I have a city in another world

Chapter 2385 Difficulties

Chapter 2385 Difficulties
Because monsters appeared frequently during this period and could not be dealt with effectively, the whole world was in chaos.

Now that something happened at the top of the world, it immediately attracted the attention of the monks, because this place is very special.

The plane barrier is weak, and once broken, it may cause void air to seep in.

Although the strength of the monks in the original world was not high, but because of the ancient inheritance, they knew how terrifying the void was.

Therefore, those veteran monk organizations are very concerned about these sensitive areas, and even have guardians in similar locations.

Because they are very low-key, few people know of their existence, or there are only some specious rumors.

When something happened in the sky above the top of the world, those guardians rushed over immediately, not daring to waste any time.

Their purpose is very clear, if monsters appear, they must try their best to kill them.

But if the top of the mountain becomes a paradise, no matter what the price is, it must be occupied immediately.

The whole world is changing, and it will be of great significance to these guardians if they can occupy a treasure land first.

Maybe the whole world will be destroyed, but the monks who occupy the cave are very likely to survive.


The avatar ignored the reaction of the residents of the original world, but left this world again to carry out the next plan.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the back valley of Holy Dragon City.

The main body is still asleep, showing no sign of waking up, and doesn't know how dangerous his situation is.

The surroundings were heavily guarded, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

"Immediately search for the signal of the new cross-plane transmission array, and then try to establish a transmission channel, ready for transmission at any time."

The monk Loucheng who received the order acted immediately, and soon the interplanetary teleportation array in the valley began to operate, and a huge beam of light shot up into the sky, piercing directly into the void.

Every cross-plane teleportation array must break through the barriers of the plane before sending the information out.

The search device in Loucheng World also needs to enter the void to search for the desired signal.

After confirming the void signal, you can contact the cornerstone platform to establish the route of the transmission channel.

It didn't take long for new plane coordinates to be discovered. After strict confirmation, it was the cross-plane teleportation array previously established by the avatar.

After the information was confirmed to be correct, the cornerstone platform locked on the target and began to build a void transmission channel.

For the cornerstone platform of the building city world, this kind of thing is easy to do, but the farther the distance from the target, the slower the construction speed will become.

Just like building a road, it always takes a little time.

The original world is not too far away, so it doesn't take much time to build the passage, unlike some special planes, it really takes tens or hundreds of years to complete the construction of the transmission passage.

Because of the special situation, the avatar contacted the cornerstone platform, hoping to handle special matters.

If possible, try to complete the channel construction in the shortest possible time, and then send the Loucheng monks.

Tang Zhen is the master of the war zone, and his status is extraordinary. Now that he is facing a special crisis, the cornerstone platform naturally has no reason to refuse to help.

After the communication was over, the cornerstone platform launched its full strength to build the channel at ten times the speed.

The avatar took the time to glance at the coordinates of the plane, and found that the parallel world and the real original world had only a very small difference in value.

"If you follow the previously stored plane world coordinates, can you find the real original world, or other parallel worlds similar to the original world?"

This thought flashed through Tang Zhen's mind, then he smiled and stopped thinking about it.

The past has passed, even if the real original world is found, it is the original world that is synchronized with the Loucheng world.

There is a portal connection with the Holy Dragon War Zone, so it can be teleported there directly, so why bother?
He is not one of the monks in the scientific research team. He has to verify and test any possibility, and even repeat a certain experiment constantly, just to get the most accurate answer.

The next time is to wait slowly.

Because of Tang Zhen's order, the monks of Loucheng in Sacred Dragon City once again entered the battle state, and various war materials began to be deployed.

According to the level of invading the world, the level of preparing for the war in Loucheng is also different, but because the strength of the holy dragon theater is limited, it will not launch an invasion of high-level planes at all.

A low-level world similar to the original world has long been out of the invasion range of the Holy Dragon City, and it is not even high enough to invade.

So when the staff confirmed the level of the parallel world through information testing, they immediately showed surprise.

"What is the city lord going to do? Why do you want to invade such a low-level technological plane? Can the cost of the war be recovered?"

The question in my heart had just arisen, and the staff found something wrong again, because this world was [-]% similar to the original world, but it was not the real original world.

If you have to compare, you can only say that the overall situation of this world is similar to the original world more than a hundred years ago.

Many of the staff in Hou Valley are descendants of the original world residents, but they have already become real Loucheng world residents.

They don't have any special feelings for the original world, and they rarely go to the original world on weekdays.

When they discovered that the invasion world was connected to the original world, they would inevitably be curious and wanted to find out the specific reason.

However, as monks in Loucheng, they all have excellent qualities, and they will never affect their work because of curiosity.

The work of collecting information and building the transmission channel was carried out at the same time. With the efforts of a group of professionals, the relevant data was collected quickly.

But after seeing the results, everyone discovered another problem.

"My lord, after our analysis, we have determined that the transmission channel connecting this world has been distorted by some force.

In this case, teleportation between planes would become very dangerous, especially for high-level monks, who would not be able to complete the teleportation at all. "

Hearing the report from the residents of Loucheng, Tang Zhen was also a little surprised.

Originally, he planned to send monk Loucheng to the original world by means of teleportation, and then wipe out all the god-killing viruses.

However, the sudden restriction made the original plan unable to be carried out. If only the low-level monks were sent there, it would not have much effect at all.

This kind of situation is likely to be related to the god-killing virus, which not only restricts the actions of the avatar, but also excludes the entry of high-level monks from the outside world.

Although there is a situation, the plan must continue. Even if there are problems, we must find a way to deal with them.

This situation is not uncommon, so it didn't take long for a corresponding solution.

The cross-plane teleportation task still exists, but the monks of Loucheng will teleport in the form of energy bodies, which should be able to easily avoid the restrictions.

It's just that if this happens, the strength of monk Loucheng will also be affected, leaving less than [-]% of his strength.

In this energy state, letting the monks of Loucheng fight against the god-killing virus is no different from sending them to death.

There is also a solution, that is to let the monks of Loucheng look for suitable objects to possess like ghosts.

Then use the body of the possessed object to find and kill the god-killing virus, so as to realize the original elimination plan.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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