Chapter 2606
After Tang Zhen left, the aboriginal monks came back to their senses, their faces full of expressions of survivors after a catastrophe.

Without any hesitation, they ran desperately towards the distance, not daring to stay in this street for a moment.

No one cared about the monsters anymore. If such a big event happened, it must be reported in time.

If they hesitate for a moment, they will all be held accountable.

It didn't take long for figures to gallop towards the street where the battle took place.

The most conspicuous ones were the more than 20 Loucheng monks. They were suspended in mid-air and looked around condescendingly, causing the native monks to breathe quickly.

The elites of the Fourth War Zone in the ruins have all arrived, which is enough to show the seriousness of the matter.

Looking at the remaining traces of the battle, the monks' expressions were gloomy, and they already realized that something was wrong.

"It should be a king-level monk, otherwise, even if it is a sneak attack, it is impossible to achieve a one-shot kill."

The monk Loucheng who spoke was one of more than [-] elite monks. After he asked what had happened, he said in a cold voice.

"If you are a king-level monk, you only need to check the leaderboard to know who the opponent is!"

Although due to different encounters, the levels of monks in Loucheng are uneven, but the gap is not too outrageous.

A king-level monk suddenly appeared, there must be traces on the leaderboard, and he would definitely not be unknown.

But after checking, the result was a bit surprising.

The person who ranks first on the leaderboard is from the first war zone. The specific strength is unknown, but according to the calculation of the points, it should have reached the king level.

The competition on the leaderboard is based on points, not personal ratings. Perhaps the cornerstone platform did this on purpose.

If monk Loucheng is willing, he can get on the list with points, but if he doesn't want to, he can get off the list by consuming points.

Therefore, it is not reliable to verify through this method, because whether it is on the list or not depends entirely on personal preference.

Sure enough, after seeing the ranking, all the monks shook their heads at the same time, feeling that the first person on the list was not the person they were looking for.

"According to my understanding, it is impossible for monks from Loucheng from the first war zone to appear in our area.

Therefore, I dare to conclude that the perpetrator must be someone else, most likely from the Fifth War Zone.

I don’t know if you remember, some time ago, someone suddenly ranked first in the leaderboard, and there was a huge gap between the battle points and No.2.

It's just that this person was dropped off the list soon, and I don't know why?

If I'm not wrong, he should not be eliminated, but use the method of consuming points to get off the list.

If it was eliminated, someone would definitely replace it, but in fact this did not happen.

Of course, the most important point is that this former leader of the leaderboard came from the fifth theater! "

The person who spoke was a white-robed monk, more than two meters tall, with a three-foot beard on his jaw, trembling slightly like a living thing.

Among the monks, he seemed to have the highest status, and the monks around him respected him.

After hearing the analysis of the old man in white robe, some people nodded slightly, while others were full of surprise.

"It's incredible that someone doesn't care about the ranking and deliberately consumes that huge amount of points!"

"You care about the points ranking, but the other party may not care about it, and may even treat it like a scourge and avoid it for fear of falling behind."

"There is some truth in what you say, so many points are no less than a moving treasure, which has aroused the covetousness of many people.

After reaching the leaderboard, it is estimated that many people will stare at him and regard him as a hunting target. "

"It is basically certain now that the attacker should be the fifth war zone, the cultivator who once ranked first in the leaderboard!"

In a few words, the monks had already guessed Tang Zhen's identity, but this did not mean that the crisis had been resolved.

It doesn't matter where Tang Zhen comes from, the key is that he has a king-level cultivation, and anyone present who fights against him will definitely be eliminated.

If you don't want to go wrong, everyone present can't act alone, but must act in teams at all times.

The monks secretly speculated that perhaps this was the purpose of the other party.

Deliberately and blatantly launched an attack, disrupting the original deployment, and had to be careful to prevent sneak attacks.

"Then how do we deal with it? Could it be that the whole city is mobilized to search for traces of that enemy?"

Some monks asked questions, which felt a bit inappropriate.

Doing so might not be effective, on the contrary, it would make the entire ruins a mess, and the monsters that were suppressed might also take the opportunity to rush out of the ruins.

Once such a situation really occurs, Mufeng City will be threatened, and then a series of disastrous consequences will be triggered.

"There is no need to search the whole city, but that would be a trick of the enemy, and it is impossible to gain anything."

The leading monk Loucheng shook his head and vetoed this suggestion. If they did so, wouldn't they be led by the nose by the enemy.

"From now on, every team will be equipped with alarm arrows, and once the alarm sounds, the surrounding teams will immediately gather and surround them.

Those of us are divided into ten groups, and each group leads a group of people to track down the traces of the enemy in the city.

Although the opponent is a king, they can only engage in sneak attacks. If they fight head-on, they may not be our opponents. "

This was said with confidence, and the elite monks next to him smiled in agreement at the same time.

This is the confidence of the fourth theater. Although the enemy's strength is not weak, they have no fear at all.

As long as the enemy dares to appear, he must be called dead or alive!
After the discussion was over, the monks acted immediately, and the deployment was completed in a short time.

In the hands of each team, they were assigned alarm arrows, and at the same time, there was a vivid portrait.

For the monks in Loucheng, it can be said that it is effortless to obtain Tang Zhen's appearance.

You only need to extract the memory of the witness, you can extract the scene that the other party saw, and then use your mental power to rub the picture out.

After some operations, the blueprint with Tang Zhen's appearance appeared in all the teams.

It doesn't make much sense to do this, because no matter which team meets Tang Zhen, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

In fact, the real purpose was to let someone shoot the alarm arrow before Tang Zhen killed everyone.

After the patrol team received the portrait, they were a little puzzled, unable to figure out what happened.

The monk Loucheng who led the team didn't explain, but said that once he found the person in the painting, he must immediately warn his companions.

Because of this incident, the atmosphere in the ruins became tense, and it always made people feel that something big was about to happen.


In a patrol team near the center of the city, the bearded man looked at the portrait he had just obtained with a complicated expression.

The five people, including his son and daughter, were all in the team at the moment and became members of the patrol team.

Because of Tang Zhen's help, the bearded son and daughter awakened their extraordinary power without much effort.

Unfortunately, when they were about to return the same way, they didn't realize that the sewer had already collapsed due to the earthquake.

In desperation, they found another way out, but they were hit by a patrol team. After verifying the identity of the bearded man, they were directly pulled into the team.

The bearded man and the others were very depressed, but they could only follow the patrol team and secretly figured out a way to get out.

I just waited for a long time, but there was no chance to escape. Instead, I encountered many monsters, which almost killed three rookies who had just become monks.

At this time, another alarm sounding arrow was sent, as well as a portrait, which was obviously the rhythm of a major event.

It's just that the bearded man never dreamed that the person in the portrait turned out to be Tang Zhen, who was with them just now.

Looking at Cultivator Loucheng's appearance, and recalling Tang Zhen's previous performance, the bearded man couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

They must not let others know about Tang Zhen's acquaintance, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Turning to look at the blacksmith and his sons and daughters, seeing that their expressions were equally dignified, they were obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter.

Looking at each other, there is no need for verbal communication at all, and they already know what to do.

It's just that the curiosity in my heart became more and more intense, and I secretly guessed who Tang Zhen was?
(End of this chapter)

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