I have a city in another world

Chapter 2613 Tang Zhen is Evolving

Chapter 2613 Tang Zhen is Evolving

I hunted a group of mosquito monsters, but the harvest was not very great.

The strength of these mosquito monsters is average, far inferior to the wild boar monsters, at most they have an advantage in numbers.

Even so, after absorbing all the blood essence demon cores, the level of the slime monster was raised again.

At the same time, they also harvested a bunch of mosquito monster mouthparts, which are tough and sharp, and are excellent materials to be used as weapons.

As for the originally reserved stones, they were basically consumed in this battle, making Tang Zhen lose the means of long-range attack.

Tang Zhen had to look for places with stones and get enough gravel, otherwise it would have a great impact on the combat effectiveness.

After cleaning the battlefield, Tang Zhen continued to move forward. This time, he walked for about two hours and came to a plain full of black and purple moss plants.

On this plain, there are countless monsters, their shapes are various, and their sizes vary from big to small.

Small monsters are no bigger than fists, and big monsters are like hills, fighting each other non-stop, howling and roaring resounding through the sky.

It seems that there is an invisible force that attracts these monsters and restrains them on the plain, making it impossible to leave easily.

In the process of fighting, the sky casts a beam of light from time to time, covering the nearby monsters in it.

After the light dissipated, the monster also disappeared without a trace.

Tang Zhen confirmed with just one glance that the weird light beam was actually a teleportation array, transporting monsters from the demon world to the human world.

This is the way to leave the demon world.

The problem is that the teleportation array appears and disappears so fast that people can't react at all, and there is no pattern in the position of appearance.

At Tang Zhen's current speed, it is impossible to track and lock on to the teleportation array, and he can only rely on luck to leave.

Now that he knew the way to leave, Tang Zhen was no longer in a hurry, not to mention he had another idea now.

There are so many monsters here, it is simply a natural place to upgrade, once you encounter it, how can you easily miss it?

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, he heard the sound of piercing through the sky, and a monster that looked like a praying mantis but had three pairs of sword feet rushed towards Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen didn't disperse or avoid, but suddenly bent down and lowered his head, the mosquito mouthparts on his back flew out.

Like a javelin thrown with all its strength, all the mouthparts of the mosquitoes pierced the mantis monster's body. Cooperating with the corrosive liquid contained in the empty pipe, it killed the mantis monster in an instant.

There was a red light in Tang Zhen's eyes, and he rushed to the mantis monster's corpse quickly, and controlled the slime monster to cover the mantis monster's body.

In a very short time, the mantis monster's body was melted and dismembered, and the three pairs of knife legs were pulled back by the slime monster and attached to Tang Zhen's body.


Following Tang Zhen's control, the three pairs of saber feet suddenly swung around, and the one-meter-long blade kept slashing, making piercing and piercing sounds.

Tang Zhen, who was equipped with three pairs of sword feet, now has the means of close combat, and his combat effectiveness has been enhanced again.

Looking at a group of monsters rushing forward, Tang Zhen's eyes flashed coldly, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

This is a group of humanoid monsters riding weird mounts and colliding with Tang Zhen.

Before the two sides came into contact, Tang Zhen shot out hard mouthparts, directly piercing the bodies of those monsters and mounts.

Afterwards, the three pairs of swords and legs waved like the wind, and the place where they passed was full of minced meat, just like a meat grinder.

During the battle, you need to control the spider monster's body to move flexibly, avoid the enemy's attack, and at the same time control three pairs of sword legs to strangle the enemy.

These actions are carried out simultaneously, as if a precise machine is running, and there must be no errors.

It sounds very difficult, but for Tang Zhen, it couldn't be easier.

If Tang Zhen is willing, he can even separate out billions of thoughts, control different puppets separately, and let them make different actions.

Not every Creator can do this. Tang Zhen is able to control it with ease because of his special experience.

In just a few minutes, this group of monsters were defeated, and Tang Zhen was completely killed.

The few remaining monsters were terrified, and drove their mounts to avoid them, their eyes full of fear.

They really don't understand why this monster, which is about the same level as their own, is so fierce and terrifying.

This is the difference brought about by differences in strength and awareness. The same firearm is handed over to ordinary soldiers and ace snipers, and there must be a difference in the number of enemies killed in war.

Tang Zhen's situation at this time seemed to be a god-level master who was mercilessly sweeping rookies and weaklings.

While hunting monsters, Tang Zhen also did not forget to devour and absorb them. He manipulated the slime monsters into tentacles, pulling the corpses of those monsters together.

From the perspective of other monsters, Tang Zhen's appearance at this time was extremely terrifying. There were monster corpses piled up all around him, and tentacles were constantly wriggling on each corpse.

With the continuous devouring and absorption, the level of the slime monster was raised again, and some special abilities were awakened.

For example, the slime monster at this time has super strong resistance to attack, and can perfectly resolve the attack power.

If the original slime monster was a puddle of mud, then the slime monster at this time is a ball of rubber, and it is still the kind that cannot be smashed.

However, if Tang Zhen is willing, he can transform into the mud form at any time. Even if the enemy's weapon penetrates the body, it will not cause any damage.

The problem is that Tang Zhen's body is hidden inside, so if it is not necessary, he will not easily let the enemy's weapon penetrate the body.

In addition to the enhanced defense, the slime monster has evolved two abilities, one of which is to spray corrosive venom at a distance of six to seventy meters.

The power of the corrosive venom increased again, and a monster in the distance was sprayed straight on, and a terrifying and transparent hole was immediately burned out on its body.

As for the other ability, it is to control the separated mud, like a remote control puppet.

Let the separated slime monster find the blood essence demon core, and then transport it back to the main body, saving Tang Zhen the time to search.

This is just the simplest application of the ability. In addition, it can also act as Tang Zhen's clone, attaching to the monster's body to control it.

Seeing two more mantis monsters passing by, Tang Zhen rushed up and quickly killed them.

This time Tang Zhen didn't swallow it directly, but separated two balls of mud and threw it on the monster's body.

The two lumps of mud kept wriggling, and quickly climbed onto the mantid monster's head, completely enveloping its head.

The mud turned into filaments and penetrated into the mantid monster's skull, and then the corpse jumped up from the ground.

At this time, the mantis monster was already under Tang Zhen's control, just like two puppets.

Controlling two praying mantis monsters to roam around, chasing and killing other monsters, only half an hour later, Tang Zhen was already followed by more than 20 ferocious monsters.

These monsters were all controlled by Tang Zhen with mud, forming a small monster army, and the blood of those killed nearby flowed into rivers.

Later, Tang Zhen stopped doing anything at all, but manipulated the monster to hunt and kill the monster, and he followed behind to devour it.

If he finds the right parts, Tang Zhen will also install them on his body, making the slime monster's appearance even weirder.

As more and more blood essence demon cores are devoured, the level of the slime monster is also increasing, and some magical abilities are constantly awakening.

In the entire demon world, this is the only super slime monster. With Tang Zhen's help, it has reached the peak of life that its ancestors have never reached before!

(End of this chapter)

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