I have a city in another world

Chapter 2463 Recipe Exchange Information

Chapter 2463 Recipe Exchange Information

"There is some truth in what you said, why don't you tell me first, how much money can I pay?"

Tang Zhen looked at the old man and said in a calm tone.

The old man was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately stretched out three withered fingers, shaking them in front of Tang Zhen.

"I'll offer three gold coins, an absolutely fair price!"

When giving the price, the corner of the old man's mouth was smug, probably because he felt that his price was sincere enough.

"Hehe, go as far as you can, we really don't lack those few gold coins!"

Before Tang Zhen could speak, Ergou suddenly took the words, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Before going to the ghost town, maybe only one gold coin is needed to make Ergou work hard.

In this world, the purchasing power of a gold coin is very strong, and the sum of all the properties of many families is not enough for the value of a gold coin.

The price given by the old man is very sincere. After ordinary people have three gold coins, they can live a good life for a while.

But before leaving the ghost town, Ergou made a fortune and now has at least ten gold coins in his pocket.

Once you have money in your pocket, your horizons will naturally increase, and you will not be easily tempted by a few gold coins.

At the same time, he also has a feeling that Tang Zhen's cooking method is very valuable, and it is by no means a good thing that can be bought with a few gold coins.

So when the old man offered a price of three gold coins, Ergou directly jumped out to veto it, lest Tang Zhen be deceived by the other party.

It's just that as soon as he said the words, he immediately regretted it, feeling that he should listen to Tang Zhen's opinion first, instead of making such a claim.

Turning his head to look secretly, but seeing Tang Zhen also shook his head, Ergou's hanging heart immediately let go.

It’s okay, it’s okay, I don’t seem to have done anything wrong, but I still have to pay attention next time.

The old man's expression was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect to be rejected, so he quickly asked again: "Are you not satisfied with the price, if so, we can actually talk again.

Of course, what I want to say is that the price of three gold coins is already very sincere. If it is replaced by someone else, it may not be such a high price! "

Tang Zhen looked at the old man, shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm not short of money, but if you can answer some questions I want to know, then I can give away the formula for free."

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the old man was slightly taken aback, feeling a little unbelievable.

However, he was determined to obtain the formula, so naturally he would not let go of any chance, so he nodded and agreed.

"You ask, if it is something I know, I will tell you as much as possible!

Of course, I also hope that you will abide by the agreement and tell me the recipe after I finish answering the questions. "

"Don't worry, I will do what I say."

Tang Zhen looked at Ergou and asked him to get another wooden bowl and put a bowl of soup for the old man to taste.

Ergou was a little reluctant, feeling that these were not enough for the two of them, but he absolutely did not dare to disobey Tang Zhen's orders.

He filled a bowl of soup with a spoon, and Ergou handed it to the old man, who immediately took a sip after thanking him.

He wasn't worried about poisoning, after all, Tang Zhen and the others had already eaten, and his partner was beside him, so there was no need to worry at all.

After finishing the food in one breath, the old man praised him again and again, saying that he had traveled all over the world, but he had never tasted such delicious food.

"Your Excellency, I would like to ask you a question now."

After eating Tang Zhen's food, the old man wanted to get the recipe more and more, and his attitude became more active.

"I want to know about the weird and evil things, such as where monsters are entrenched, where there are rumors of haunting, the more detailed the better."

The old man's face froze when he heard the words. He really didn't expect that Tang Zhen would ask such a question.

"Your Excellency, your question is really a bit..."

The old man shook his head. He had guessed in his mind the question that Tang Zhen might ask, and at the same time was thinking about how to answer it.

It's just that he never dreamed that Tang Zhen's question was so weird that he didn't know how to answer it.

But after thinking about it, the old man slowly opened his mouth and told Tang Zhen something he knew.

"About three hundred miles from here, there is a place called Duantou Ridge. It is said that there was a battle here that year, and countless soldiers were trapped in the valley.

The confrontation between the two sides lasted for more than a month, and in the end the trapped party was defeated, and all the captives were beheaded and abandoned.

Since this incident happened, the valley has been shrouded in gray mist, and wailing sounds are often heard in the valley, day and night.

Some people even saw headless soldiers appearing, robbing and killing passers-by, not asking for money, just their heads!

At first, I also thought it was a rumor, but some time ago, a caravan passed by there, and more than 100 people were all killed, and all the goods were missing, but all the heads were missing. "

When the old man said this, there was a trace of fear on his face. He happened to pass Duantou Ridge at that time, so he witnessed the tragic scene with his own eyes.

Originally, he still didn't believe the rumors of Duantou Ridge, but after seeing those headless corpses, he felt that some rumors might not be false.

Another half month later, the old man returned to Duantou Ridge again, this time encountered something that he will never forget.

When he was about to reach the entrance of Duantou Ridge, the old man saw with his own eyes a large number of soldiers in battle armor appearing out of thin air in the gray mist.

They held rusty knives and guns in their hands. Most of the soldiers had nothing on their shoulders, only their bare necks. Where did their heads go?
There are also some soldiers with heads, but they look crooked, and there are even men with women's heads on their bodies.

It was obvious that after cutting off someone else's head, it was placed on his own body, so it looked extremely weird.

There are also some officers with more than one head on their shoulders. Some heads have been completely rotted, and some look very fresh, obviously from some unlucky people.

Seeing this scene, the old man and others were all trembling with fright, and everyone shut their mouths firmly to avoid attracting the monster's attention.

It wasn't until those monsters left that they dared to come out of the hiding place, and then ran all the way out of Dullhead Ridge, not daring to pick up the shoes even if they ran away.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask some of my companions in the team. They were there at the time, and they were all scared out of their wits."

The old man was afraid that Tang Zhen would not believe it, so he quickly added something to prove that he was definitely not talking nonsense.

Tang Zhen nodded, feeling that the headless soldiers in Duantou Ridge were actually similar to those corpses in the ghost town.

They are all formed due to special power. After the monks of Loucheng hunt them down, they can complete the improvement of strength.

"Aside from Duantou Ridge, are there other places with similar legends?"

Tang Zhen remembered Duantou Ridge and decided to take a look there first. If there were really a lot of monsters, it would definitely make him a lot of money.

And this kind of thing can't be delayed, if other monks of Loucheng take the lead, that is the most depressing thing.

"In recent years, I have heard some similar rumors, but most of them are speculative, and it is impossible to distinguish the truth from the false.

Deadhead Ridge is the only place where I can really confirm that there is something weird, because that's what I saw with my own eyes! "

After getting the information he wanted, Tang Zhen decided to act immediately. Facing countless competitors, he had to race against time.

"This is how it is made, you'd better keep it in mind..."

Tang Zhen didn't talk nonsense, and directly told the old man the formula without hiding anything.

The old man provided the information Tang Zhen wanted, and he would naturally abide by the agreement and complete the transaction between the two parties.

The old man was very surprised, he didn't expect Tang Zhen to be so happy, so he listened carefully and kept it in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go to Deadhead Ridge now!"

Tang Zhen said to Ergou, without any hesitation, turned and walked towards the horned beast not far away.

Er Gou didn't talk nonsense, put the items he took out into his pockets, and then wolfed down the rest of the food.

In the shocked eyes of the old man, the two stepped onto the horned beast and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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