originally thought that Tang Zhen had awakened a remarkable supernatural power while he was in a coma, but now it seems that this is not the case.

It was because Tang Zhen in this state had no idea who he really was, and also lost his original memory.

It's like a patient with sleepwalking who doesn't know anything about his behavior in his sleep.

If Tang Zhen is allowed to mess around, the past will be changed beyond recognition, which will then affect the real world and cause him to suffer backlash.

In this case, someone must supervise and guide Tang Zhen, so that he will not do things that will change history.

This work is very important, and it must be done by the most trustworthy people, otherwise it will be a disaster if it is used by someone with a heart.

Otherwise, Tang Zhen would become a tool to be used. Maybe the original world would be destroyed, and the Holy Dragon War Zone might not appear.

This matter is very serious, and it is also very difficult. Fortunately, it was discovered in time.

When the main body enters this traversal state, the best supervisor is naturally the avatar, but he still has a lot of things to do, and it is impossible to follow the main body all the time.

"This matter must be resolved, otherwise it will be bad sooner or later!"

After the avatar made up its mind, it immersed its consciousness in the Kingdom of God in its mind, preparing to create an item that could replace itself to complete supervision at critical moments.

With the existence of this item, Tang Zhen can be reminded in time to avoid accidents.

Tang Zhen didn't know about this. He had just finished talking with his sister, and then looked at the city that was fading away outside the window, showing a dazed expression.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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