I have a city in another world

Chapter 2375 Risks and Benefits Coexist

Chapter 2375 Risks and Benefits Coexist

After hearing Tang Zhen's request, the other party was silent for a moment, as if discussing how to deal with this matter.

It didn't take long for the other party to reply, agreeing to Tang Zhen's request.

"Please wait a moment, our personnel will arrive soon, please do not act without authorization before that.

Although your strength is not weak, we have more detailed information and a strong enough backup force in our hands.

Only a strong alliance can have a greater chance of success, I think you should be very clear about this. "

There was a voice from the drone again, and it could be confirmed from the content of the speech. They had already seen that Tang Zhen was unwilling to cooperate.

The real strong like to be alone, because for them, the weak can't provide much help at all, but will only become their own drag.

If they don't send people to come, Tang Zhen will definitely continue to move towards the center of the city.

After discussing properly, Tang Zhen and others found a safe bunker and slowly waited for the other party to arrive.

There were two more drones floating above his head. After Tang Zhen frowned and thought for a while, he looked at the middle-aged monk and others who were hurrying to practice.

"Sun Daquan, how much information do you know about this international monk organization?"

Sun Daquan is a middle-aged monk. After hearing Tang Zhen's question, he thought for a while and said: "The International Organization of Humorous Monks, the full name is the International Federation of Monks, and the dignitaries of many countries are more or less aware of the existence of this organization.

In fact, with the advent of the Dharma-ending era, the number of monks has become extremely rare. Many people spend their entire lives without even knowing that there are monks.

However, following the impact of the meteorite ten years ago, the energy of the heavens and the earth recovered, and monks also sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Although the number is still small, it is far more than before the mutation, and there are more and more people with cultivation qualifications.

Because of the lack of restraint, some monks began to bully the weak and act recklessly, causing great harm to ordinary people.

As a result, some strong monks formed an alliance to formulate corresponding rules and prohibitions, so as to prevent monks from causing harm to the world.

If a monk is found to have violated the rules and disciplines, this organization will also send a special executioner to capture or kill him! "

When Sun Daquan said this, he showed a sneer, and said in a flat tone: "This organization protects all human beings in name, but in fact, it has long been controlled by certain forces and has become a tool for them to use.

The handling of many things is very unfair, and more and more protests and disputes have been triggered.

Because the people in power are all ghosts, monks and organizations in the East seldom join it, and they don't even recognize the organization's legal status at all.

Once members of this organization enter the east, they will be closely monitored immediately, and may even be killed without knowing why.

It can be said that the Eastern World is the forbidden zone of this organization, and their members will never set foot there easily if it is not necessary! "

When Sun Daquan said this, his face showed a dignified look, and he seemed to remind him: "But even so, the strength of this organization should not be underestimated. After all, they have more members, and there are many countries behind them to provide support. ..."

Listening to the middle-aged monk's narration, Tang Zhen was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that there were so many secrets hidden behind this world.

The avatar and the monks in Loucheng, who had been standing by the side all the time, were listening to Sun Daquan's narration, and they were equally shocked in their hearts.

They really didn't expect that the influence of the virus would be so great, which has far exceeded their expectations.

Not only did the virus forcibly change the technological plane to a low-energy plane, but this change did not happen immediately, but was affected ten years ago.

The meteorite that fell from the sky that triggered the energy recovery must not have appeared naturally, but something made by those viruses.

The means by which the virus does this is still unknown, but one thing is certain, that is, the danger of this virus is far beyond imagination.

No wonder the indigenous gods were so powerful that they couldn't resist the attack of the virus. They slept for thousands of years, and they didn't wake up even if the kingdom of God was destroyed.

Compared with the tragic experience of the indigenous gods, Tang Zhen's current situation is nothing at all, and his greatest advantage is that he has avatars and a group of Loucheng monks to help him.

As for the unlucky native gods, it is estimated that they are still sleeping in their own dreams. Unless the fifth theater helps, they don't know when they will wake up.

This is the scary thing about super-plane creatures. The world they create is so real that even the creators can't tell the truth from the fake.

Once infected, it can only go up and down in this special world until it is completely turned into a pool of dry bones.

Cultivating to become a god-level powerhouse is an extremely difficult thing, but it ended up in such a miserable way of death. I don't know if it is a kind of sadness?

Everyone can even imagine that in the mysterious super plane, there must be many similar victims, who slowly fell without knowing it.

Fortunately, this virus only attacks god-level monks, but it is not interested in ordinary monks at all.

Otherwise, it would be a terrible disaster for the practice world. If it cannot be controlled, it is likely to completely wipe out the monks in the entire plane.

But if you think about it from another angle, this might not be an opportunity.

If the virus can be successfully controlled or even created, the holy dragon theater with only two creator monks will have a super weapon against god-level monks.

As long as the virus is placed in the Kingdom of God, the opponent can be attacked quietly, and then slowly fall in a deep sleep.

The most frightening thing is that the injection of this virus does not require experts, only an ordinary monk can complete the entire process of "poisoning".

The more the Loucheng monks analyzed, the more frightened they became, and they had a more intuitive understanding of the horror of super-plane creatures.

The avatar said: "This matter is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity, the key depends on how to deal with it.

Your task now is to analyze and study this virus, and find a way to use it for me.

My requirement is to find a way to effectively kill the virus while controlling the use of the virus.

This is very important, because sooner or later the fifth war zone will launch an invasion of the super plane, and this research result will be used at that time.

After the research is successful, I will trade with the cornerstone platform of the Fifth War Zone in exchange for sufficient benefits.

For the Holy Dragon Theater, this is likely to be a rare development opportunity, so we must firmly grasp it! "

Although Tang Zhen is the lord of the Fifth War Zone, he is also the master of the Holy Dragon War Zone. No matter what his status is, he has the right to seek more benefits for himself.

In the world of Loucheng, which advocates equal exchange, there is nothing wrong with his approach. No one will make irresponsible remarks, and some people will even feel grateful to him.

Just because once an attack is launched on the super plane, there will inevitably be many powerful creators participating in it. If they are infected by this virus, it will cause immeasurable losses.

Tang Zhen, who provided a way to deal with the virus, is the biggest contributor. I believe that whether it is the cornerstone platform of the fifth theater or the creators who participated in the battle, they will definitely keep this matter in mind.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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