I have a city in another world

Chapter 2340 Dangerous Jungle

Chapter 2340 Dangerous Jungle
"Who are these people, what are they trying to do, and why are they carrying guns?"

Tang Zhen, who heard the gunshot, dodged directly. The bullet flew past him and hit the tree trunk next to him.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen couldn't help but secretly startled.

If his speed had been a little slower just now, he might have been hit by a stray bullet, which made his heart beat wildly.

Of course, this is just his feeling. In fact, unless he is particularly unlucky, the few bullets fired by the opponent may not be able to hit him.

Almost everyone has a fear of guns, and Tang Zhen is no exception.

Hiding behind a big tree, a trace of doubt flashed in Tang Zhen's heart, but he also knew that the visitor was not kind.

Good people don't carry guns and come to the door secretly in the middle of the night, let alone shoot indiscriminately.

Of course, it is also possible that Tang Zhen shot back because Tang Zhen killed their companions.

But Tang Zhen had a feeling that these guys came for him, and they were definitely not kind people.

At the same time that the thought flashed in his mind, Tang Zhen used his hands and feet together, and he had already climbed onto the big tree in an instant.

This primeval forest is full of big trees, some of which are hundreds of square meters wide, looking very majestic.

If someone hides above, it will be difficult to find below.

Tang Zhen stepped on the thick branch, nimbly like an ape, and gently climbed to the end of the branch.

The dark sky restricted his vision, so Tang Zhen chose to wait quietly, trying to figure out where the other party came from.

There was a lot of noise below, and there were footsteps and conversations from time to time. After about a minute, it slowly quieted down.

"What's going on, why did you shoot suddenly?"

There was a low-pitched growl from the forest, which seemed to contain a lot of anger, but for some reason he couldn't vent it.

"The awl was killed, a bamboo shot through his chest, and he fired a shot before dying.

The brother next to him was shocked, so he fired a few more shots, but he didn't know if he hit anyone! "

Hearing the team leader's questioning, someone answered quickly, explaining the cause and effect.

To be able to stabilize in such a short period of time and figure out the cause and effect, the quality of these people is not bad.

Hearing the subordinate's answer, the team leader and the middle-aged monk glanced at each other, and walked over with a sullen face.

Before finding Tang Zhen's lair, he was suddenly attacked, and at the same time lost one of his subordinates.

This gave them a hunch that perhaps this operation might not be as smooth as imagined.

When the subordinate who was killed was in front of them, the two gasped at the same time, both showing shock.

I saw a distorted corpse leaning against a not-so-thick tree trunk, with an emerald green bamboo pole passing through the chest, firmly nailing it to the tree.

To everyone's shock, this emerald green bamboo pole not only penetrated the human body, but also penetrated the tree trunk, revealing more than ten centimeters behind it.

Picking up the flashlight and taking a photo, a trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged monk and the team leader.

They really couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying method it was to make an ordinary bamboo pole have such a huge lethality!

"Master, what's going on here, who has such terrifying power?"

The team leader subconsciously took out his pistol, and glanced around with vigilant eyes, but felt the chill hit him.

It was as if there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness, which made people feel shuddering.

"If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to do this, unless the other party uses some kind of machinery, or is not human at all!"

The middle-aged monk next to him frowned, and the sudden change made him feel a lot of pressure.

The team leader thought for a while, and continued to ask the middle-aged monk: "Is there a possibility that the other party, like you, master, has magical abilities far beyond ordinary people?"

When the team leader said this, Tang Zhen's figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and he faintly suspected that Tang Zhen did this.

Things were exactly as he had guessed, Tang Zhen mistook his subordinates for monsters, so he killed him by mistake.

They also found the valley where Tang Zhen was, and Tang Zhen himself, who was following them all the way, was on the top of a big tree not far from them.

But because of the dark sky, they didn't find any trace of Tang Zhen, and they didn't know that the god of death was by their side.

Hearing the team leader's guess, the middle-aged monk known as the master sneered and shook his head lightly.

"It's impossible, you are a Chinese cabbage as a monk, you can meet it wherever you go?
But anyone who can become a monk and step into the road of cultivation has a great opportunity and great luck, and there may not be such a one in a million people! "

Although the middle-aged monk was somewhat conceited, his words were not exaggerated.

In the low-energy plane, becoming a monk is indeed more difficult than ascending to the sky.

"But that young man is really abnormal, carrying so many things on his back, but walking like flying in the primeval forest, this is simply not something that ordinary people can do!

Moreover, he sold the raw gem ore containing the energy of the world. Does this mean that there are practitioners among him and his companions? "

After hearing the team leader's speculation, the middle-aged monk couldn't help becoming suspicious. It was true that Tang Zhen's previous behavior was very abnormal.

But even so, he still didn't want to believe that Tang Zhen would be a practitioner.

Practitioners all have a special sense of breath, but when he faced Tang Zhen earlier, he didn't feel any abnormality at all.

It was for this reason that he insisted that Tang Zhen was just an ordinary person with good luck.

If it is confirmed that Tang Zhen is a practitioner, the middle-aged monk will definitely be more cautious, instead of following him directly like this.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Tang Zhen's strength is far superior to him, but if this is the case, why did he go to this deep mountain and old forest to dig ore to make a living?

The transcendental power possessed by monks makes it easy to have power and banknotes, and it is impossible to go to such a place to suffer.

"No matter what the reason is, we must be more vigilant in the future to prevent another sneak attack.

Everyone listens to my order, wears night identification signs, and turns on night vision equipment at the same time.

All the knives are in hand, loaded and ready to fight at any time! "

As the team leader issued an order, the atmosphere immediately became tense. A group of people took out fluorescent stickers from their pockets to stick them on, and then took out night vision devices to look around.

Because of the addition of technological equipment, the creatures that were originally hidden in the darkness immediately became invisible.

"There is really something, right in front of us, in the direction of two o'clock!"

A man holding a night vision device suddenly reminded him loudly, with a trace of panic in his tone.

The accomplices who were already highly nervous were all taken aback when they heard the words, and they all looked in the direction pointed by the other party.

Tang Zhen, who was squatting on the tree, was taken aback and thought he had been exposed, but after hearing what was said later, he knew it was not him.

Subconsciously looked at the direction pointed by the enemy, and as a result, under the illumination of the strong flashlight, several figures flashed past indistinctly.

The moment Tang Zhen saw these figures, his eyes narrowed slightly, because these guys with long green hair were exactly the same as the monster he killed just now.

Sure enough, as he guessed, this monster is not alone, but has its own group.

Just after killing one, other monsters came to the door. If these enemies hadn't appeared, Tang Zhen might have already fought the long-haired monster.

In addition, Tang Zhen has already recognized that the guys who suddenly appeared with guns are the same group of people he had traded with before.

They would come here suddenly, they must have followed him, and they didn't have a good idea.

The sense of guilt for killing the other party by mistake disappeared immediately after recognizing the origin of the other party.

What he needs to consider now is how to use the long-haired monster to kill these bad-hearted guys, so as to ensure that his own interests will not be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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