I have a city in another world

Chapter 2573 Crisis 4 Volts

Chapter 2573 Dangerous
The lack of weapon materials is still a headache.

Most of the metal raw materials stored in Tianxu City are used to make guns, and the current inventory has been used less and less.

For example, the underground tombs discovered before have basically been emptied after a period of moving.

The remaining metal materials are all surprisingly large, and they cannot be cut and transported in a short period of time.

In desperation, he could only choose to give up.

There are iron mines in the two mountain peaks near Tianxu City, but the primitive low mining efficiency cannot meet the needs of weapon manufacturing at all.

Perhaps after a period of time, the metal materials will be completely used up, making it impossible for weapons to continue to be produced.

Of course, this matter is Tang Zhen's concern. With the means he has, he can always find a solution to the problem.

You can't rely on Tang Zhen for everything. The residents of Tianxu City feel that they should also do their part. After all, this is to protect their own homeland, and the monks in Loucheng cannot all contribute.

The enthusiasm of Tianxu City was aroused, and the improper work became even harder, and at the same time, they tried every means to solve the problem.

Since there is a shortage of metals for making weapons, look for other methods to see if they can replace metal materials.

The first material that comes to mind is naturally the most stones in Tianxu City, and the use of stones as weapons has never stopped since ancient times.

Ordinary stones are definitely not enough, but a special stone similar to obsidian was developed by the residents of Tianxu City.

The most amazing thing about this kind of stone is that when it is grilled at high temperature and then poured with water, it will explode into a triangular stone strip as thick as a thumb.

Utilizing this characteristic, the mining of stones is very simple, and only needs to be heated by fire.

Then polish it a bit, and you can make a perfect arrow, which is similar in appearance to the armor-piercing arrow.

Tie the arrowhead to the wooden stick with a straw rope, and then dip it in glue, and a special arrow has been made.

It can be placed on a special bed crossbow and fire dozens of arrows at a time to attack groups of monsters.

It can also be launched by a special crossbow, but compared with the bed crossbow, the lethality is obviously much worse.

This kind of arrow saves enough metal materials, and it can maintain the lethality against monsters, even the scales of monsters can be shot through.

Due to the lack of materials, the residents of Ruins City are also ingenious, trying to make weapons with monster bones.

Bone is a material that has been used by humans for a long time, and it can be said to be the most primitive weapon material.

The bones of these monsters are different. They have properties that cannot be compared with other bones, and their toughness and hardness are very good.

In the absence of materials, the residents of Tianxu City naturally would not waste these bones. Those monsters who were killed were once again treated to pieces.

Bone arrows, throwing spears, and some random weapons were constantly manufactured by the skillful residents of Tianxu City.

The residents of Tianxu City used their own methods to silently provide support, and the monks in Loucheng were also not idle.

The existence of rune airships and flying beasts made them think of a way to deal with the monster army. Even if they couldn't successfully intercept them, they could still cause losses to them.

To put it another way, it is an opportunity to improve one's level. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

These Loucheng monks took the initiative to apply, hoping to obtain a rune airship, or behead a few heads, and then conduct reconnaissance and harassment of the enemy.

The number of rune airships in Tianxu City is limited, and one crashed before. The requirements of the monks in Loucheng are a bit overwhelming.

Tang Zhen did not directly refuse, but sent several rune airships to carry out the mission of reconnaissance and harassment of the monster army.

Only in this way can we buy enough time to complete all preparations before the arrival of the monster army.

The new monks in Loucheng can join the battle, but they don't have the right to control them. After all, there are only a few rune airships. Who should use them?
If you really want a rune airship, then build it along with it and redesign it according to your own ideas.

Loucheng monks in different ethnic territories have their own specialties. If they can be used on the rune airship, it may bring unexpected surprises.

At the moment when the whole city was mobilized, an accident suddenly occurred in the mountain peak on the side of Tianxu City.


In the narrow cave, there are many places that are pitch-black, and dots of fluorescence can be seen from time to time, like the eyes of monsters.

Due to some special reasons, there are many residents on the peaks on both sides, and their main tasks are mining and planting.

While mining ore, it is also expanding the interior space of the mountain and increasing the living area of ​​Tianxu City.

However, because the environment after mining is too dirty and there are various dangers, it is not suitable for living here.

When the monsters attacked Tianxu City again and again, wisps of evil aura slowly appeared in the dark mine caves of the mountains on both sides.

The magic energy will be dispatched to look for targets suitable for infection. The mice and snakes in the mine will be attacked first.

They were infected by the magic energy and turned into strange things, wandering and lurking in the darkness.

Because of the environment, no one discovered these monsters in the first place, which also left them enough opportunities to grow.

Unknowingly, more and more monsters appeared and became restless.

In the middle of the night, a furtive figure appeared, looking for something in the mine.

When the monsters encountered them, they hid aside one after another, as if they were very afraid.

Holding an old map in his hand, he kept searching in the mine, still muttering to himself.

"It's here, why can't I find it?"

It seems that because of impatience, the eyes with dim light flicker on and off, like a light bulb with unstable current, which may go out at any time.

After growling a few words, the figure remained silent, as if trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

"Something's wrong, this body's condition is getting worse and worse, irritable and irritable, it can't be suppressed at all.

There is not much time left for me, I must find the core control room as soon as possible, and then try to activate the Celestial Soldier..."

When the figure said this, a deep hatred flashed in his eyes, and it almost turned into substance.

"Tang Zhen, Ellie, and that bone...

Hehehe, just wait for me, I will punish you in a short time. "

When this figure spoke, it was like a night owl, exuding a gloomy aura.

Glancing at the map again, after walking along the mine for a certain distance, a slightly weird symbol suddenly appeared in front of him on the rock wall in front of him.

The figure tilted its head and stared at the symbol. After a while, it let out a morbid laugh.

"That's how it is, I said why I have been searching for so many years, but I still can't find the sign of the intersection.

Even if he has lived for thousands of years, he is still a mortal body, so how can he see the marks left by the monks!
Sad, ridiculous! "

After muttering a few words morbidly, the figure walked to the front of the rock wall, stretched out his hand and pressed on the symbol.


There was a sound of gears running, and then a black hole appeared on the rock wall, followed by a long and narrow passage.

Without any hesitation, the figure got in, and then the passage slowly closed.

No one noticed that when midnight came, the eyeballs of the super statue on the mountain on the left side of Tianxu City seemed to move slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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