I have a city in another world

Chapter 2455 Where is Tang Zhen?

Chapter 2455 Where is Tang Zhen?
The flames were still burning, but the monks in Loucheng couldn't wait, and went straight to the inner mansion area where the smoke hadn't cleared.

Although it is guessed that Tang Zhen is not dead, but this area can be seen at a glance, where can he hide?
They vowed not to give up until Tang Zhen was found.

Looking at the corpses of those dead monsters, the leader of the monks in black felt extremely heartbroken. If these monsters were killed by him, they would have to be promoted to at least three levels in a row, right?

Thinking of this, the leader of the monks in black suddenly stopped moving forward, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Stop moving forward!"

Hearing the order from the leader in black, a group of monks showed doubts on their faces, wondering what happened again.

"Don't talk nonsense, get out of here quickly, the faster the better!"

At the same time as he gave the order, the leader of the monks in black turned around and left, his actions were crisp and decisive.

After exiting the City Lord's Mansion, the leader of the monks in black stopped and looked thoughtfully at the City Lord's Mansion, which was in flames.

"Why should we evacuate? Wouldn't it be better to take advantage of the chance of those monsters being injured?"

The subordinate was suspicious and couldn't help asking.

Hearing the question from his subordinates, the leader of the monks in black shook his head and said in an uncertain tone: "I'm thinking about a question. How many monsters were killed just now? If all of them are counted on one person, how many levels can they be raised?"

The subordinate was stunned when he heard the words, then thought of something, and said in a surprised tone: "You mean that the famous human cultivator is not dead, and it was a blessing in disguise, so he will be promoted quickly?"

"That's right!"

The leader of the monks in black nodded, and continued to say in a neutral tone: "As for what you said about getting a blessing in disguise, it is completely wrong, because from the very beginning, the opponent's plan was to kill monsters and upgrade."

"Isn't he afraid that the plan will fail and he will be killed directly?"

The subordinate seemed to have not figured it out, and asked in a puzzled tone.

"This in itself is a crazy plan, or a gamble, and if you don't have enough guts, you can't play it at all.

If you fail, you can only blame your bad luck, but if you succeed, you can shake the lead in a short time.

One step ahead, one step ahead.

In the competition of hundreds of millions of monks, it is actually very difficult to be one step ahead.

The human monk understood this, so he put all his eggs in one basket and destroyed the City Lord's Mansion with a rune bomb.

In fact, it is not entirely true to say that, just looking at him who dared to challenge a group of bat monks and eliminated them all, it is clear that he is by no means a simple person.

Then he made rune bombs and bombed the tree demon under the watchful eyes of powerful enemies. Every step was enough to prove his courage and strength.

That's why I'm worried, if he survives and upgrades, will he take revenge on the monk Loucheng who attacked him just now? "

Hearing the analysis of the leader of the monks in black, those subordinates nodded repeatedly. If Tang Zhen is really not dead, then the possibility of revenge is very high.

However, the crux of the problem is, is Tang Zhen really not dead?
In fact, this is a question that many monks in Loucheng are concerned about. What the leader of the monks in black thinks, they can naturally think of it.

It was for this reason that they wanted to find Tang Zhen even more. If Tang Zhen was not dead, they would do their best to kill him!
After all, the enmity between the two parties has already been forged, and there is no possibility of resolving it. Even if they are willing, Tang Zhen will definitely not agree.

The Loucheng monks who participated in the search for Tang Zhen totaled 50 people from several different teams.

They belonged to different theaters, did not know each other originally, and even regarded each other as competitors.

But at this moment, they chose to cooperate temporarily, tacitly looking for the same enemy.

The wreckage of the building was searched, but nothing was found. Although there were quite a few corpses, they didn't look like Tang Zhen.

In fact, these wreckages can't be seen at all. They are basically human-shaped objects. After being burned by the flames, they are even darker, and their original appearance can no longer be seen.

Besides, after the Loucheng cultivator is eliminated, nothing will remain except for the items obtained in this world.

"I can't find him at all, has he really been eliminated?"

The searchers had the same question in their minds. Although this was the result they expected, they were still not sure at the moment.

"Keep searching, even if it means digging three feet!"

They will never give up until they get a definite answer. If Tang Zhen is not dead, they will never give him a chance to stand up.

The search area is getting smaller and smaller, except for the stump of the Dryad, all other areas have been searched.

The gazes of all the monks looked at the past in unison, and their gazes were slightly dignified.

"Blow it up!"

The tree stump with a diameter of four meters looks completely dark, and it is unknown what is hidden inside.

Using bombs to attack targets, other monks in Loucheng are also good at it, and the bomb weapons they use are carried with them, just like the flame bombs of monk bats.

A few black objects flew out from the crowd, landed near the tree stump and exploded, and a piece of fluorescent liquid shot out.

This liquid is fatally corrosive, and like a fire bomb, it keeps making crackling noises.

But in the blink of an eye, the originally bare tree stump shattered, and a dark viscous liquid flowed out.

It wasn't until then that everyone saw that the bottom of the tree stump was full of bones and blood, which was obviously food swallowed by the dryad.

As for the source of food, it is very likely that mortals who strayed into the city were caught by corpse monsters and used as sacrifices.

In fact, all the monks have already guessed that the tree demon is the lord of the ghost city and the master of all corpses.

After Tang Zhen killed the tree demon, the corpses in the ghost city were completely messed up, and now they were running around in the city.

Some corpse monsters rushed out of the city, ran into the wilderness, and began to wander endlessly.

If there are people nearby, it is undoubtedly the beginning of a disaster.

After the tree stump was completely destroyed, some monks took a closer look, but found that there was also nothing suspicious inside.

"Not here, could it be that the human monk was really eliminated?"

Although I am still not completely sure, but after searching for a long time, there is no result, and it seems that the answer has been given.

All the monks looked at each other, and since they couldn't find Tang Zhen, they went their separate ways.

If they meet again, they may greet each other with a knife, after all, they are competitors from beginning to end.

When they were about to evacuate, the black-clothed monk leader who was watching from a distance suddenly stared.

He said to his subordinates: "I have a question for you, do you also think that the famous human monk has been eliminated?"

Without waiting for his subordinates to answer, he continued to speak, with the excitement of seeing everything in his tone.

"Remember when we first entered the city, we were almost confused by illusions, thinking that this is a normal city?"

The subordinates nodded. They came at night, which happened to be the time when the corpse monsters turned into illusions to harm people, and they were almost deceived by the corpse monsters.

"Ordinary zombies don't have this ability at all, so who cast the illusion to confuse the outsiders who entered the ghost city?
If you want me to say that the tree demon is at work, it can control the corpses in the whole city, and at the same time it has the ability to cast illusions to cover those corpses.

So I guess, among the items released by the dryad, there should be items that can create illusions. "

The leader of the monks in black said this, looking at the monks in Loucheng who were searching for Tang Zhen, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"As long as you observe carefully, you will find that there is already one more person in the team searching for human monks!"

(End of this chapter)

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