I have a city in another world

Chapter 2448 Single-handedly

Chapter 2448 Single-handedly
The sudden casualties made the fighting monks slightly stunned, they didn't expect that someone would be eliminated so soon.

From teleporting into this mysterious world until now, it was the first time for the monks in Loucheng to see someone being eliminated. The familiar teleportation light made them feel relieved, but they became nervous again at any time.

The reason for them to relax is to confirm that after being eliminated from this world, they did not die directly, but were transported to an unknown place.

The most likely possibility is that they will be sent back to their respective theaters and lose the qualification to continue competing.

This is still reasonable, otherwise such an aggrieved way of death is really unacceptable.

But while the safety was guaranteed, the monks in Loucheng understood one more thing, no matter what your original strength is, but in this arena, maybe an insignificant monster can instantly kill you.

Regardless of whether you were originally the World Lord or the Creator, if you don't want to be eliminated, you must be extremely vigilant.

In the past, countless ants were killed with one foot, but now a single ant can kill several bound dragons!

But in the blink of an eye, everyone withdrew their attention and continued to attack the City Lord's Mansion.

Cultivators in Loucheng are not afraid of real death when they fight in the Ten Thousand Worlds, let alone this kind of competition that will never die?

Now that you have entered the battlefield, you must not look forward and backward, you only need to fight until the last moment.

Having said that, everyone is obviously more careful, and no one wants to be eliminated.

"Be careful, there are many monsters in the City Lord's Mansion, and they are even more powerful!"

A Loucheng monk shouted loudly that he was shot down by a rain of arrows just as he stepped onto the wall.

He was hit by two arrows, but fortunately he didn't lose his life, but he also took the opportunity to see the scene in the yard clearly.

"How to do?"

The group of monks with bat wings felt extremely aggrieved in their hearts. After their companions were killed, they kept thinking about how to get revenge.

"Light on fire, burn this place for me!"

The leader of the bat monk who controlled the corpse array gritted his teeth and gave an order to his companions, and then saw them take out spherical objects from their waists.

Before everyone came back to their senses, these balls were thrown into the yard, and then bursts of bursting sounds were heard.

Groups of flames suddenly appeared, and the raging fire inside could be seen through the wall, and the monster's roar and running sound could be heard at the same time.

The Bat Brothers took the opportunity to jump up the fence, and then jumped into the yard.

During the period, a rain of arrows flew out, but it looked very messy and did not hurt any bat monks.

Soon there was the sound of fighting coming from the yard, and one could tell that there were a lot of people participating in the battle, so the fighting was very fierce.

Seeing this, other Loucheng monks broke through the defense of the corpse monsters and entered the city lord's mansion to fight for the elite monsters.

Whoever can snatch it can temporarily lead everyone. If this advantage is maintained all the time, the gap between them will become wider and wider.

Tang Zhen was also a little anxious, but he was only single-handed, and he obviously suffered a lot in terms of speed.

Finally moving under the wall of the City Lord's Mansion, Tang Zhen jumped on the corpse and landed firmly on the tall wall.

Looking intently into the wall, he saw that amidst the blazing flames, there were heavily armed soldier corpses everywhere, fighting with the monks of Loucheng.

Compared with those stupid zombies outside, these fully armed zombie soldiers are more fierce. If you don't look at their rotting faces, they are almost indistinguishable from living people.

But precisely because they are dead, they are no longer affected by fear and pain, but become more terrifying.

It was very difficult for the monks in Loucheng to kill, but the benefits were also very obvious. Just by observing with the naked eye, you can see that the energy of the corpse monster soldiers is stronger.

Moreover, after beheading these zombie soldiers, they can also get the opponent's weapons and equipment. Although they are only of ordinary quality, they are far better than bare hands.

It was only at this time that Tang Zhen realized that not all the monks in Loucheng had weapons. Perhaps something went wrong during the teleportation process, which caused the weapons and equipment they carried to disappear.

At this moment, they were holding the equipment dropped by the soldiers of the corpse monsters, hacking left and right, and killing them happily. Although the number was not dominant, their momentum was dominant.

For the Loucheng monks who entered the City Lord's Mansion, this place is a treasure house. Everyone is fighting for it, and it seems to be more vicious than monsters.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen sighed slightly in his heart. Before, he thought of taking it all by himself, but now it seems a bit unrealistic.

In such a big City Lord's Mansion, with so many monsters, how long will it take him to kill them all?
Not to mention whether he has such ability at this time, it is impossible for him to monopolize the benefits with so many Loucheng monks participating in the competition.

Obviously, I was too impatient, came up with unrealistic thoughts, and wanted to monopolize the benefits here.

After straightening his mentality, Tang Zhen smiled slightly, walked quickly along the wall, and soon came to the gatehouse.

There are a few zombie soldiers in charge of guarding here. When they saw Tang Zhen approaching, they immediately stabbed him with their spears.

Tang Seng did not dodge or dodge, and swept the purple long sword obliquely in his hand, directly cutting off the opponent's spear.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he jumped forward, and when he was still in the air, the long sword in his hand had already swept across the necks of the zombie soldiers, and then he saw the rotting heads soaring into the sky.

Several corpse monster soldiers were killed, Tang Zhen rushed a few steps after landing, and cleaned up the remaining corpse monster soldiers.

The seal in his body was broken again, and Tang Zhen was promoted to another level, but he didn't have time to pay attention at this moment.

He untied his belt, pressed a certain position and shook it lightly, and the wide belt immediately became a pile of parts.

Tang Zhen waved his hands, pulling or dragging these parts, and quickly formed a special firearm.

This is a weapon designed and manufactured by him. It can fire a variety of projectiles, and its lethality is quite terrifying.

Like the purple long sword, this was originally a backup method, but now it has all come in handy.


After buckling the magazine, Tang Zhen put the corpse beads he had picked up earlier into the energy bin, using it as the source of power for the gun.

For Tang Zhen's special firearm, only the energy chamber is the most critical core component, which can convert any energy as power, which is considered a proper black technology.

As for the volume of the energy tank, it is only the size of a beer bottle, which looks inconspicuous.

After the energy tank was running, Tang Zhen pressed a button, and the firearm had already entered the charging state.

With a light tap near his mask, a pair of special glasses appeared, establishing a connection with the firearm in his hand.

When the glasses showed that the charge was complete, Tang Zhen raised his gun and aimed it forward, locking onto a zombie general in red armor.

This guy was always standing in the rear, commanding the army of corpse monsters to fight. He was obviously a monster of a higher level.

To capture the thief first, capture the king. Tang Zhen single-handedly, if he wants to surpass those Loucheng monks who formed a team, he must specifically pick the big fish to start.

A spot of light that outsiders could not see suddenly fell on General Chijia, and Tang Zhen pulled the trigger suddenly.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

A series of crisp sounds came, and the zombie general who was directing the battle suddenly trembled violently as if hit by an invisible car.

In a very short period of time, its body seemed to be torn apart by invisible big hands, and its nails and flesh and blood flew in all directions, turning into a pile of tattered pieces of meat!

(End of this chapter)

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