Chapter 2575
The monks in Loucheng withdrew from the battlefield, but the demonized monsters refused to let go. Following the commander's order, three thousand demonized infantrymen followed behind and pursued frantically.

But he didn't want to fall into the trap of monk Loucheng by doing this.

They couldn't fight against hundreds of thousands of monster legions, but facing the fragmented chasing soldiers, the monks in Loucheng were confident enough to win.

Of course, in addition to this, they also have to perform a scene to lure the monster away from the large army.

After leaving the ambush area for a certain distance, the monks in Loucheng started to act, and launched a counter-hunt against the demonized monsters behind them.

Although the strength of the enemy and ourselves is very different, the monks of Loucheng have no fear, but have a feeling of enthusiasm.

The monks in Loucheng hadn't participated in this type of battle for a long time, perhaps because they recalled their past experiences, they felt a little emotional in their hearts.

Although his strength is weak and he struggles on the verge of life and death every moment, his life is extremely fulfilling.

The thought flashed in his mind, and then he entered a fighting state and began to hunt and kill monsters.

In fact, before the ambush, monk Loucheng had already set up many traps, with the purpose of hunting down the monster again.


In the forest at this time, a group of demonized soldiers were running fast through the overgrown forest with spears in their hands.

In front is a Loucheng cultivator, who is running forward with the help of the cover of trees.

The sturdy body of the demonized soldier is strong enough to run for a long time, and his endurance is shockingly strong.

However, the monk Loucheng was faster, and the demonized soldiers chased after him for a long time, but there was still a distance between them.

The more this is the case, the more those demonized soldiers are chasing after them, and they seem to have a morbid obsession.

This has nothing to do with the command, but that if you don't kill and devour the target, you will feel crazy and collapse.

The Loucheng cultivator seemed to be aware of it, so he was not in a hurry, lest these demonized soldiers give up chasing and killing.

Fortunately, the monster's persistence far exceeds the phenomenon, even if he deliberately speeds up, the demonized soldiers never give up chasing and killing.

Before he knew it, he had already entered the ambush circle.

When passing a big tree, a demonized soldier stumbled, and a tree vine hidden under the grass was pulled.

"No, there are traps!"

The demonized soldier's reaction speed was very fast, and he immediately reminded his companions loudly, but it was too late.

Amid the whistling wind, several vines fell one after another, and heavy sharp wooden stakes were tied underneath, smashing down like a pendulum.

Several demonized soldiers dodged in no hurry, and were directly pierced through the body by the sharp wooden stake, roaring in pain.

As for the monk Loucheng who was being chased by the monster all the way, he suddenly turned around at this moment, and a modified heavy rifle was taken out.

As the gunshots continued to ring out, the monsters that missed the trap were hit to the point, and fell to the ground after struggling a few times.

After the bullet in the gun was emptied, the Loucheng cultivator rushed forward with his knife in hand, fighting with the remaining monsters.

The identity exchange between the chaser and the prey was quickly completed.

It wasn't until the close combat that the demonized soldiers discovered to their surprise that they were no match for monk Loucheng at all.

The previous continuous escape was just to lead himself into a trap, which was simply extremely cunning.

The demonized soldiers who were deceived were shocked and angry, and at the same time there were bursts of panic. They thought they were invincible, but they didn't want the monks in Loucheng to be even more powerful.

Not long after, the battle was over.

The monk in Loucheng hunted all the monsters and got a level upgrade, his face was full of joy.

"Brother, how is the harvest?"

A question suddenly came from the side, and then a monk from Loucheng with blood on his face came out from the forest not far away.

Around his neck was a circle of tree vines, covered with monster ears, representing what he had just gained.

As for the bloodstains on the face, it was the heart and blood of the hunted target, and it would be smeared on each head killed.

"Fortunately, we killed eleven!"

Knowing that the number of hunted by the other party exceeded his own, the monk still replied stubbornly, and then continued to look for new hunting targets.

The reason is that they do not belong to the same territory. Although there is no contradiction, the secret competition still exists.

Seeing that others are stronger than oneself, it is inevitable to be dissatisfied in the heart, and those who try to find ways to surpass the other party.

Of course, this kind of competition is aboveboard, and they will never use some dirty and despicable means, otherwise, even the Loucheng monks in the same territory will look down on this kind of behavior.

Similar situations kept happening in the forest. More than 3000 demonized soldiers who were chasing them were all killed by more than a hundred Loucheng monks.

The monks in Loucheng are very satisfied. After all, the more monsters hunted, the faster the level will be improved.

As the seal continues to be lifted, one's own strength will become stronger and stronger. At that time, you can challenge higher-level monsters and get more rewards.

If the strength is slowly improving in the early stage, don't expect to make it up in the later stage, because there is no such opportunity at all.

If you don't work hard enough, you will be eliminated soon.

After finishing off all the pursuers, Brother Loucheng re-selected the location and prepared to start another round of ambush hunting.

In addition to killing monsters and upgrading, they also need to delay the speed of the demonized army. Now that they have accepted the task, they will definitely not be perfunctory.


In Tianxu City, after reading the battle report just sent, Tang Zhen continued to work on the work at hand.

The situation is getting more and more urgent, and I must speed up, and I can't slack off in the slightest.

With the cooperation of many monks in Loucheng, the rifle production line has been manufactured, and a large number of people are tensely installing and debugging.

Many problems in the eyes of the aborigines were easily solved by monks in Loucheng, and many methods were unheard of.

The residents of Tianxu City have heard for a long time that the monks in Loucheng came from outside the sky, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Fortunately, no one cares about these things, or they don't dare to delve into it at all. As long as they can save their lives by following the monks of Loucheng, who would care where they come from?
With many people and strong strength, it didn't take long for the entire production line to be installed.

With an order, the installed production line immediately started production. After a simple demonstration by Tang Zhen and others, it was handed over to the residents of Tianxiu City for operation.

The production line designed by Tang Zhen is simple and quick to operate, but the weapons produced are not weak.

Compared with the original single-shot weapons, the guns produced today are faster and have a bullet capacity of more than thirty rounds.

Although the appearance is relatively bulky, but because it is only used when defending the city, it is not a disadvantage at all.

Due to the improvement of firearms, the consumption of bullets has increased greatly, and the manufacturing task has been handed over to the residents of Tianxu City.

They were mobilized again to take on different tasks and contribute to the protection of Tianxu City.

Whether you like it or not, you must do it, or you will be severely punished.

At this point, the believers of Xingzhong Church will not show any mercy. They think that they have saved Tianxu City, and the residents who have benefited must return something in return.

Of course, it is limited to this, and there are not too many excessive requirements, otherwise it will be the root cause of cholera.

When the whole city is mobilized, weapons and equipment are produced continuously, and then there is a race against time for training.

At this time, the residents of Tianxu City didn't know that the dangers they faced were far more than these. Not only were the monster legions approaching quickly, but the giant statue standing beside it for many years had also entered a state of activation.

(End of this chapter)

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