I have a city in another world

Chapter 2599 The bearded man's request

Chapter 2599 The bearded man's request
After realizing that Tang Zhen was looking at him with a hint of scrutiny, the bearded man hesitated for two seconds, then stood up and saluted him with a fist in his hand.

"Little brother, I think you are also a smart person, you must have noticed something is wrong, you feel that my enthusiasm is a bit too much.

To be honest, I do have something to trouble you, and this matter is very important to me, and only you, little brother, can help. "

When the bearded man said this, after seeing that Tang Zhen didn't show any disgust, he continued to explain in a low voice: "I just don't say it, I think you can feel it, little brother, that the current situation has become more and more dangerous.

Because of the raging demon energy, monsters may appear around you and me at any time, and every time they appear is a disaster.

I have seen that kind of scene with my own eyes, it is extremely miserable, it is completely bloody.

Now you should know why there are so many empty houses in this city. In fact, the whole family of the original owner died! "

The bearded man shook his head, showing a hint of unbearable expression, presumably the things he experienced back then left a heavy shadow in his heart.

After finishing a glass of wine, the bearded man said in a muffled voice: "Even monks like us cannot guarantee that we will come back alive every time we go out on missions, let alone ordinary people.

It doesn't matter if I die, I'm used to the coldness and warmth of life, and I know that's what it's like to be alive.

But I really can't let go of a pair of children, for fear that they will encounter monsters and their bones will never be found.

The thought of such a thing happening made me so sick that I couldn't sleep at night.

After thinking about it for a while, I came up with a solution to the problem. Instead of being so frightened, I might as well take the initiative to make changes.

I want my daughter and son to become monks, so that they can protect themselves when encountering monsters. Although they will face more threats, they are far stronger than ordinary people.

It's just that it's not easy to become a monk. I don't know how many people in the city are waiting for this opportunity. Although my brother and I have a lot of friends, I really can't do anything about it.

Cultivators in Loucheng are not allowed to jump in line, nor will they take care of them specially, so brother, I can only figure out my own way.

I plan to gather a few trustworthy brothers, and then form a team to enter the ruins, and take my children with me.

Brothers help contain the monster and let my son and daughter hunt it down for a chance to become monks! "

The bearded man looked at Tang Zhen, with a hint of pleading in his eyes, and said in a sincere tone: "I know that doing this will make you take risks, but brother, don't worry, brother will never let you pay in vain.

After the matter is over, brother, I will thank you very much, and I can make a promise. If you have such a request in the future, brother, I will help even if I die! "

When Tang Zhen heard this, he already understood the plan of the bearded man.

Poor parents all over the world, everything Big Beard does is for his children to survive.

Compared with those terrified mortals, the bearded man obviously saw farther, or he knew better how terrible the catastrophe was.

For the sake of his children, he is actively seeking ways to protect himself, and becoming a monk is the best way.

Although after becoming a monk, you also need to take risks, but the chance of survival is much higher than that of ordinary people.

The problem is that becoming a monk is not as simple as imagined. Certain triggering conditions are required, and the chance of death is very high.

The monster is definitely not what Mufengcheng advertised, after hitting the vital point of the monster, it can be easily killed.

Under normal circumstances, one monster can kill ten strong men without armor and weapons. When monks fight monsters, monsters often have the upper hand.

The monks in Loucheng were able to kill monsters like melons and vegetables because no native monks could compare in terms of skills or experience.

Indigenous monks who want to hunt monsters basically need to form a team, and they can kill the monsters after a hard fight.

This is just to deal with single monsters. If there are groups of monsters, the consideration at that time is not how to hunt the monsters, but how to keep their own lives.

It can be said that without the participation of monks in Loucheng, even if the aborigines have a shortcut to become monks, their situation will become very difficult.

Take Mufeng City as an example, if it wasn't for the monks from Loucheng, they would have been unable to block the monsters in the ruins, and Mufeng City would have already been turned into ruins.

Therefore, the matter requested by the bearded man was not as simple as imagined, but rather a considerable risk.

In the process of action, as long as there is a slight carelessness, it may lead to the annihilation of the whole army.

According to Tang Zhen's guess, the bearded man should have asked many people before, but few people would agree to help.

The bearded man was so anxious that he must have racked his brains to find a solution, and even rushed to the doctor for some illnesses.

After meeting Tang Zhen, the bearded man felt that Tang Zhen was honest, and this idea came to his mind again.

I chose to tell the reason frankly, mainly because I was afraid that after Tang Zhen knew the truth, he would feel hatred towards him because of it.

When the time comes, his children will be involved, and any misfortune will happen, and the bearded man will regret it too late.

But if he knew it now, it would be tantamount to cutting off the possibility of Tang Zhen finding something later, because the bearded man didn't deceive anything.

Under normal circumstances, the vast majority of monks would reject the bearded man's request, because this matter required a great deal of risk.

Even if the bearded man pays the reward and promises, he will feel that it is not worth it, so he simply refuses.

But Tang Zhen was different. He became a monk in a muddleheaded way. He didn't understand many things and was in a state of ignorance.

Such a young man is impulsive, passionate, and grateful.

The bearded man enthusiastically helped him run before and after, and at the same time confessed frankly that it was easy to gain the favor of this young man.

So when the bearded man posed his feet and begged sincerely, perhaps because of his affection, or perhaps because of his emotions, he would directly nod his head and agree.

So this bearded man looks rough and bold, but in fact he has a meticulous mind, which is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

It's a pity that the Tang Zhen in front of him is a powerful Creator from the Fifth War Zone. He came to Mufeng City not to seek refuge, but to assassinate the supreme controller of the entire city.

He thought he had seen through Tang Zhen, but in fact Tang Zhen had already seen through him.

But Tang Zhen didn't intend to refuse, but was thinking about whether to take this opportunity to enter the ruins for a look.

Seeing that Tang Zhen didn't agree immediately, the bearded man couldn't help feeling secretly anxious. Such good opportunities are too few, and he doesn't want to miss them easily.

So he gritted his teeth and said to Tang Zhen: "Little brother, as long as you agree to help, then I will marry my daughter to you and let her be your wife. That's okay, right?
Don't worry, my daughter is beautiful and definitely worthy of you! "

Tang Zhen took a look at the bearded man and thought he was very interesting.

Marrying one's own daughter off seems to be forced and helpless, but in fact the bearded man does not suffer.

Firstly, he was able to lure Tang Zhen to help, and secondly, he attracted a monk, which strengthened his own strength.

This is a guaranteed deal, and as for whether his daughter is willing or not, the bearded man doesn't care at all.

The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, the daughter can understand her painstaking efforts.

One can be a husband as much as one can, the so-called love and love are far less important than saving one's life.

What's more, in the face of this catastrophe, many times there is no right to choose at all, and they can only struggle desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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