I have a city in another world

Chapter 2465 Rune Airship

Chapter 2465 Rune Airship
Seeing the behemoth that they participated in creating, the villagers were not only shocked, but also couldn't restrain their curiosity.

In their eyes, Tang Zhen was a wealthy and capable nobleman, who was different from them in every aspect.

Naturally, the things he spends a lot of money on will not be simple.

Regarding the item in the yard of Dagou's house, they had many speculations in their hearts, and they studied what it was used for.

It could be a house, a car, or just a simple toy.

With their superficial knowledge, they can't figure out what this is, let alone what it means to participate in it.

If they can memorize the entire manufacturing process and study it carefully, they may be able to change the fate of planing food in the soil from now on.

Even if the manufacturing process cannot be replicated, as long as one thing in it is memorized, the benefits can be enormous.

It's just that if Tang Zhen doesn't talk about this kind of thing, the villagers don't know it at all. Maybe they won't find out until one day how precious the knowledge they have learned is!

After all the basic work was completed, Tang Zhen ordered the villagers to go all over the mountains and plains to collect various kinds of oil according to his request.

Animal fat, vegetable fat, or some special stones are all in the collection list.

As for Tang Zhen himself, he was busy all day long, carving rune circles on objects.

The purpose of describing the rune circle is to make the object stronger and lighter, with a strength not inferior to that of metal.

This is a very precise job that requires a high enough rune attainment, and there is no room for any mistakes during the period.

Because of the fact that his strength was sealed, Tang Zhen couldn't complete the work in one thought, so he could only complete all the steps slowly.

While drawing the rune magic circle, Tang Zhen also manufactured a special engine, which was specially used to provide power.

These tasks can only be done by Tang Zhen himself. Firstly, others don’t know how to do them, and secondly, he doesn’t feel at ease entrusting them to others.

During the process of Tang Zhen's work, Ergou has been obeying orders, watching a pile of materials turn into a giant in front of him, the shock in his heart can hardly be described in words.

For Ergou, this kind of shock was far stronger than seeing the superhuman strength of a monk. Without enough knowledge inheritance, it is impossible to create such a great thing out of thin air.

Tang Zhen was at a high level in his heart, and was promoted again, almost standing shoulder to shoulder with a god.


The days passed day by day, counting the days when Tang Zhen entered this world, it has been a month now.

For such a long time, Tang Zhen has never hunted and killed monsters, and his level has remained at around level five.

A month of stagnation, compared to other Loucheng monks, perhaps his level advantage no longer exists.

According to his guess, after discovering that hunting monsters can quickly increase their strength, the monks in Loucheng will definitely look for clues and work hard to kill monsters to upgrade.

Perhaps the location of Duantou Ridge has been known by other Loucheng monks, and they are now constantly cleaning up monsters there.

It is very likely that Duantou Ridge has been cleaned up after Tang Zhen arrived, and he just made a trip in vain.

But Tang Zhen didn't care, because he knew in his heart that what he did would definitely bring him more benefits.

Even if it was a waste of some time and delayed the progress of level promotion, it was absolutely worth it.

The continuous efforts finally paid off. After inspection, Tang Zhen confirmed that all the assembly work of this rune airship designed and manufactured by himself had been completed.

The oil refined by the villagers was also formulated by Tang Zhen in a special way, and turned into a black-red viscous paste, which was encapsulated in bamboo tubes.

In addition, there are some items that are carefully put away after deployment, and no one is allowed to touch them.

After instructing the villagers to put the ointment into the cabin, Tang Zhen asked Ergou to say goodbye to his family, because he was going to Duantouling next.

Ergou had been waiting for this day for a long time. He handed over the money he picked up to his elder brother, and after telling his sister to find a good family, he turned around and came to Tang Zhen.

The shed above the rune airship has been dismantled, and the rune airship, which is more than ten meters long, is completely exposed. It looks like a crouching monster.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of villagers, Tang Zhen boarded the rune airship and closed the wooden hatch.

According to Tang Zhen's command, Ergou threw the boiled ointment into the combustion chamber to provide the power to start the rune airship.

The huge spindle-shaped air bag above was filled with a large amount of hot air in an instant. Under the action of the rune circle, this process was more than ten times faster than normal.

"It moved, that thing actually moved!"

Some villagers exclaimed loudly, their faces were full of astonishment, and they subconsciously retreated to the distance to watch.

They participated in the manufacture of the rune airship and speculated about its purpose, but never thought that this thing could fly.

For these villagers, the sky is a restricted area, how could a creature without wings fly up there?
But at this moment, they saw with their own eyes that this object made of wood and various materials was slowly floating towards the sky above their heads, getting farther and farther away from their position.

"This is... a god!"

The village chief finally recovered from his astonishment, knelt on the ground and shouted loudly, his eyes were full of excitement and respect.

The same was true for the other villagers. They knelt on the ground one after another, their hearts also full of fear. Did they neglect the gods in the past?
It is not surprising that the villagers behave like this, because for them, it seems that only gods can create a rune airship that can fly into the sky.


Ergou's mood was very excited, but his body did not live up to expectations. During the ascent of the rune airship, his legs kept shaking.

He forced himself not to look at the scene outside, lest he pee his pants in fear because he was too scared.

"Don't worry, the rune airship is very safe and will never fall."

Seeing Ergou's painful face, Tang Zhen smiled and reminded him casually.

"Your Excellency, I know it's okay, but I just can't help being afraid..."

Er Gou showed a smile that was uglier than crying, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, adapting to the bumpy feeling of the rune airship.

Tang Zhen smiled and said nothing, he knew that it would not take long for Ergou to get used to the turbulence of flying in the sky, and even become deeply obsessed with this feeling.

Before Tang Zhen left, he took Ergou with him because he needed someone to do some chores. After all, he had other things to do.

Compared with those villagers, Ergou was naturally the best choice, and it was a matter of course that he was chosen.

After estimating the height of the airship, Tang Zhen pulled a lever, and then saw the wings on both sides of the rune airship slowly stretching out.

The length of these two wings is more than 50 meters. The main materials are wood and animal skins. Because villagers participated in the construction, the craftsmanship can only be regarded as ordinary.

The rune magic circle engraved on it ensures that the wings have enough abnormal sturdiness and will never be easily broken.

After spreading its wings, the rune airship immediately became more stable, like a huge strange bird, gliding in the clear sky.

After Ergou felt the change, his body trembled much less, and his pale face slowly returned to blood.

Due to the limited conditions, the layout of the cockpit is very simple, and there is constant cold wind blowing past.

To Tang Zhen, these were nothing, but Ergou couldn't get used to it, so he could only wrap a piece of animal skin around his body.

Tang Zhen stood on the platform of the rune airship, looking at the fields passing by below, looking for areas where monsters might exist.

This is one of the main purposes of Tang Zhen building the rune airship, not only to allow him to travel faster and more conveniently, but also to observe the surrounding situation condescendingly.

With this kind of means equivalent to mental power detection, Tang Zhen's advantage will be multiplied, and the non-flying monks in Loucheng are simply incomparable.

In addition, he also possesses air supremacy and can launch attacks condescendingly. If he cooperates with weapons such as bombs, he is almost indistinguishable from a bomber.

Looking at the end of the sky, Tang Zhen's eyes flashed with anticipation. He wondered if his hard work would achieve the expected results?
(End of this chapter)

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