I have a city in another world

Chapter 2383 Close to the city center

Chapter 2383 Close to the city center

With the fatal crisis resolved, Tang Zhen ordered to move on.

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried forward, for fear that those centipede monsters would catch up again.

Monsters are different from human beings, they will lose their minds when they are stimulated, they will evacuate when they are frightened, but they may come back at any time.

As for the energy crystal nucleus in the monster's body, there is no time to extract it at this moment, which also makes Sun Daquan and others feel very distressed.

When they saw the black smoke-like worms going back and forth, floating behind them like clouds, they felt a little more secure in their hearts.

At least when the centipede monster attacked, with these unknown swarms blocking them, they would definitely not be so embarrassed.

If Tang Zhen can control these swarms, he can use them to deal with other monsters, and their pressure will be greatly reduced.

It's just that from the beginning to the end, Tang Zhen didn't deliberately manipulate the swarm, which made everyone still uncertain.

They didn't know, and they didn't dare to ask, they just buried their heads and moved forward silently.

After walking for a further distance, the scene ahead changed. Most of the roadside buildings were damaged, filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood.

Several buildings were incompletely broken, with holes left by shells and some strange traces, which were obviously left by monsters.

The road is covered with debris, and there are many remains of humans and monsters. It looks like a purgatory on earth.

At the end of the road, there is a wriggling gray fog, like a gigantic monster, constantly devouring the living beings in the city.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes became serious. They knew that there must be dangers in the thick fog.

As for whether to enter or not, it all depends on Tang Zhen's decision.

Tang Zhen was also observing, but it only took more than ten seconds to pay attention.

Whether it's for mission rewards or to avoid more human victims, he has no reason to hide.

"The next step is to enter the dense fog. Everyone remember to follow the team closely. I will let the swarm guard on both sides to ensure everyone's safety as much as possible.

You are all monks, and you should have more relevant knowledge than me, so I will not say more.

If you persevere to the end and follow me out of this city, I can guarantee that you will reap unimaginable benefits.

So everyone, please live as long as possible! "

After Tang Zhen finished speaking, he waved to everyone and walked straight forward.

He is not fooling everyone, as long as the task is completed, the system will give him an extremely rich reward.

Tang Zhen can take out some items from it and use them as rewards to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

There are too many reward items, and Tang Zhen can't use them up. Instead of keeping them in the warehouse, it is better to take them out to play a greater role.

They will provide Tang Zhen with a lot of help, so Tang Zhen will never feel any distress when investing in them.

It is better to use the raw than to use the familiar. The strength of Sun Daquan and others who have been rewarded will continue to improve and become stronger and stronger.

Sun Daquan and the others were silent. They didn't know if what Tang Zhen said was true or not, but judging from his previous behavior, the promise was very true.

If it was a stingy guy, how could it be possible to treat the precious raw gem ore as a reward, and how could it be possible to take out the incomparably precious elixir and distribute it to the captives for healing?

To Sun Daquan and others, Tang Zhen was a mystery, he didn't feel like a monk, but the treasures he possessed were enough to drive any monk crazy.

Although controlled by others, they have the opportunity to obtain coveted rewards. This mixed feeling of pain and excitement made Sun Daquan and others very depressed and entangled.

In fact, they are also very clear that whether they want to or not, they must follow Tang Zhen's request, even if they die.

Being able to get rich rewards is considered a free profit.

After walking for a short time, the team had already entered the thick fog.

After entering the gray mist area, everyone immediately felt a wet, slippery and cool feeling, as if cold palms were constantly groping and walking on the surface of the skin.

Inside the buildings on the side of the road that were covered by gray mist, there seemed to be a series of gloomy eyes, peeping at the people who were advancing.

It is very likely that in the next second, it will suddenly attack like a poisonous snake.

Feeling the strange environment, everyone has raised their vigilance and is ready to fight at any time.

Compared to Sun Daquan and others who were nervous, Tang Zhen was in a relaxed mood.

Although the fog covered his eyes, he was able to successfully locate the monster because of the system in hand.

In addition to the mission objectives, you can also see red dots in the nearby area, these are hidden monsters.

No matter how well the monster hides, even if it is covered by a wall, there is nothing to hide in front of the map.

This is the credit of the Loucheng monks who followed all the way. They searched the entire city, locked all the monsters, and then entered the information into the system.

A group of super strong people help to detect the enemy's situation. Really few people can enjoy this level of service.

So compared to Sun Daquan and others who were nervous, Tang Zhen was actually calmer and didn't worry about being attacked by surprise at all.

During the march, Tang Zhen suddenly threw the rune rifle to Sun Daquan, and then reported a coordinate.

"Sun Daquan, in the direction of [-]:[-], at a position seven meters above the ground, launch an attack with all your strength!"

Dragging the rune rifle thrown by Tang Zhen, after hearing his order, Sun Daquan was slightly taken aback, and then subconsciously raised the gun to shoot.

After pulling the trigger, there was a muffled sound, and at the same time, the sound of the monster screaming in pain.

There seemed to be a black shadow behind the thick fog, and suddenly fell to the ground, followed by a stench, as if something had exploded.

You don't need to guess to know that the shot that Sun Daquan fired just now directly killed a monster.

"How did he do it?"

A trace of confusion arose in the hearts of the people. It must be known that in this weird gray fog, they could not perceive the surrounding environment as usual, but Tang Zhen could do it.

But after thinking about it, Tang Zhen was completely different from them, and being able to lock onto the monster through the gray fog didn't seem like a big deal.

"At one o'clock ahead, there is a monster trying to sneak attack, about two meters from the ground, launch a continuous attack!"

Tang Zhen's voice sounded again. This time, it wasn't just Sun Daquan who fired, but other monks with long-range attack methods all attacked in the direction Tang Zhen reported.

Because they heard Tang Zhen's request, they had to attack continuously, which meant that monsters couldn't be killed with one blow.

There is strength in numbers, even when hunting monsters.

There was a sound from behind the gray mist. It seemed that a giant moved its body, and at the same time, there were wailing echoes.

If after a series of attacks, there is no movement behind the gray fog, it proves that the monster trying to sneak attack has been killed.

When everyone passed the attack site, they saw a huge corpse lying in the middle of the street, covered with pustules and red and green whiskers, like a mutated toad.

Inside the mouth full of fangs, a long tongue hangs out, with black barbs and a rotting human head growing on it.

It seemed obvious that before the monster was attacked, it was lurking on the side of the road and preparing to attack.

Once caught by the monster's tongue, there is no chance of escape, and it will be dragged into the mouth and chewed into pieces.

While everyone was shocked, they were secretly sighing, if Tang Zhen hadn't reminded them in time, God knows how many casualties would have been suffered?
After realizing this, everyone began to approach Tang Zhen automatically. It seemed that only Tang Zhen could give them a sense of security in this environment.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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