I have a city in another world

Chapter 2625 Remains of the chapter!

Chapter 2625 Return to the ruins!

Looking at the Demon Realm passage that appeared out of thin air, the master of Tiangang Palace and other monks had a flash of excitement in their eyes.

Compared to small fish and small shrimps, the false demon god is the real big fat, the kind that can support a person in one bite.

After killing him, even if the palace masters present share the income equally, everyone will definitely be satisfied.

If nothing else happened, after killing all the false demon gods, more than twenty king-level monks would appear in the fourth war zone.

If it can be realized, the strength of the fourth theater will be doubled, and the war with the fifth theater may be ended early.

More than 20 king-level monks are a force that cannot be ignored no matter where they are placed. After they are put on the battlefield, it is no exaggeration to say that they are devastating.

The situation on the battlefield is changing, and the plan to hunt down the pseudo-demons must be implemented. The longer it is delayed, the easier it is for things to go wrong.

Especially after Tang Zhen hunted and killed several palace masters and then disappeared suddenly, the feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense.

He was afraid of hearing the news of an attack from the fifth war zone. If the enemy invaded the ruins, all previous efforts would be in vain.

"Everyone keep their positions, and absolutely cannot let the monster leave the square, otherwise they will be severely punished!"

Although it was not necessary, Palace Master Tiangang still reminded him, which shows how much he attaches importance to this matter.

"Monsters are about to appear, everyone is ready to fight!"

With a low growl, billowing demonic energy gushed out from the passage, and a huge figure suddenly appeared.

It was as if a curtain had been torn open, and a scene like abyss and purgatory appeared in front of him. While the huge figure roared, it directly crossed from the demon world to the human world.

This is a demon god with horns all over its head. Although it has a human body, it has hundreds of eel-like tentacles.

The blood-red eyes kept rolling, shining with greedy light, and the tentacles viciously bit towards the monk Loucheng.

The multi-horned devil, one of the 24 golems on the square, was summoned to come to the world!
For the creatures in the demon world, monks in Loucheng are the most delicious food, and the multi-horned demon king can't wait to taste it.

The monks of Loucheng who have been waiting for a long time will let the multi-horned demon king get his wish.

The moment it appeared, the long-prepared attack fell on the huge body of the monster like a torrential rain.

Although there is a huge difference in size between the two sides, it does not mean that the attack power is weakened. For example, a small bullet can easily take the life of a strong man.

The multi-horned demon king roared again and again after being beaten, as if to vent his anger, his huge body began to rampage across the square.

It is taking advantage of its size to disrupt the attack rhythm of the monks in Loucheng, and kill all the ants that hurt themselves.

Palace Master Tiangang gave an order, and the other Palace Masters attacked at the same time, surrounding the Polygonal Demon King from mid-air.

They cooperated in an orderly manner and continued to send out fierce attacks, hitting the multi-horned demon king with cuts and bruises all over his body.

The wounded multi-horned demon king roared loudly, stomped his feet on the ground, and then saw beams of light appearing on the square.

Monsters, big and small, poured out of the teleportation array one after another, roaring and rushing towards the nearby monks in Loucheng.

The surrounding Loucheng monks waited for a long time. They could not fight monsters of the devil level, but they could hunt and kill the monsters summoned by the teleportation array.

Regardless of quantity or quality, these monsters are of a higher level, and the rewards obtained after killing them are more generous.

At this time, the sound of killing in the square was loud. More than 20 palace masters surrounded and killed the polygonal demon, and tens of thousands of monks cleaned up the monsters summoned by the teleportation array. They were inextricably killed in a short time.

The seemingly evenly matched situation is actually the monk Loucheng who has the upper hand. If this situation continues, the final winner must be the monk Loucheng.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another accident happened suddenly.

The passage leading to the Demon Realm was supposed to be closed after the teleportation was completed. Unexpectedly, just halfway through the closure, a giant hand suddenly grabbed the edge of the passage.

Bursts of shocking aura came from the other end of the tunnel, and the devilish energy spread like a tide.

If it was an ordinary monster, it would be impossible to have such a terrifying aura, so the giant hand that suddenly appeared was definitely another demon god.

The sudden change made the Tiangang Palace Master startled, and at the same time gave birth to a bad premonition.

More than 20 palace masters cooperate with each other, just enough to hunt and kill one demon god, but if there is another demon god, they cannot be opponents at all.

"Quickly close the passage to prevent any more demon gods from appearing!"

Palace Master Tiangang let out a low growl, and immediately several Palace Masters rushed to the front of the passage, trying to completely seal the passage.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the pair of giant hands tore suddenly, tearing the passage to pieces.

A double-faced demon god with an extremely strange shape suddenly stepped out of the passage and stepped heavily on the ground of the square.

He moved his body, scanned the surroundings with his blood-red eyes, and suddenly showed a ferocious smile.

"It feels so good to finally be back!"

As soon as the voice fell, tentacles shot out one after another, heading straight for several Loucheng monks in front of the transmission channel.

The attack speed of the tentacles was so fast that several Loucheng cultivators were hit, and they flew upside down screaming.

"not good!"

When Tiangang Buddha saw this scene, he was startled suddenly, wondering why this double-faced demon god is so fierce?
"Leave ten palace masters to hunt and kill the multi-horned demon god, and the rest of the monks of Loucheng will fight with me. We must drive the double-faced demon god back to the demon world!"

The situation became more and more dangerous. If the sudden appearance of the double-faced demon god could not be killed, the situation in the square would be completely out of control.

Not only can't the demon god be hunted down, on the contrary, he may be killed by monsters, which will eventually lead to complete defeat.

The master of Tiangang Palace swore that such a thing would never be allowed to happen, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of time?
As the monks in Loucheng who besieged him divided into two groups, the multi-horned demon king roared, and the pressure on his body was greatly relieved.

Looking at the double-faced demon king fighting with the monk Loucheng, the multi-horned demon king was full of confusion, wondering why the other party appeared?

Judging from the breath, the demon god who suddenly appeared should be the double-faced demon king, but the multi-horned demon king has a feeling that the other party should be a fake.

Of course, this is not important, as long as it is beneficial to him, the multi-horned devil would like to have as many counterfeit goods as possible.

Seeing the monks in Loucheng surrounding him like flies, the multi-horned demon king "Jie Jie" smiled strangely, and once again waved his tentacles to attack.

For the multi-horned demon king, the human world is too good to describe, and the air is filled with a sweet smell.

The multi-horned demon king has only one idea, to completely conquer the human world, and then enjoy it unscrupulously.

The ants in front of him are the first obstacle to conquering the human world, and they are also a delicacy that makes them salivate.

As for the double-faced devil who appeared inexplicably, you can let it live for a while, and then kill it after the battle is over.

All the wealth in the human world can only be enjoyed by oneself alone, and other demon kings can't even imagine getting a single bit of it!

The greedy multi-horned demon king didn't notice that the double-faced demon king standing not far away was looking at it with cold eyes.

With the restraint of the multi-horned demon king, Tang Zhen no longer has any pressure, and the dozen or so palace masters are not worth mentioning at all.

Just when the multi-horned demon king summoned the monster again, the slime monster controlled by Tang Zhen waved at the same time, and a huge portal suddenly appeared.

There was the sound of rumbling footsteps, and all kinds of monsters came out of the teleporters. They lined up neatly and quickly filled the open space of the square.

The monks who saw this scene were startled at the same time, and there was an unconcealable panic in their eyes.

This wave of monsters seems to be too strong!

(End of this chapter)

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