I have a city in another world

Chapter 2422 The Dangerous Universe of Death

Chapter 2422 The Dangerous Universe of Death

In the dark and vast universe, a figure passed by at an astonishingly fast speed.

This is Tang Zhen taking Amuga, leaving the entrance, and heading for the real area of ​​the bottomless abyss.

The area of ​​this area is huge, at least over a million kilometers, and monks can be seen from time to time on those floating boulders.

The bottomless abyss is indeed special, as if it has been compressed, and it is full of abnormal phenomena everywhere.

If it is in the normal universe, even if this area flies tens of light years, it is very likely that it will not be able to travel through it.

But in the bottomless abyss, the monk's travel efficiency will be doubled. A distance of one kilometer here is almost equivalent to tens of thousands of kilometers in the real universe.

To use an analogy, the distance between two points on the map is ten centimeters, but the actual distance is tens of thousands of kilometers, and monks are ants of normal size.

Ants only need to cross a distance of ten centimeters on the map, which is equivalent to crossing a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers to reach their destination directly.

It is for this reason that monks in Loucheng can shuttle between the stars instead of wasting all their time on the road.

But even so, the area of ​​the bottomless abyss is still astonishingly large, and the span between each area is extremely long.

During the march, some strange sights can be seen from time to time, such as the remains of dead creatures, forming a sea of ​​corpses wandering in the universe.

On some of the broken stars, there are still things like energy shields, with buildings and plants inside, emitting a dim and strange light.

In the dead and silent environment, it looks extremely conspicuous.

After seeing Tang Zhen's gaze, Amuga specially introduced, saying that there are monks who have been stationed in the bottomless abyss for a long time, and they built shops for the convenience of themselves and other monks.

If the monks don't want to go out, they can replenish supplies here, so that the cultivation process can be avoided from being affected.

The special power of the bottomless abyss must be continuously contacted, and the longer the accumulation time, the better.

If the period stops suddenly, all previous efforts will be wasted. If you want to restore the previous efficiency, you must either continue to accumulate time, or go to a deeper area.

However, the risk will also increase accordingly, so this approach is not recommended for those who understand the bottomless abyss.

After passing through this outer area, the number of stars suddenly became denser, and some stars were gathered together, and even several planets were connected together.

Under normal circumstances, the stars cannot be roasted so close together, which will lead to terrible disasters.

But in the dead universe, these stars do not emit light or heat, they are just cold boulders or big iron balls...

A dead universe, as the name suggests.

During the teleportation process, Tang Zhen passed by the wreckage of a broken planet from time to time, but the next moment he appeared at an extremely far distance.

Time is running out, he has already started to move forward at full speed.

The creator's teleportation speed and distance are indeed shocking, but compared to the vast void, they are nothing at all.

If he spends all his time on the road, it may be difficult for Tang Zhen to reach his destination even in a hundred years.

Fortunately, in the collapsed death universe, there are countless wormhole cracks, which become shortcuts for monks to reach their destination quickly.

In order to provide convenience for the monks, all the proven teleportation wormholes have coordinates, and there are conscious text explanations nearby, so the monks don't have to worry about getting lost.

"I have limited time and want to reach the restricted area in the shortest possible time. How can I do it?"

Tang Zhen looked at Amuga beside him. This guy looked downcast now, but he didn't dare to perfunctory Tang Zhen's question.

His life is under the control of Tang Zhen. If Tang Zhen is dissatisfied, then this bottomless abyss will become his burial place.

Amuga said: "Under normal circumstances, the transit is carried out through wormholes, but the transmission distance of those wormholes is very short, and it is very troublesome to use.

If you want to be faster, you need to go through those giant cracks, go faster and go farther.

This situation occurs because there is a special undercurrent of energy in the crack, which can engulf monks to the restricted area.

The undercurrent of energy in these giant cracks came from unknown sources, but it never ceased, and the final destination was the core of the dead universe.

The monks in the Tiangai Territory have studied for many years and finally came to a conclusion that there must be a huge secret hidden in the core of the bottomless abyss.

There is also another argument, saying that when the undercurrent of energy accumulates to the limit, it is very likely to erupt suddenly, and then lead to the destruction of the bottomless abyss..."

Amuga did know a lot of information. When Tang Zhen asked the question, he immediately gave the answer, and at the same time told a lot of related rumors.

Tang Zhen listened carefully, and at the same time analyzed and researched to formulate a plan of action.

His time is limited, and it is absolutely impossible to slowly improve his strength here like other monks.

Going to the deepest part of the penalty area and finding a way to repair the trauma in a short period of time became his best choice.

"In this case, then look for the crack you mentioned, and then follow the undercurrent of energy!"

Tang Zhen made up his mind and said to Amuga.

After hearing Tang Zhen's decision, Amuga showed a bit of embarrassment, and explained to Tang Zhen: "The undercurrent of energy sometimes rushes and sometimes slows down, and the various dangers hidden in it will be swallowed if you are not careful.

And after arriving at the destination, you have to find a way to get rid of the undercurrent of energy and go ashore, otherwise you may be drawn into an unknown place! "

When Amuga said this, there was a trace of fear on his face, and he said in a slightly fearful tone: "But those who enter unknown places, in all likelihood, never return, even if there are people who come back occasionally. Suffering from all kinds of strange diseases.

So some people say that that unknown place is actually the gathering place of all the negative energies of the dead universe, once you enter it, you will be infected involuntarily. "

Amuga's words were actually intended to dissuade Tang Zhen, hoping that he would give up his plan to enter the crack.

Although traveling through large and small wormholes will waste more time, it is also safer and more secure.

What he didn't expect was that Tang Zhen had been severely injured before, and now he urgently needs to recover his strength.

At the same time, he also has to participate in the battle zone ranking battle in Loucheng World, and the time left for him is also not much, and he must race against time.

What Amuga didn't even know was that if it wasn't for this matter, Tang Zhen would never have been able to lead him into the bottomless abyss because of this small conflict.

The truth is that Tang Zhen has limited time, and it is impossible to carefully collect information about the bottomless abyss, so he directly grabbed a guide by his side.

Amuga didn't realize this at all, and until now he thought that Tang Zhen was captured because of his words.

"I see, what you have to do now is to point me to the location of the crack."

Tang Zhen glanced at Amuga, and said in a light tone, obviously beyond doubt.

Amuga had no choice but to take out something similar to a star map, and then pointed to a marked point on it.

"It's here, the nearest crack..."

Before he finished his sentence, he felt the light and shadow changing in front of his eyes. Obviously, Tang Zhen had already started teleporting again.

Amuga kept cursing secretly in his heart, but now he couldn't help himself, so he could only quickly stabilize his mind to prevent accidents during the teleportation.

(End of this chapter)

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