I have a city in another world

Chapter 2437 The intention of the ninth city lord?

Chapter 2437 The ninth city lord's intention?
Looking at the Ninth City Lord sitting across from him, Tang Zhen felt a little doubtful, but he didn't express it directly.

Although there was a dispute between him and Amuga, it did not cause any serious consequences. Since Tang Zhen took the initiative to let Amuga leave, he expressed his willingness to end the grievance.

Tang Zhen took the initiative to give in and did not continue to pursue the matter, which was regarded as giving the other party enough face.

After all, if you look into it deeply, Amuga doesn't make sense in this matter, even if there is a middle god behind him, it can't distort the facts.

The cornerstone platform of the Loucheng World knows everything, and if it wants to do any dirty things, it really needs a great ability.

If it is discovered, the cornerstone platform will take the initiative to deal with it to maintain the fairness of the Loucheng world.

Tang Zhen chose to change his face just in case, but he didn't want the Ninth City Lord to really wait for him at the exit.

For more than two years, he was able to wait silently at the exit, and the other party was really patient.

It's just that the majestic middle god is so leisurely, it's simply incomprehensible.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen smiled lightly with a calm expression on his face.

Although he was blocked by the other party, he was extremely calm. If the ninth city lord is shameless, so what if he tears his face?

Although he is not a mid-level god, he is by no means an existence that the other party can bully. If it is really embarrassing, Tang Zhen doesn't mind fighting.

However, this possibility is very small. The ninth city lord may not be so small. He will wait here all the time, most likely because of other reasons.

In addition, Tang Zhen was also very curious. When the other party answered his question just now, why did he nod first and then shook his head?

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, first of all, I would like to thank you for your generosity, for being able to take the initiative to let Amuga back."

When the Ninth City Lord said this, he made a gesture to Tang Zhen, which was a way for monks in Loucheng to express their gratitude.

Tang Zhen shook his head: "It's just a small misunderstanding between me and Amuga, it's actually not as serious as it seems.

I took him into the bottomless abyss, in fact, to find a guide for myself, how could I hurt him! "

Tang Zhen explained a few words, just to completely clear up the misunderstanding.

"That's true, but I still want to tell you that this is actually a good thing!
After this incident, Amuga's temperament became more stable, and the bad habits that often appeared in him before have all disappeared now. "

When the Ninth City Lord said this, he showed a hint of relief, as if he was happy for Amuga's growth.

Tang Zhen frowned, looking at the ninth city lord opposite, showing a hesitant expression.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, do you have anything to say?"

The Ninth City Lord's perception is extremely keen, and when Tang Zhen frowned, he was already aware of it.

Hearing the question from the Ninth City Lord, Tang Zhen did not deny it, but asked in a slightly puzzled tone: "Actually, there is one thing that I have never understood. Amuga is already at the peak of the World Lord, but Why do you have such a weird personality?"

Tang Zhen didn't mean that there was something wrong with Amuga's brain, but that he had a weird feeling that his strength and thinking didn't match.

It was as if the soul of a mentally disabled child had been stuffed into the body of a strong man, but nothing abnormal could be seen on the surface.

It's only when you look closely that something is wrong.

Tang Zhen couldn't figure it out, and now in front of the Ninth City Lord, he raised the question in his heart.

The Ninth City Lord was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a smile.

"Since you want to know, it's okay for me to tell you that Amuga is indeed not an ordinary Loucheng monk.

Just because he had never come into contact with other Loucheng monks before he became the world lord, even after he became the world lord, everything he experienced was completely different from other monks..."

Tang Zhen frowned more and more when he heard this, and he had vaguely guessed the answer to the question.

The ninth city lord looked at Tang Zhen, and continued to say in a light tone: "I think you should have guessed the origin of Amuga, he is indeed a citizen created in my mind in the Kingdom of God, because the Lord of the World has never left the Kingdom of God before. , that’s why it makes you feel weird.”

After hearing this answer, while Tang Zhen suddenly realized, a touch of envy also rose in his heart.

If he guessed correctly, Amuga should be one of the people of the Kingdom of God cultivated by the Lord of the Ninth City. Because he is not far from being promoted to the Creator, he was released for training.

This is a very necessary step. The Lord of the Ninth City can't help, and Amuga has to comprehend and practice by himself.

When the time is right, and then absorb the essence of God, you can be promoted to the Creator.

The so-called kinship status is just a deception, Amuga is not the grandson of the Ninth City Lord at all.

Tang Zhen can also be sure that the Lord of the Ninth City chose the elite model, devoting all resources to a fixed number of people of the Kingdom of God.

Such a number of people would definitely not be too many, no more than ten people at a time, otherwise, even the middle gods would not be able to consume the original power consumed during the cultivation period.

This is a big gamble, because even the middle gods cannot guarantee that all the people of the Kingdom of God will be promoted to the Creator.

Once the promotion of the people of the Kingdom of God fails, all the investment will be in vain. This kind of loss is huge, and even the middle gods will feel pain.

If all the people of the kingdom of God have insufficient potential and are stuck at the level of the world master and cannot be promoted to the creator, then it cannot be described as unlucky.

Amuga is a citizen of the Kingdom of God cultivated by the Lord of the Ninth City, and he is the seedling who has the most hope of being promoted to the Creator, so he is so valued.

When he heard that Amuga was in danger, the Lord of the Ninth City rushed over immediately, without any hesitation in the whole process.

After figuring out Amuga's true identity, Tang Zhen suddenly realized, and the original confusion in his heart disappeared, and he secretly thought that this was the case.

After being promoted to the Creator, Tang Zhen checked the information on the cornerstone platform and knew that most of the Creator monks would choose the elite mode when cultivating the people of the Kingdom of God.

This is easier to manage and more targeted, and even the kingdom of mind does not need to be seriously built.

They care more about the ability to create things. As for the kingdom of mind, it is at best a super warehouse that they carry with them.

There are also some Loucheng monks who chose the normal evolution mode and used the evolution method of natural selection to cultivate the people of the Kingdom of God.

The difference from the elite mode is that this normal mode is slow to achieve results, and the time required is thousands of times that of the elite mode.

But in terms of resource investment, there will never be much less, and even more investment will be required.

Whether it is building the Kingdom of Mind, supporting the evolutionary operation, or the cultivation of the people of the Kingdom of God in the later stage, they all need the support of the power of the source.

The advantage of this model is that in the later stage, once the major races in the kingdom of mind develop, there may be a steady stream of monks at the level of world masters.

You only need to guide at the right time and provide enough God's Origin, so that you can get your own gods and be loyal to your creator monks.

However, if it fails, the loss will far exceed that of the elite mode. Fortunately, the remedy is also very simple.

Each of the two modes has its own advantages, but also each has its own disadvantages. It cannot be said which one will gain more, it just depends on how you choose.

Tang Zhen prefers the normal mode. Apart from feeling that the elite mode is too much of a gamble, he doesn't want to waste his mind on the magical world of the Kingdom of God.

For Tang Zhen, the biggest benefit after being promoted to the Creator is not having the magical ability to create, but having a real world that is completely his own.

If Tang Zhen had to choose between the creation ability and the kingdom of the mind, he would choose the latter without hesitation, because the creation ability is optional, but his own world is extremely difficult to obtain.

However, a new problem appeared again. The Lord of the Ninth City was waiting here to tell himself the true origin of Amuga. What was the reason for it?
(End of this chapter)

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