I have a city in another world

Chapter 2373 Ruins of Hell

Chapter 2373 Ruins of Hell
It turned out that the video was shot on the streets of the city, which, like other places, looked messy.

But in this video, a group of special people appeared. They didn't run away like other residents, but were attacking a monster.

The monster is huge in size, and its flesh is filled with sundries like steel plates, which can serve as an effective defense.

This kind of item is disassembled by the monster itself, and then embedded outside the body. Being able to do this is enough to prove that the monster has a high IQ.

Looking at it from the video, it feels like the monster is an enlarged version of a bear, but there is no intact flesh, and there are tender flesh and nerves with peeling skin everywhere.

In the process of walking, stinky blood dripped continuously, filling the whole street with a strange smell.

Of course, at this moment, no one would care about these at all. Who would care about the surrounding environment when their lives were in danger?

As long as they can survive, human beings can adapt to even the harshest environment.

With its huge size and full-body defense, this monster is comparable to a heavy tank, running unimpeded in the city.

Everyone had analyzed this kind of monster before, and believed that the strength of melee combat was too strong to be confronted head-on.

It is best to use weapons such as tanks to attack from a distance, so that it is possible to kill the monsters.

Classified according to the degree of danger, it also belongs to a higher level, and must be treated with caution.

But at this moment, they saw that a group of people were surrounding that iron-clad monster, and it was the most dangerous frontal attack.

Although this fighting method is extremely dangerous, it is also easier to cause damage to monsters, and at the same time makes the blood of the spectators excited.

Although monsters are powerful, these people are even more powerful.

They had an advantage in numbers, and they cooperated closely with each other, so the monster they fought was helpless.

Even having a huge body is useless, it looks like a headless chicken, rampaging on the road, unable to cause harm to those people at all.

This kind of battle scene made everyone feel involuntarily, as if a group of hunters surrounded their prey and killed them calmly.

And it's not an ordinary prey, but a huge monster with powerful lethality.

Everyone who watched the video also had a feeling that the participants still had the strength to kill the monsters at any time if they wanted to.

Who are they?Why is it so powerful?
All the people watching the battle had such thoughts at the same time, but their moods also became tense.

Through the means of these people, it can be determined that they are definitely not ordinary people, but real monks.

The group of monks is very special, there is no obvious distinction between good and evil, and they usually have their own purposes in their actions.

Even if he was hunting monsters, he was not necessarily saving people, but for other reasons.

So what everyone is most concerned about now is where do these monks come from, and what are they going to do in this city full of monsters?
"Can you determine the identities of these people through data analysis? I hope to get all the information about them in the shortest possible time!"

The white-haired monk frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the assistant beside him, and said without hesitation.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't satisfy your request, because the monks are very privacy-conscious and never divulge any information easily.

Our database has not been established for a long time, and the collected information is very limited, and there are still many repeated and wrong information.

It is almost impossible to find the identities of these people based on data comparison. I suggest you give up this idea.

However, based on the other party's agility skills, it can be inferred that these people should be monks from the East, but it is necessary to consult professional people for specific secret sectarian organizations.

If you want it, I'll contact the Eastern Division immediately and ask them to help you find a comparison! "

The white-haired monk nodded, agreed with the assistant's suggestion, and said in a solemn tone: "A monk from the east, in that mysterious country, there are indeed many strong people, and we must not allow you to underestimate them.

You can immediately contact the monk organizations in the east and ask them to help confirm the identities of these people. At the same time, we will send people to contact and communicate immediately, hoping that they can cooperate with the command operations. "

After the white-haired monk finished speaking, he immediately ordered the mobilization of satellites and drones to track and lock the traces of this group of strange monks, preparing for a more in-depth observation.

At the same time, he also made up his mind that if these monks planned to do some evil things, then at all costs, these monks of unknown origin must be kept in the city.

Now that the whole world has undergone great changes, human beings must unite and cooperate to fight the crisis. If there are still people who dare to take the opportunity to make trouble at this time, they will be the enemy of the entire human being.


The monks who appeared in the video were none other than Tang Zhen and the middle-aged monk.

After they arrived at the destination, they didn't stay too long, but after a brief understanding of the situation, they entered the city directly along the gap.

After seeing the tragic situation in the city, apart from being shocked, Tang Zhen and others inevitably felt a little fear in their hearts.

No one can turn a blind eye to the horror scene of this bustling city being turned into ruins, and the ground is full of broken corpses.

After Tang Zhen and others entered the city, they were really worried at the beginning, for fear of being attacked by monsters.

As a result, it didn't take long for them to encounter the first wave of monsters. In the short time between the two sides, the monsters were directly killed by them.

Solving the monster so easily gave great confidence to the middle-aged monk and others, and in the process of killing the monster, they also gained unexpected gains.

It turned out that in the bodies of these monsters, something similar to energy crystal nuclei was generated, and the effect was comparable to raw gemstones.

The crystal nuclei with high purity, the absorption effect is even far superior to the raw gem ore, it is simply a sacred object for cultivation.

Originally thought that this trip was to eliminate monsters for free, but now there are generous rewards, which also changed everyone's mentality.

Everyone in the world can't get up early without profit. With profit as a driving force, the middle-aged monk immediately became more active.

No one would dislike having too many training materials, so the middle-aged monk and others cheered up and began to actively search for monsters in the city.

After killing some monsters, they discovered another phenomenon, that is, as they went deeper into the city center, the monsters would become stronger and stronger.

If the monsters on the edge of the city are minions, then the monsters in the center of the city are officers, with stronger combat effectiveness and higher IQ.

In addition to these, the energy concentration of heaven and earth is also obviously different. According to the estimates of the middle-aged monk and others, the energy concentration in the center of the city is comparable to that of a paradise.

In such a place, it is very likely that there are things similar to raw gemstones, and no matter how bad it is, there will be natural treasures.

If conditions permit, it is best to check it out, so there may be unexpected gains.

In the area close to the center of the city, the buildings were more severely damaged, and many strange plants appeared out of thin air.

Although those plants are colorful and look beautiful, they give people a very strange feeling, as if this place is the purgatory of hell.

 Thanks to: "Book Friends 161230210706931" and "Fengming Zihuang" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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