I have a city in another world

Chapter 2584 Looking for the monster army!

Chapter 2584 Looking for the monster army!

Seeing that the leader was killed by Tang Zhen, the other Loucheng monks didn't dare to hesitate and ran away.

If you continue to stay, it will inevitably be the end of the group's destruction, and no one can save themselves.

Seeing the monk Loucheng fleeing in a hurry, Tang Zhen didn't chase after him, because there was no need for that.

Don't chase after the poor, the gain outweighs the loss.

I believe that after this incident, the hostile monks will never dare to make trouble easily, and may even evacuate Tianxu City directly.

Instead of wasting time here, it is better to look for new opportunities, and maybe have the opportunity to occupy a city and a place.

As the strength of Tianxu City continues to increase, the difficulty of snatching will increase exponentially. With the current strength of the hostile monks, it is impossible to be an opponent.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly a very wise choice to evacuate from the vicinity of Tianxu City.

If there were a few more attacks from giant god soldiers, even with ten times the manpower, it would not be enough for Tang Zhen to kill him.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the enemy cultivators continue to conspire against Tianxu City. If they succeed, the harvest will be more than ten times that of the past!
Aside from other things, just a Giant God Soldier is enough to make countless Loucheng monks fall in love with it.

It is believed that from the moment the Giant God Soldier appeared, some monks had already started planning, trying to snatch the Giant God Soldier into their hands.

For such a guy, Tang Zhen would never be polite, as long as the other party dared to come, he would never leave alive.

In the following time, Tang Zhen could still feel the peeping eyes, but compared to the unscrupulous before, he has become extremely cautious now.

The peepers were obviously afraid that Tang Zhen would find him and slapped him to death like a fly, which was simply too aggrieved.

Tang Zhen didn't bother to deal with these sneaky guys at all. Although he had enough mental power to use, he couldn't waste it on such enemies.

All the way through the border like a gust of wind, frightening all the beasts to run away, Tang Zhen finally came to the edge of the forest.

The field of vision is wide open, but there are no more fields and fields, but the eyes are full of desolation.

According to the map, this place no longer belongs to Tianxu City, but to another city.

According to the received information, the city has been besieged by monsters, and the city residents have suffered heavy casualties.

Perhaps it won't take long before the city will be occupied by monsters, and the people in the city will either become the monster's food or become a member of the monster army.

In the early days of being besieged by monsters, the city once asked for help from Tianxu City, hoping to send troops to support it immediately.

It's a pity that the messenger didn't reach Tianxu City at all, but was intercepted by the monster halfway, and directly became the monster's food.

In fact, even if the messenger can arrive smoothly, it is absolutely impossible for Tianxu City to send reinforcements, just because they are rebels themselves, and they are still the kind that cannot protect themselves.

Tang Zhen continued to move forward. At this time, his field of vision was no longer restricted, and he could see an extremely long distance.

But even so, there is still no trace of the monster army, obviously they are still some distance away.

The monster came late, Tang Zhen was about to take the initiative to meet it, if he waited here, the monster might turn around and run away.

Monsters are not without brains. When they find themselves unable to fight against an enemy, they will definitely not rush forward to die foolishly.

But before leaving, Tang Zhen chose a forest, and then swung his big sword to cut down all the trees.

This kind of tree is straight and hard, with a length of more than 70 meters, and it grows neatly on the edge of the forest.

With a light swipe of the Giant Soldier's palm, all the branches snapped off, turning into a bare javelin.

After collecting dozens of javelins, Tang Zhen put them on his body and continued to move forward.

While walking on the plain, Tang Zhen encountered many low-level monsters in groups of three and four. After seeing the Giant God Soldiers, they were all scared to death.

There were even some monsters that collapsed on the ground because of fear, and only dared to jump up from the ground trembling after Tang Zhen was far away.

On the way, I passed some villages, but they had been deserted for a long time, and scattered dead bones could be seen from time to time.

Tang Zhen is used to seeing life and death, and he has long been accustomed to it, and knows that the future will be even more tragic.

Compared to the number of aborigines, monsters are actually not too many, maybe not even one ten thousandth.

But when it comes to destructive power alone, a dozen or so aborigines combined may not be a monster's opponent.

It is precisely because of the strength of the monster that the aborigines dare not confront it. Whenever a monster appears, they will subconsciously choose to flee.

This approach is very stupid, because monsters are everywhere, even if they can escape for a while, they cannot escape for a lifetime.

Blindly avoiding and fleeing will only make you die faster.

There are also aborigines trying to resist, but unfortunately they are weak and lack effective organizational leadership, so naturally they cannot be opponents of monsters.

Therefore, the residents of Tianxu City are very lucky. Because of the existence of the Alarm Bell Church, many residents of Tianxu City have a strong sense of crisis.

They knew how terrible the catastrophe was, so they made preparations early, and they were far ahead of other cities in this regard.

It's a pity that the Church of the Alarm Bell has a limited effect. Although the residents are aware of the possible disaster, they don't have enough strength to fight against it.

Fortunately, at this time, Tang Zhen appeared in Tianxu City. While achieving his goal, he helped the residents of Tianxu City by the way.

Also because of the appearance of Tang Zhen, the residents of Tianxu City have the ability to protect themselves, and have survived two consecutive monster sieges.

All the residents of Tianxu City should thank Tang Zhen for saving his life.

In fact, for the aborigines, death does not mean the end, but the beginning of a new life.

The so-called reincarnation of life and death does exist in this world, Litte is the most typical example.

As for the other aborigines, their memories were erased during reincarnation, and they don't even know who they were in their previous lives?
They continue to play vivid roles one by one, being born and dying again and again. Only because the cost of souls is high, recycling is the most cost-effective.

After the aborigines become monks, they will awaken some inexplicable racial abilities. The real reason is that they belonged to that race in their previous lives.

If you think about it in this way, death is actually nothing. As the saying goes, if you die early and reincarnate early, you will suffer a lot of hardships while alive.

But then again, if one can take advantage of the catastrophe to become a monk, gain great strength and seek longevity, then it will be a blessing rather than a curse.

Unknowingly, the Giant God Soldiers had traveled a long distance on the plain, and Tang Zhen finally saw the magic energy rising into the sky.

The monsters covered the ground like a tide, and no grass grew anywhere they passed, especially the green and yellow crops, which had all become the food of the monsters.

No matter people and animals, or all kinds of food and wild fruits, even grass and leaves, they are all the food of monsters.

Relying on this destructive method of plundering, the monster army can march long distances without carrying any logistical supplies.

After the monster army passed by, even if the aborigines escaped by chance, they would completely lose their food source and suffer the double threat of hunger and fear.

Moreover, wherever the monster passed by, the demonic energy would become extremely strong, and if one was not careful, it would be infected, and at the same time, the plants would not be able to grow.

This is the real catastrophe. Even if all the monsters are killed, it will take decades for the damaged world to regain a little vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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