I have a city in another world

Chapter 2381 Centipede Monster

Chapter 2381 Centipede Monster
Whether it is Sun Daquan and others, or these alliance monks who have just been forced to join, they are full of worries about the situation ahead.

This is indeed the case. At this time, the center of the city is a fire pit, and normal people avoid it for fear.

What Tang Zhen and others did seemed to be no different from committing suicide, but only Tang Zhen knew that he actually had a reason to go.

Fortunately, even if he is in danger, because of the protection of the system, he has a way to escape completely.

There is a saying that money is not revealed, and some things are fine as long as you know them, and there is no need to spread them around.

These alliance monks must have resentment, and it is very likely that they will secretly send news to the monk alliance when everyone is not paying attention.

Whether it is for revenge or to get out of trouble, they have enough reasons to do so.

Tang Zhen can control the life and death of these slaves, but he cannot control their words and deeds, otherwise he will get a walking dead.

If someone really put their minds to it and desperately wanted to do it, Tang Zhen couldn't do anything about it.

Compared with Sun Daquan and others, these alliance monks are not trustworthy, and may even be regarded as real cannon fodder by Tang Zhen.

Cultivators are ruthless and cruel. Tang Zhen now understands and is quickly adapting to understand this group.

Anyway, there are plenty of controllers, even if they are destroyed, he doesn't feel bad. As long as he wants, he can get more through the system.

Because there is a system in hand, the priceless treasure in the eyes of others is no different from Chinese cabbage to Tang Zhen.

As for the arguments of Sun Daquan and others, he naturally listened to all of them, and just smiled lightly.

Stupid slaves, I'm afraid you don't even know how many cards your master has!

No one understood Tang Zhen's mood, and he was always surrounded by excitement and doubts, because the rewards in the novice gift pack were so generous that it made people feel outrageous.

What was the reason that caused such a thing to happen, and why did it fall on my own head?
The more he understood the functions of these items, the more Tang Zhen confirmed in his heart that it was absolutely impossible that the pie fell from the sky and fell directly on his head.

There must be a reason for things to happen. As for what the truth is, we still need to continue to explore.

Doubts arose in Tang Zhen's heart, which was actually a good sign. The more doubts he had in his heart, the easier it would be for him to wake up.

When he remembered his true identity, it would be the day when he woke up from his dream. At that time, no matter how powerful the virus was, it would be impossible for him to be Tang Zhen's opponent.

In this special world, he may be able to clean up all the viruses with just one thought.

The problem is that it is not easy to do this. Even if it is as strong as the indigenous gods, it will sleep for thousands of years and eventually lead to the collapse of the Kingdom of God.

Even if Tang Zhen has avatars and subordinates to help him, it is absolutely impossible to get out of trouble in a short time. How can the god-killing virus from the super plane be so fragile?
This terrifying creature from the super plane has been officially named God-killing virus. With their brilliant record, they really deserve this name.

In order to ensure the efficiency of killing the god-killing virus, the scientific research team packed supplies to Tang Zhen. If it weren't for some weapons that could not be used, Tang Zhen might have received a large gift package the size of a mountain.

When that time really came, he probably wasn't confused, but began to doubt life.

But even so, Tang Zhen still couldn't exert the true power of the item, but it was definitely more than enough to save his life.

So the issue discussed by Sun Daquan and others just now is not a problem for Tang Zhen at all. It is no exaggeration to say that even if the whole world is destroyed, Tang Zhen will not be in any danger.

The team was still moving at this time, and in the blink of an eye, they had already advanced several kilometers.

Just as he was crossing a crossroad, there was a sudden noisy sound in his ears, which was very clear in the silent city.

Everyone's complexion changed, knowing that something must happen again, the biggest possibility is the attack of monsters.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a large group of strange things crawling from the nearby streets.

They filled the streets to the brim, and it was impossible to count the number. The initial estimate was more than a thousand.

The appearance of these monsters is like the appearance of a giant centipede devouring human beings, but being suddenly burst by human beings.

A section of human torso covered with carapace, combined with the body of an insect, looks extremely strange.

With a body length of more than ten meters, they look like strange pythons, exuding an extremely evil aura

They waved slender arms like iron hooks and sickles, swarming up, and the "click" sound when their bodies hit was like rain hitting plantains.

"Don't love to fight, evacuate quickly!"

A cold light flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes when he saw this scene.

Looking at those connected, distorted and painful human faces, Tang Zhen suddenly hated the god-killing virus that caused the disaster.

It is because of the existence of the god-killing virus that countless human beings have suffered from it and turned into this disgusting appearance that is neither human nor ghost.

Even if he is already dead, he will continue to suffer and will not get a moment of peace.

Fortunately, I am not acting as a bystander, but rushing to the forefront of the fight against the virus, trying to keep more humans away from harm.

This is a great thing, even if there is no task reward, Tang Zhen will definitely do it without hesitation.

After hearing Tang Zhen's order, Sun Daquan and the others immediately got together and continued to stop the centipede monster while moving forward.

It's just that there are too many monsters, and they move extremely fast. When they run on the street, they are hardly hindered by anything.

Whether it's trees, walls, or criss-crossed cars, they can't stop the centipede monster's footsteps at all

Not long after, the walls of nearby buildings were covered with centipede monsters, completely blocking the way of Tang Zhen and others.

"Master, what should we do?"

The young man in a suit has been guarding Tang Zhen's side, looking like a loyal protector, but in fact it is because Tang Zhen's side is the safest.

No matter when, Tang Zhen will ensure his own safety first, so it is the most dangerous to be on the periphery, and it is safe to be close to Tang Zhen.

As soon as the young man in the suit finished speaking, a centipede monster nearby had already launched an attack, and a ball of dark green slime hit him.

"Master be careful!"

The young man in a suit roared, and stood in front of Tang Zhen with a look of loyalty.

Without the reminder from the young man in a suit, Tang Zhen had already avoided the attack of the centipede monster at an astonishingly fast speed.

The slime hit a car next to it, making the sound of boiling oil meeting water, and the hard shell of the car was directly burned through.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it. This terrible corrosiveness was even more terrifying than the attack of guns and weapons.

If the human body is splashed with this kind of mucus, it may turn into pus and blood in a blink of an eye. Even if the panacea is used, it will not have any therapeutic effect.

Seeing this, the young man in a suit had a look of fear in his eyes, and quietly moved a little away from Tang Zhen.

This cunning guy was afraid that Tang Zhen would order him to act as a shield if he couldn't dodge in time.

Tang Zhen ignored the small thoughts of the young man in a suit, but stared at the centipede monsters around him with a dignified expression on his face.

At this time, the centipede monster had already completed the encirclement, and they all stood up at the same time, spitting mucus at Tang Zhen and the others.

There are at least dozens of rotten heads on each centipede monster, and they open their mouths to spit mucus at the same time, making the street like rain.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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