I have a city in another world

Chapter 2619 Tang Zhen persuades a fight!

Chapter 2619 Tang Zhen persuades a fight!

When advancing again, the size of the monster army expanded again.

Three giant tortoises, a ghostly pirate ship, and countless monsters made it look mighty.

Tang Zhen stood on the back of three giant tortoises, surrounded by a group of monster guards, and looked majestic.

After knowing the location of the teleportation array, it is natural to go there as soon as possible, so as not to delay too long and cause accidents.

The ghost pirate fleet that was originally tracked happened to be in the same direction, but I didn't know if I could encounter it.

After deciding to bring the monster army into the human world, Tang Zhen subconsciously collected the sporadic mobs and let them join the monster army.

Although the combat power of the cannon fodder is weak, it also depends on who the opponent is. If a low-level monster fights against a low-level native monk, the monster is stronger.

Although Tang Zhen never put the native monks in his eyes, when the battle broke out, he must not underestimate any opponent.

Deliberately gathering low-level monsters means paying more to the native monks, and by the way, it can also pose a threat to the monks in Loucheng.

Tang Zhen also had no choice but to fight against thousands of elite Loucheng monks, after all, he was alone.

If the quality cannot be compared, then we can only find a way in terms of quantity and use crowd tactics to suppress the opponent.

Low-level monsters have a great blind obedience. After confirming that there is no danger in following the monster army, they can't wait to gather together.

Tang Zhen kept observing the monsters in the legion, trying to find monsters with great potential just like the slime monster.

This kind of monster is not only available now, even after returning to the human world, he can still stay by his side to help.

After looking around, they didn't find anyone worth cultivating, and the slime monster might just be a special case.

Tang Zhen wasn't discouraged if he didn't find what he wanted. Anyway, it was just a backup method, and it didn't matter whether it was completed or not.

However, he still controlled the puppet monsters, gathering those scattered monsters together to form a phalanx one by one.

A group of uncontrolled stragglers will not be able to exert much power in a war, and may even cause unnecessary trouble.

Tang Zhen would rather not use these cannon fodder than let these monsters spoil the situation, so as not to cause greater losses.

Compared with intelligent creatures with complex thinking, these simple-minded low-level monsters are actually easier to train and control.

Under the command of the puppet monster, the low-level monsters quickly assembled into a square formation, and the marching lineup became more and more orderly.

Just this little change has more than doubled the aura of the entire monster army, and even those ignorant monsters have been infected and become more arrogant.

Tang Zhen nodded secretly, he was already very satisfied with being able to achieve this step.

The army marched forward in a mighty way, and the puppet monster in charge of the investigation found that the target was the ghost pirate fleet that was trying to track before.

There are more than 40 pirate ships in this fleet, and the largest one is nearly 200 meters long, which can be regarded as a giant-level existence.

The leader of the ghost fleet, although known as the pirate king, is actually not a king-level monster at all.

In addition, there are all kinds of monsters wandering around the ghost pirate ship, constantly attacking a dragon.

This dragon is entrenched on a hill made of treasures, with a huge rune chain tied around its neck, surrounded by dark green flames.

The battlefield was in a mess, with monster corpses everywhere. Judging from the degree of destruction, the battle had lasted for a long time.

The ghost pirates are very cunning, they only attack from a distance, and at the same time drive the low-level monsters to die, so as to consume the power of the dragon.

The dragon kept roaring, although it couldn't get rid of the chains, but as long as the monster dared to approach, it would kill it without hesitation.

Especially the monsters who dared to touch the treasures, the dragons would desperately chase and kill them, and basically there were no bones left.

The magic dragon regards money as life, and the ghost pirates also want to get those treasures, which is the root of the struggle between the two sides.

Tang Zhen couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous when he saw this scene.

These dazzling treasures are actually just ordinary items, but no matter ghost pirates or giant dragons, they all attach great importance to these gold and silver vulgar objects.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the monsters in the demon world were born through the idea of ​​the creator, and they definitely did not evolve naturally.

The creator was obviously lazy, and directly used the real dragons and pirates as templates to create dragons and ghost pirates.

After the appearance of the two monsters, they still retain their original obsessions, and they are bound to win gold and silver treasures.

Of course, in addition to gold, silver and jewels, the winner is also eligible to devour the loser, which is also an exciting trophy.

After the appearance of the monster army, it immediately attracted the attention of the two warring parties, and they kept casting vigilant eyes.

At this critical moment, no matter which side the monster army joins, it will cause the other side to lose quickly.

Tang Zhen discovered this and understood that this was his advantage.

The purpose of war is to realize the predetermined plan. If it can be realized by other means, there is naturally no need to kill.

Following Tang Zhen's order, the mighty army of monsters stopped advancing, and they quickly formed a neat square formation, looking ready to go.

The number of monster legions has exceeded [-]. Although most of them are low-level monsters, the neat lineup is still not to be underestimated.

What's more, in this team, there are many monsters of the lord level, and each of them looks difficult to provoke.

Both the Demon Dragon and the Pirate King were secretly surprised. They have been in the Demon World for many years, and they have never seen such a combination of monsters.

The lord monsters are extremely territorial, and unless they compete for territory, they will never contact them, let alone form a joint army like they are now.

While feeling surprised, they also realized that the monster army was obviously a bad comer.

The two groups of monsters who were beaten to fight, stopped the exchange of fire because of the appearance of the monster army, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

The battlefield, which was still full of killing noises before, became silent in an instant, and the atmosphere of silence made people feel extremely depressing.

At this moment, Tang Zhen jumped out of the crowd, ignoring the monsters who were staring at him, and flew between the magic dragon and the ghost pirate king.

"I know the reason you are fighting is for these golden treasures, and you hope to keep them for yourself, right?"

The Demon Dragon and the Pirate King didn't make a sound, which was indeed the case, but they didn't know what Tang Zhen wanted to do.

"Since you like this kind of thing, then I will take you to a place where there are countless wealth, far more than what you are fighting for.

In that place, you can kill and plunder as much as you want, as long as you see it, you can take it as your own! "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the two monster lords were obviously tempted, but more confused.

In the entire demon world, the monsters that once participated in the invasion of the human world are basically dead.

Old guys like the three-headed turtle are completely rare, and they can't find many in the devil world.

Even until now, the monsters don't know what the teleportation beam is, where did the disappeared monster go?
After all, after monsters entered the human world, they would never return, and there was no way to transmit information back to the demon world.

An old monster who knows the truth will definitely not easily re-record the news, it will not benefit him, and it will cause countless troubles.

The most important point is that even these old monsters don't know how to travel to the human world through teleportation.

Even the teleportation beams that appear randomly will not land on them, as if deliberately avoiding them.

The occurrence of such a situation may only explain one thing, and it is not yet time for them to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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