I have a city in another world

Chapter 2365 Super big gift package!

Chapter 2365 Super big gift package!

A gunshot sounded, which was very clear in the silent forest.

The virus hiding behind the thick grass suddenly trembled a few times, as if it had been hit by a bullet.


After Tang Zhen saw that he had hit the target, a tinge of joy rose in his heart, and at the same time he felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Killing with a gun and killing with one blow is the childhood dream of many people, but there is no chance to realize it.

But at this moment, I have successfully done this.

Tang Zhen thought that he had a sense of accomplishment because he had never touched a gun before, only because the bullets he fired at this moment had indescribable precision.

In fact, it is completely reasonable to have this result.

The special perspective of grass and trees network allows Tang Zhen to observe the enemy from various angles, and the powerful body possesses can make the firearms in his hands as stable as a rock.

Therefore, when the bullet is fired, it hits the expected position precisely, with almost no deviation.

Ordinary people need to practice hard to become a sharpshooter, but for Tang Zhen, it is extremely easy.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, when Tang Zhen shoots and takes aim, his mental power will attach to the bullet, looking for the target as if he had eyes.

As long as Tang Zhen is willing, the bullet can hit the target even if the target is hiding behind a cover.

A shot hit the target, and Tang Zhen clearly saw the blood bar drop, which proved that the attack had already had an effect.

After confirming that the attack was effective, Tang Zhen fired again, ready to pour out all the bullets.

According to the estimate of the damage caused by this shot, Tang Zhen wanted to kill the virus, but there might not be enough bullets in the gun.

However, in the forest at this moment, there is no shortage of ammunition and supplies, so Tang Zhen can have a good time.

What puzzled him a little was that the monster didn't move after being attacked, and he didn't know why?
This was actually done on purpose by the avatar. He couldn't remove the virus himself, and he couldn't let monk Loucheng take action, but he could provide assistance from the side.

For example, confine the virus and make it an immovable target, allowing Tang Zhen to attack.

There is no reason to send people's heads away, as if the emperor is hunting, and his subordinates deliberately send the prey circle to him.

Although Tang Zhen felt a little strange, this was not the time to worry about these things. He only had one thought in his mind now, which was to quickly kill the monster.

Tang Zhen's heart is full of anticipation for the generous rewards for completing the task, as well as the gleaming gift package.


The last bullet came out of the chamber, and Tang Zhen immediately manipulated the vines in the forest to pick up several magazines scattered on the ground.

He stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the body of the gun, the empty magazine fell to the ground, and the other heavy magazine was pushed up.

Pull the bolt, pull the trigger, and the bullet is fired again.

The virus locked by Tang Zhen was already dying, and the reason why it survived until now was actually to train Tang Zhen.

It desperately wanted to escape, but it was imprisoned in a cage, and it could not escape at all.

At this moment, it can only watch desperately as the bullet hits its body, leaving one blood hole after another, but there is nothing it can do.


There was another gunshot, the virus's head was shattered, and the blood bar was completely emptied.

As if the sound of the balloon shattering sounded, the body of the virus began to blur, and finally turned into drops of extremely pure energy, floating towards Tang Zhen at high speed.

Tang Zhen originally wanted to avoid it, but he had a feeling in his heart that these firefly-like things should be of great benefit to him.

After hesitating for a while, he finally didn't dodge, but let the light fall on him.

An indescribable comfort flooded Tang Zhen's whole body in an instant, as if his internal organs had been washed and refined, and his body felt extremely transparent.

He could also faintly feel that his physical fitness had improved again, and his strength had become stronger and stronger.

Although there was a reminder in front of Tang Zhen that the monster was dead, he was still a little worried.

Controlling the perspective of the plant, he took a closer look, only to find that the enemy had been wiped out.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Tang Zhen hurriedly checked the rewards to see what the so-called novice gift pack contained.

After choosing the option to open the gift bag, Tang Zhen was stunned.

Countless items appeared, and various item names were refreshed in front of his eyes, making Tang Zhen feel that what he opened was not a gift bag, but a warehouse.

"Even if you don't need money, you can't give it like this?"

Tang Zhen's face was full of shock, and he shook his head secretly. After suppressing the doubts in his heart, he began to check the various items in the big gift bag.

Storage rings, infinite bullet pistols, portable lightsabers...

Every item is unexpectedly good, and any one picked out is enough to be called a super gift bag.

Now they are all packaged and delivered, it is so rich!

Tang Zhen even suspected that these things did not exist at all, they were just refreshed names.

But when he opened the storage equipment, he knew that he was wrong, because the items on the list counted as the same, and they were all lying quietly in the storage equipment.

Select one of the items, and the next thing will appear in front of your eyes, and then it will automatically absorb on Tang Zhen's body, transforming into a set of clothes.

A prompt popped up in front of him, and it was all about the introduction of this item. Tang Zhen took a look at it and realized that it was a special battle suit.

Wearing this suit not only doubles his strength and speed, but also possesses super defensive power, even if he is hit by a sniper rifle, he will not be injured at all.

Tang Zhen was amazed by such a powerful defense, because after wearing this battle suit, ordinary rifles could not kill him at all.

Although the protective ability of the battle suit is unbelievably strong, but compared with the attribute data of other items in the gift bag, the attributes of this battle suit are not too outrageous.

Tang Zhen, who secretly sighed in his heart, began to check the items in the gift bag one by one, and the more he looked, the more shocked he felt.

If it hadn't been tested and he was not in a dream, Tang Zhen would even think he was hallucinating.

Especially after fiddling with the operation with his own hands, he discovered that each of the items rewarded in the big gift bag is a rare treasure.

"What kind of virtue and ability do I have, that I have the opportunity to get so many good things, if I can use them proficiently, how is it different from the superman in film and television works?"

The more Tang Zhen thought about it, the more excited he became, and he really wanted to raise his head to the sky and let out a long howl to express his mood at this time.

Ten minutes later, Tang Zhen roughly checked the reward items, and then finished arming according to his own ideas.

At this time, Tang Zhen discovered that if there are too many good things, how to choose will become a problem.

Looking at the "divine costume" all over his body, a coldness flashed across Tang Zhen's face, and he went straight to the middle-aged monk who was digging raw gemstones.

Previously, he was afraid of the methods of the middle-aged monk, and he dared not confront him head-on, but now he no longer has any scruples.

He wants to clean up the middle-aged monk and his accomplices to test the power of these items.

Originally, he wanted to kill the middle-aged monks, but Tang Zhen changed his mind now, and he planned to capture all these guys alive!

The next thing to do is to let them obediently be a miner and dig out all these raw gemstones.

With the storage equipment, Tang Zhen naturally would not let the raw gemstones lie in the ground, but would pack them all away.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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