I have a city in another world

Chapter 2590 The City of Monsters

Chapter 2590 The City of Monsters
After solving the nine monk leaders in the castle and igniting a rune bomb by the way, Tang Zhen continued to move forward.

The group of monks in Loucheng must have been quite depressed. They didn't know who they had offended, and they suffered such a heavy loss in the end.

The nine monk leaders who may know Tang Zhen's identity have all been eliminated, and the other Loucheng monks can't find Tang Zhen's head at all.

This is very good, but it will save a lot of trouble, otherwise too much information will be exposed, and it will inevitably be wanted by other war zones.

For dangerous elements like Tang Zhen, the monks in Loucheng in each war zone will be more vigilant and try their best to kill them.

During the march, Tang Zhen counted the loot and uploaded the collected maps.

After some operations, part of the blank area on the shared map of the fifth war zone was filled again.

As the situation gradually became clearer, Tang Zhen already understood the true meaning of the existence of the map. Not only could it mark the scope of each war zone, but it could also record the location of monsters.

This is just the basic function of the map. According to Tang Zhen's speculation, new functions are likely to appear in the middle and late stages.

The act of sharing the map at the beginning was indeed very correct, so it took a slight opportunity.

Because of being able to fly, it was very convenient for Tang Zhen to travel, but he also found some problems.

Flying in the air in this world is several times more difficult than in the normal world, even a king-level monk cannot bear it.

Perhaps the rules of this world are unfriendly to flying creatures, otherwise why would there be so many restrictions?
On the surface, this is indeed the case, but if you look deeper, you will find that things are not simple.

As the flight altitude continues to increase, the pressure will become more and more obvious, as if deliberately keeping people from approaching the depths of the sky.

"Perhaps at the limit of the sky, there are hidden secrets that no one knows, and I don't want too many people to know?"

In fact, even if there is a secret, the object of concealment is also the natives of this world, not including the monks of Loucheng.

Every monk in Loucheng knows that this world is prepared for competition, not a normal world of planes.

The Creator knows more, and knows that every plant and tree in this world is actually controlled by the Supreme Being.

To put it bluntly, this is a special kingdom of God, and it is quite advanced. The master of the kingdom of God definitely belongs to the ranks of the most powerful.

After understanding the limit of the sky, Tang Zhen no longer deliberately probed, because it would not be of much help to complete the competition.

The goal that needs attention should still be placed on competitors.

The most ideal target for Tang Zhen to hunt and assassinate is naturally the Loucheng monks who are ranked in the top four war zones. They are all obstacles to the progress of the fifth war zone.

The other five war zones ranked in the top ten are also priority hunting targets. If they can be encountered, Tang Zhen will definitely not miss them.

The problem is that this world is too big, and hundreds of millions of Loucheng monks have invested in it, but it is as hard to find as sand blowing into the sea.

It is definitely a waste of time to search blindly like this, and there is no efficiency at all.

The longer the delay, the stronger the enemy's strength will become, and the smaller one's own advantage will become.

"We must find a way to obtain more accurate intelligence information. This matter is urgent!"

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately updated the map information, and posted reward information on it.

The content of the information is very simple. I hope that the monks in Loucheng in the fifth theater will share information and provide information about the top ten theaters. It is best to have accurate coordinates of the gathering place.

If accurate information is published and accepted, Tang Zhen will give corresponding points as an intelligence reward.

In fact, in terms of remuneration, Tang Zhen can give it or not, after all, it is for the benefit of the fifth theater.

It's a bit unreasonable to do your best for the fifth war zone and pay yourself points as a reward.

I believe that no matter whether it is the cornerstone platform or the Loucheng monks in other territories, they will not be indifferent to this.

If Tang Zhen really pays points, then after the game is over, the cornerstone platform of the fifth theater will definitely make up for it.

In fact, Tang Zhen knew in his heart that there should be no monks to receive rewards, otherwise they would be looked down upon and thought to be inferior to Tang Zhen in terms of realm.

Even a monk in Loucheng also needs to save face.

Although this matter will inevitably attract people's discussion, he doesn't care. For Tang Zhen at this time, this is the most effective way to solve the problem.

As for point rewards, they are just to show their own attitude, and they will definitely not take advantage of others in vain.

In fact, after the occupation of Tianxu City, all the news released by Tang Zhen was shared for free, and the fifth theater had many beneficiaries.

After releasing the information, Tang Zhen continued on his way. Before getting any useful information, he had to continue to search for the gathering place of Loucheng monks.

Another half day passed, and after crossing a wide river, a city appeared in front of him.

Unlike the previous city besieged by monsters, this city has been occupied by monsters. The walls are full of monster soldiers defending the city, looking orderly.

At the gate of the city, groups of monsters came in and out freely. The horses they drove drove the beast carts, and they pulled food and the corpses of humans and animals.

The people tied in a string by the rope staggered towards the city under the whip of the monster.

Their faces were full of confusion and fear. They didn't know what would happen to them after they entered the monster's lair.
Tang Zhen frowned. Although he didn't particularly care about what happened to the aborigines, the arrogance of the monster made him feel very uncomfortable.

It's just an item used by the monks of Loucheng to hunt and upgrade, so arrogant and rampant, it's simply reckless.

The current level of monks in Loucheng is not high, and most of them are in a wandering state, so they let the monsters be arrogant.

But this is only a temporary phenomenon. It is estimated that this city will become the target of the Loucheng monks in a short time.

This city is full of monsters, if they can all be cleaned up, the harvest will be extremely rich.

After Tang Zhen finished his observation, he first drew a map to mark the key points of the city occupied by this monster.

A city where monsters gather has a high value. If necessary, the Loucheng monks in the fifth war zone can form a team to hunt and kill.

After drawing and uploading the map, Tang Zhen quietly approached the city wall and easily entered the city.

As soon as he entered the city, there was a strange smell. The buildings in the city were dilapidated, and the streets were littered with bones and feces.

Pieces of dark brown blood were sprinkled all over the walls and bluestone streets. One can imagine how tragic the scene was.

In fact, whether it is a war between humans and monsters or between humans, bloody killings are inevitable.

This is the essence of war, there is no need to distinguish who is right and who is wrong, just know which side you belong to.

If you struggle too much and think about it every day, you will drive yourself crazy sooner or later.

The purpose of Tang Zhen's entry into the city is naturally to hunt down the monster leader. Compared with ordinary monsters, the monster leader's reward is more generous.

As for destroying this monster city, Tang Zhen didn't have that ability, and he would never force himself.

Take action at the right time, leave at the right time, without any constraints, everything depends on your heart.

This is Tang Zhen's way of doing things. After becoming the leader of the ranking list, he also has the strength to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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