Chapter 2416
Everyone present could see that the companion of the golden-armored monk was pleading, hoping to expose the matter.

This matter is not too serious. Although the actions of the golden-armored monks are malicious, they did not really do that.

If there is no fact, the guilt will naturally be reduced a lot. According to the thoughts of the golden-armored monk companion, even if Tang Zhen wants to be held accountable, he will not go too far.

In the final analysis, this is just a trivial matter. The so-called forgiveness and forgiveness, Tang Zhen is an outsider, so there is no need to be too fussy.

Regarding this matter, Tang Zhen should see clearly and know how to deal with it.

I'm afraid that if the matter gets bigger, it will become out of control. As for whether it can be resolved smoothly, Tang Zhen's attitude is very important.

When the two monks said this, they looked at Tang Zhen expectantly, hoping that he would respond.

Facing the expectant gazes of the two cultivators, Tang Zhen just smiled without saying a word, and at the same time set his eyes on the golden-armored cultivator, his attitude was very clear.

This matter was caused by the golden-armored monk, so naturally he had to finish it, and hiding by the side and pretending to be dumb would not work.

It's not that he doesn't have a mouth, so why is he talking so eloquently just now, but now he keeps silent?

If the Golden Armored Cultivator behaved well, this matter could have been exposed. Tang Zhen is not the kind of character who is not forgiving when he is in power.

But if he refused to even say an apology from the beginning to the end, then the matter would be another matter.

After seeing Tang Zhen's attitude, everyone didn't know what he was thinking, and quickly winked at the golden armored monk.

"Apologize quickly, and expose this matter, and you will be the one who suffers after the stalemate!"

Someone said in a low voice, but the golden-armored monk didn't seem to hear it, and still stood there motionless.

The monks queuing up not far away set their eyes on the golden-armored monk at the same time, with anticipation, jokes, and undisguised sarcasm.

After witnessing the whole process, they were in a very happy mood and felt a bad breath.

This elite monk from the Tiangai Territory had previously put on a condescending look, feeling like he didn't take anyone seriously.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and he no longer had that arrogant posture.

The comparison between the two makes people can't help but want to laugh, which is the real slap in the face.

The golden-armored monk who was watched by everyone, his body trembled more obviously, and his head hung down to look at the ground.

A distorted face has become gloomy like water, and flames are rising in the eyes.

His drooping hands had already clenched into fists, making a "crack" sound.

Judging by the strength of the clenched fist, even if an iron block was put in his hand, it would probably be crushed into iron slag.

At this moment, his heart must be filled with infinite resentment, hating Tang Zhen for making him unable to step down.

After waiting for more than ten breaths, the golden-armored monk remained unresponsive, like a clay sculpture or wood carving.

The smile on Tang Zhen's face was still there, and he looked at the golden armored monk intently, but his companion was a little anxious.

"Amuga, what are you doing?"

A monk who talked forward with Tang Zhen lowered his voice and roared, with deep dissatisfaction in his tone.

Damn guy, he is still so capricious even now, who does he think he is?
Everyone came forward to help, but the golden-armored monk was indifferent, how could this not make people feel angry!
After seeing this scene, his companions all showed dissatisfaction, feeling that the golden armor monk did not take responsibility.

A monk with such a personality is really not worthy of deep friendship.

Especially on the battlefield, such a teammate should be more careful, it is very likely to make mistakes at critical moments, because he only cares about himself.

"Your Excellency, look at him..."

Another monk said while looking at Tang Zhen with an embarrassed smile.

What the golden-armored monk did made them extremely embarrassed, and they didn't know what to do.

Just then, a mutation arose.

"You don't ask him anymore. This is the territory of Tiangai. Since it is in our own home, why should we give in to an outsider like him!"

The golden-armored monk, who hadn't responded for a long time, suddenly spoke. He stared at Tang Zhen intently, his eyes a little ferocious and crazy.

Perhaps it was because the slap in the face was so severe that the Golden Armored Cultivator felt ashamed, and it was difficult to accept it for a while, and his thoughts became more and more extreme.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked at the same time.

It was far beyond everyone's expectations that the golden-armored monk said such a thing. When his companions helped solve the problem, he jumped out to disrupt the situation. Do you really think the matter is not big enough?

Looking at the golden-armored monk, everyone cursed secretly: "This damn guy, what the hell is he trying to do?"

While cursing inwardly, he looked at Tang Zhen who was standing opposite, and found that although he was still smiling lightly, his smile had become cold.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts trembled again. No matter how good-tempered Tang Zhen was, he couldn't tolerate this kind of provocation.

It was originally just a trivial matter, but it became complicated when the golden-armored monk made such a fuss.

He became angry from embarrassment and refused to bow his head to admit his mistake. If it is difficult to bring others, he will lose face?

The matter has become so troubled, shouldn't you be the main responsibility, why do you still have to put on an appearance of being wronged?

If today's participant is not Tang Zhen, but other low-level monks, who knows what will happen in the end?

Facing extreme people like the golden-armored monk, nine out of ten will lose their lives. After all, the bottomless abyss is not a place to play around.

In this matter, the golden-armored monk himself did not take reason, and now his attitude is even worse, with an attitude of not admitting his mistakes.

Maybe Tang Zhen didn't intend to delve into it at first, but he probably wouldn't let it go just because of his attitude toward the golden-armored monk.

The situation on the scene has become like this, which has completely exceeded everyone's expectations. Fortunately, the monks have been tempered for a long time and know that they must not let things develop like this.

"Your Excellency, please don't misunderstand me, my companion is also young and vigorous, and I don't mean to belittle you.

After I go back, I will discipline him well and make him realize his mistakes. See if this is satisfactory.

In addition, Amuga's grandfather is the lord of the ninth city of Tiangai, and he will definitely be severely punished when he returns. "

When the companion was talking, he kept winking at the golden-armored monk, and at the same time, someone rushed to him to prevent him from doing any reckless behavior.

He deliberately revealed the identity and background of the golden-armored monk, and also hoped that Tang Zhen could sell his face and stop haggling with the golden-armored monk.

After all, he still has elders, strong men who belong to the same level as Tang Zhen, and they have to show some face to each other.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the golden-armored monk spoke again, but his tone was a little hysterical.

"Don't talk about it, this person is deliberately trying to frame me, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence.

Even if I really apologize today, he will definitely not let me go. If this is the case, why should I ruin my face in vain.

So what if you hold the token of the restricted area, I don't believe that he dared to lead me into the restricted area of ​​the bottomless abyss under the watchful eyes of everyone.

If this is the case, neither my grandfather nor my master will give up! "

When the golden-armored monk spoke, he looked at Tang Zhen with a fearless attitude.

He looked righteous, but he angered those companions who were interceding for him. He didn't expect the golden armored monk to be so stupid, he was simply hopeless.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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