Chapter 2461
According to Ergou, the world is so huge that it is boundless.

Because of the existence of some special means of communication, the information in this world is not blocked. Even Ergou, a jobless vagrant, knows a lot about the rumors about the outside world.

Anecdotes and strange things that happened in other places will spread in various ways after a period of time.

As for whether it is true or false, it is impossible to tell, and in fact, not many people care.

Unlike many backward planes, even if two villages are not far from each other, they don't know each other.

Before Ergou came to Ghost City, he had heard a lot of rumors about this city, knowing that it is very prosperous and prosperous.

Before coming here, it can be said that I had many dreams, hoping that one day I would be able to return to my hometown.

It turned out that when they arrived at the destination, they found that a good city had been reduced to ruins, and hundreds of thousands of people were scattered.

Compared with those caravan members and ordinary people visiting relatives and friends, Ergou's luck is actually very good, at least he got out of the ghost town alive.

After leaving the ghost town, the two headed towards Ergou's hometown, and then went to Tianxu City.

The road they walked was the main road between the major cities, and the loess was continuously pounded to tamp the solid road, and the width was about six feet.

To put it bluntly, it is more than two meters wide, barely enough for a car to walk on. Both sides of the road are either barren grass or forests.

In a world with low productivity, it is very normal for such a road to appear. If you want a better road, you must go to a bigger city.

Perhaps it was due to the drought during this period, the road surface became very hard, and in some places, when the hooves of the horned beasts stepped on it, there was a clanging sound of gold and stone colliding.

Tang Zhen, who was used to teleporting on the road, was really uncomfortable at the beginning riding the horned beast, which was not too fast.

It's useless to be anxious, he can only be patient, and slowly move forward along the long road.

After getting used to this speed, Tang Zhen suddenly discovered that this feeling is actually quite good.

Walk slowly among the mountains and rivers, laugh at the changes in the world, let go of fame and fortune for a while, and learn to be a fairy in the world of mortals.

I am used to fighting and killing, and when I suddenly calm down, I will find that the peaceful environment is actually very good.

At least you don't need to tense your nerves all the time, worrying that there will be enemies coming, and then keep wandering between life and death because of the mission.

The higher the level of strength, the more obvious this feeling.

With the super power being sealed, I always feel that there are many inconveniences, as if I am as weak as a baby.

No longer an immortal body, maybe a beast in the mountains or a giant turtle in the river can easily eliminate him.

The originally supercilious mentality was suddenly hit hard, and the reverence for everything in the world was slowly born again in the bottom of my heart.

For the powerful Loucheng monks, this is actually a real journey of refining their minds, allowing them to stabilize their Dao Xin again.

Regardless of whether this is the original intention of the cornerstone platform, it does have this effect. I believe that as long as you persist, it will definitely be a worthwhile trip.

Tang Zhen enjoyed it, but Ergou was a little restless. He always looked at Tang Zhen secretly, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that Ergou was eager to learn art, but he didn't know how to speak.

Thoughtful, but didn't know how to cover it up, Tang Zhen saw through it at a glance.

So when night fell again, Tang Zhen called Ergou to demonstrate a set of saber techniques for him, and practiced it three times.

One is to teach Ergou to learn, and the other is to re-drill, maybe when he will fight the enemy again.

For beginners like Ergou, practicing swords is the wisest choice.

This set of saber techniques is powerful and does not require too many fancy twists. As long as you practice hard, you can get good results in a short time.

Used in conjunction with a special shield, both offensive and defensive are amazingly powerful, and it is definitely a rare and excellent martial skill.

In fact, this is the basic sword technique in the Holy Dragon War Zone. Every young monk must learn it, and it must be practiced to the level of entering the room.

It is not perfunctory for Tang Zhen to teach Ergou, because in this world, it can be regarded as a rare skill.

After seeing Tang Zhen's demonstration, Ergou was ecstatic and quickly learned to practice.

Although he can't read a single word and has a slightly naughty temper, Ergou will never be perfunctory about the goal he pursues.

He actually memorized seven or eight eight of the sword skills demonstrated by Tang Zhen. This kind of talent is quite good.

Tang Zhen became interested, and wanted to see what he could learn, and pass the boring time by the way.

This matter is not urgent, he told Ergou to light the fire and cook first, and then talk about other things after filling his stomach.

Ergou was obviously overexcited, his hands and feet were trembling, and he almost knocked over the pot while cooking.

Tang Zhen shook his head when he saw this. He could tell at a glance that Ergou had no intention of cooking now.

It is estimated that his mind is full of those saber moves, studying how to use them smoothly.

"Go and sit next to me, I'll make dinner."

Tang Zhen said softly, took a bag containing rice grains from Ergou, opened it and took a look.

It is something similar to starch. It is wetted with water and then rolled into a ball. It can be eaten after being boiled in hot water.

If you feel that the taste is not good, you can also add other foods to make it taste better.

Ergou was obviously out of his mind, and he didn't delay Tang Zhen's request to cook in person.

After handing over the pocket to Tang Zhen, he picked up the saber that was on the side and kept making gestures, with expressions of surprise and confusion flashing across his face from time to time.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to cook, but went to the nearby bamboo forest and chopped a thin and long bamboo pole.

Splitting one end of the bamboo pole to make a fork, Tang Zhen walked slowly to the distant river, watching the river flow quietly.

Like a sculpture, always motionless.

After waiting for a few minutes, Tang Zhen made a sudden move, and the slender bamboo pole pierced towards the water grass by the river like lightning.

There was only the sound of splashes hitting the water, and the waves rolled where the bamboo pole entered the water, and then Tang Zhen picked it up, and a big black fish was picked out of the water directly.


The big fish landed on the grass, twisting its body constantly, looking fierce.

Tang Zhen walked over with a smile, knocked the big black fish unconscious, and reached out to touch it a few times.

This should be a carnivorous fish with firm and thick meat, which is definitely an ideal food.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Zhen felt like drooling, and couldn't wait to taste the delicacy of this river fish.

But he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he picked some fresh water plants with a bamboo pole, and found some plants by the river, and then slowly returned to the resting place.

It was only when they arrived at the camp that they realized that there was another group of people parked nearby, obviously planning to set up camp.

Tang Zhen glanced at it, and didn't pay too much attention to it.

In the wilderness, if there is a choice, it is best to gather in places with a lot of people, so that you don't have to worry about being attacked by ferocious beasts.

Even some bandits are afraid and dare not provoke attacks easily.

Of course, out of basic vigilance, they will keep a certain distance from each other, and even deploy some precautionary measures.

After seeing Tang Zhen, those people also didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he and Ergou were just two people together.

It was a big fish in his hand that caught the attention of the passengers, with a hint of envy in their eyes.

Er Gou was sitting on the rock at the moment, holding the saber in his arms, staring straight ahead.

It seemed that he was on guard, but in fact, from the time those people appeared to Tang Zhen's return from fishing, he was completely unaware.

When Tang Zhen saw this scene, he was a little surprised. Could it be that the second dog is still a good seed of cultivation?
This state of his is an innate ability. If his brain is better, then his advantage in comprehending martial arts is almost unmatched by anyone.

It's a pity that he was not born in the holy dragon war zone, otherwise he would not be unknown if he just relied on this learning attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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