I have a city in another world

Chapter 2603 Entering the Ruins

Chapter 2603 Entering the Ruins
While everyone was talking, they saw a figure suddenly appear on a platform above the dam.

Judging by his attire, he should be a monk in Loucheng.

The other party held something similar to a sign, with symbols similar to words written on it, and waved it a few times at the Loucheng monk who was driving the raft.

This should be the secret language used by the monks in Loucheng. Only the insiders know the specific content, and outsiders have no way of knowing it.

After seeing the words on the sign, the Loucheng cultivator who was driving the raft blew his bone flute and steered the raft straight to the fifth passage.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly realized that the Loucheng monk holding the wooden sign was actually telling which passage was safe to pass through.

If there is no special guidance, if you break into the passage indiscriminately, the end will become very miserable.

It didn't take long for the raft to enter the channel. The water here was gentle and clear, and the echoes kept ringing in my ears.

A newcomer couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked the leader monk in a low voice, what would happen if he went through the wrong passage?
Hearing this question, some monks sneered and began to talk about what they had seen.

The ruins didn't exist originally, or because of the cover of some special power, mortals couldn't see this place at all.

After the ruins suddenly appeared, it attracted a large number of adventurers to explore and hunt for treasure. As a result, they collapsed when passing through the passage, and those adventurers were all unlucky.

In the nine passages in front of me, each is a way of life, and each is a way of death, which is changing all the time.

Adventurers who enter the passage at the wrong time will encounter a reamer that suddenly appears underwater, and the people and boats will be smashed to pieces.

Only a very few lucky guys entered the ruins without any risk, but most of them never returned.

Later, the monks of Loucheng appeared, and it was precisely because of their exploration that they figured out the operation rules of the passage and ensured that they could enter and exit the ruins normally.

In the process of the old bird's narration, the raft has passed through the channel, and a magnificent and magnificent city appeared in front of him.

The area of ​​this city is far larger than that of Mufeng City. There are many tall buildings, and the appearance looks very distinctive.

Shocking traces of war remain on the surface of the building, which have not been erased even after a long period of time.

Not long after passing through the channel, the raft docked on the shore, and a large purple felt-like grass appeared in front of my eyes.

On this flat and soft grass, there are moving figures everywhere, as well as countless large and small tents.

According to Big Beard's introduction, this is the last stop to enter the ruins, whether you enter the ruins or leave, you must pass through this camp.

After entering the camp, the newcomers with legal procedures, under the leadership of the old bird, queued up to go through the formalities of entering the ruins.

For Mufeng City at this time, monsters are not only a threat, but also an important strategic resource.

Anything related to it must be strictly controlled, and you must never enter the ruins without permission.

After the bearded man and the others turned around, they walked towards the edge of the camp, and it didn't take long before they came to a forest.

I found a marker in the woods, followed the marker all the way, and finally came to the bottom of the wall surrounding the city.

Hula was already waiting here, and when he saw Tang Zhen and the others, he immediately made a sign to follow me.

Everyone continued to move forward in silence, but there were many thorns ahead, and the road was not very easy to walk.

From time to time, weapons and bones in the soil, as well as armor puppets and the like can be seen, the surface is covered with mud and moss.

The past of this city has not been completely buried in dust. Even today, thousands of years later, we can still see the prosperity and strength of that year.

A pair of bearded sons and daughters seem to be very interested in this scene. Whenever they see something novel, they always subconsciously take a look.

As for the rest of the team, their expressions changed, obviously each had their own thoughts.

After walking for a while, something similar to a sewer appeared in front of them. This was the destination of their trip.

"When you walk to the end of the sewer, you can enter the interior of the city, because the location of the exit is very hidden, so no one will notice you.

After the matter is completed, you return along this passage, and then wait for me here, remember not to run around! "

Hula warned the bearded man and the others, and finally took a sneak peek at Tang Zhen, then stepped aside.

Time is precious, let's go! "

The bearded man greeted everyone and walked in the front, followed by his children.

"After entering the ruins, please help take care of it, please."

Tang Zhen walked to the end and suddenly heard Hula's request.

"If you believe me, keep your woman away from me, as far away as possible!"

Tang Zhen said in a calm tone with no expression on his face.

Hula was taken aback when he heard the words. He knew Tang Zhen's strength, so he was always on tenterhooks.

Hearing what Tang Zhen said at this time, Hula felt more and more uncertain, and even wanted to call his woman back.

But in front of Tang Zhen, even lent Hula some courage to do so. Once Tang Zhen was angered, none of them would even want to leave alive.

"Don't worry, I will help your woman become a monk, and then keep her as far away from me as possible.

This is advice, not a threat, do you understand? "

The speed of communication between the two was extremely fast, and it was through conscious communication, the bearded man and the others next to him didn't notice it at all.

Hula didn't dare to think about it any more, grabbed his lover and whispered a few words, then watched Tang Zhen and others leave.

Soon everyone entered the passage, perhaps because it was abandoned, it was full of various sundries.

Especially the skeletons, which can be seen everywhere along the way, and there are long bugs crawling around.

The passage is covered with slippery fluorescent moss, you must be very careful when walking, and you will slip and fall if you are not careful.

After walking for about three kilometers, a light appeared ahead, which was obviously the exit of the sewer.

"Everyone, be careful, remember to follow my orders, and don't make your own decisions.

It is recommended that you keep something in your mouth, so as not to scream loudly when encountering monsters, which will attract more monsters or Loucheng monks. "

While speaking, the bearded man crawled out first, and scouted the surrounding environment carefully.

About 1 minute later, the voice of the bearded man came again, indicating that there was no danger around.

Everyone climbed up one by one, and found that they were in a park in the middle of the street, surrounded by damaged sculptures.

The colorful flowers and plants were so lush that they almost covered everything, including the pavilion they were in.

The bearded man and the blacksmith got together to study how to walk, because they were not familiar with this area.

They must hurry up and help the three of them awaken their extraordinary powers, and then evacuate from this dangerous place.

The two sisters and Hula's lover were looking around, and besides vigilance, there was also a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Only Tang Zhen frowned slightly, glanced at the people who knew nothing about Wudan, and shook his head gently.

After all, they are two half-way monks who have mastered extraordinary powers, but still lack experience and perception of danger.

If Tang Zhen hadn't followed them, they might have just entered the ruins, and they would have become delicacies in the mouths of monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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