I have a city in another world

Chapter 2577 Mutated Aquatic Plants

Chapter 2577 Mutated Aquatic Plants

Following the order, the residents of Tianxu City mobilized once again, rushing to the City Lord's Mansion with their pockets and baskets.

The residents will pick all the fruits, some for eating and the other for storage.

In addition to the City Lord's Mansion, there are a lot of fruits on the cliff, even the blades of grass more than ten centimeters high are covered with miniature red fruits.

It can be said that none of the plants in the entire Tianxu City does not bear fruit, but the size of the fruit is different.

The residents who participated in the picking were full of excitement. They have already experienced the harm of food shortage, especially for families with many children.

In order to be able to last longer, Tianxu City has started a limited supply of food, and the food distributed every day is only enough to save lives.

Now it is different, with the fruits all over the mountains and plains, there is no need to worry about children waking up hungry in the middle of the night.

While the residents were picking the fruits, large pots were erected, filled with washed fruits.

The sweet smell drifted away, making the residents swallow their saliva secretly, and the sound of "gurgling" came out from time to time in their stomachs.

"Come, come, everyone, come and get one, eat slowly, it's very hot!"

The residents in charge of cooking were sweating profusely, but their faces were full of uncontrollable joy, and they felt full of energy.

Someone took the fruit out of the pot, piled it on the table next to it, and then started cooking the next pot.

When the residents who were working heard the news, they couldn't wait to come over, regardless of whether the freshly cooked fruit was hot or not, they grabbed it and stuffed it into their mouths.

Feeling the sweet smell, the residents' faces were full of joy, even if their mouths were hot, they refused to spit it out.

I was worried that these high-yield fruits would not taste good, but with the entrance of the fruit, those original worries have disappeared.

The fruit can indeed be used as food, and the taste is quite good, far more delicious than the coarse grains distributed every day to fight hunger.

The most worrying thing in their hearts has been resolved, and the residents of Tianxu City are full of enthusiasm, and they don't need supervision at all when they work.

While the fruit is being picked, other work is also going on, such as slicing the fruit to dry, or sending it to a cave for storage.

Later, people will be sent to guard the warehouse to prevent mildew and rot, and the inventory will be replaced in a timely manner.

These tasks are done by special personnel, and there is no need for monk Loucheng to intervene. I believe that no one dares to make troubles in such matters.

Tianxu City became lively again, no matter the top of the mountain or the surrounding cliffs, there were busy figures everywhere.

Baskets of fragrant fruits were continuously transported into the city. Residents stood on the side of the road and watched with happy smiles.

In addition to the fruits of the special vines, the aquatic plants in Tianxu Lake are also ready to be picked.

It's just that these aquatic plants have mutated and started actively hunting prey, making this lake that guards Tianxu City very dangerous.

In this case, if you want to pick the fruits in the lake, you have to bear certain risks.

The residents of Tianxu City saw it and were anxious. They really couldn't bear to waste precious food like this.

In fact, when the fruits of the vines are ripe, the fruits of the aquatic plants are also ripe, densely covered with the surface of the lake.

The shape of the fruit is like corn, and the grains are full and strong. It looks like high-quality food.

The better the food looks, the more reluctant the residents of Tianxu City will be.

Some residents tried to use tools to pick. They got long wooden sticks, tied a sickle and a bag to one end, and cautiously probed into the lake.

After the sickle touched the stem of the fruit, and pulled it back violently, the strength of the fruit was cut off, and then fell into the pocket.

It is said that the fruit picking can be completed by retracting the wooden pole at this time, but this is not the case.

When the fruit is touched, tentacles will stretch out from the lake, tightly entangle the wooden pole protruding into the lake and pull it down.

The residents of the experiment were caught off guard and were almost pulled into the lake. Fortunately, their companions were able to pull them back quickly.

Seeing the wooden stick crushed by the tentacles, everyone was shocked. If the secret road fell into the lake, it would have already been smashed to pieces.

Everyone looked at each other with shock and regret in their eyes. How to pick fruits in the lake has become a difficult problem that must be solved.

Ordinary people have no choice but to leave it to monk Loucheng to solve it, and finally found Tang Zhen after going around.

As the creator of these super plants, Tang Zhenyuan understands the characteristics of plants better than others, and it should be easier for him to solve the problem.

After Tang Zhen got the news, he went to check immediately, but found that the aquatic plants had completely lost control.

Because of the influence of magic energy, they have become a special kind of half-monster, which is completely a double-edged sword that hurts the enemy and oneself.

Fortunately, so far, the most dangerous situation has not appeared, and Tang Zhen has enough opportunities to change this situation.

But Tang Zhen wasn't going to do that. Instead of wasting time and energy like that, it would be better to let the plants in the water evolve freely.

If you really become a monster, then hunt it down, and you can get rich reward points.

Of course, before that, we still need to solve the problem of food picking. If we only rely on those vine fruits, we still can't completely solve the food crisis in Tianxu City.

After coming to the lake, Tang Zhen observed carefully for a while, and found that the plants in the water were in a state of madness and out of control. As long as they approached the lake, they would attack them.

Under such circumstances, normal harvesting would definitely not be possible, and a little carelessness would result in loss of life.

Staring at the lake in silence for a moment, Tang Zhen suddenly waved his hand, and then saw a chain flying out.

After the chain penetrated into the lake, it directly entangled an aquatic plant, binding its roots tightly.

The aquatic plants were stimulated, and the tentacles under the leaves immediately entangled the chain, and then Tang Zhen felt a huge force coming from the chain, trying to pull him into the lake.

The other aquatic plants also began to tremble violently, and they twisted their bodies one after another, approaching the plant that was bound by the chains.

It turns out that in this short period of time, aquatic plants have evolved rapidly, possessing the ability to move in water.

If it continues at this rate, it may not take long for them to land on land.

After observing for a while, Tang Zhen pulled the chain violently, and then heard a "crash", and a huge aquatic plant was pulled to the bridge deck. .

The shape of this plant looks like a mutated red octopus, with fang-like thorns all over its body.

Perhaps because of the distance from the water, the plant struggled very hard, and the huge leaves and tentacles kept shaking, as if they had been electrocuted.

Tang Zhen took a long knife from the soldier's hand, walked slowly to the side of the aquatic plant, and raised his hand to chop it off.

A tentacle was severed and shook on the ground a few times before being grabbed by Tang Zhen again.

Looking at the traces where the stubble was broken, Tang Zhen showed a hint of surprise, and then he made an unexpected move.

He actually stuffed the tentacles into his mouth, took a bite hard, and then chewed slowly.

The bystanders were dumbfounded, but no one dared to ask.

They looked at Tang Zhen quietly, with different expressions on their faces and extremely complicated emotions.

They invited Tang Zhen to come, just hoping that he would help solve the problem of fruit picking, but they didn't expect Tang Zhen to use aquatic plants as food, which caught people off guard!
(End of this chapter)

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