I have a city in another world

Chapter 2642 The way to leave

Chapter 2642 The way to leave

"Stop me!"

Seeing this, the chasing monk Loucheng stopped immediately, his face full of shock and anger.

While roaring loudly, he waved his hand and threw a cold light, trying to stop Tang Zhen's actions.

The moment they saw the bone talisman, the enemy already knew Tang Zhen's plan, so they immediately attacked and destroyed it.

If Tang Zhen succeeds, they will be trapped in the Demon Realm, and even if they can escape, it will take a lot of trouble.

The battle between the two sides is imminent. If they are absent because of this matter, these monks may be so depressed that they vomit blood.

Tang Zhen just smiled coldly, and detonated the bone charm without hesitation, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed.

A huge vortex appeared, and colorful brilliance was everywhere, which was the vision that appeared after the energy hit and stirred.

The passage between the Demon Realm and the Mausoleum has completely collapsed. These Loucheng monks are trapped in the Demon Realm. God knows when they will be able to leave?

"Tang Zhen, this matter is not over!"

The chasing king-level monk roared, and he stared at Tang Zhen viciously, as if he wanted to eat people.

"I'm waiting for you, remember to come out early!"

Tang Zhen dropped a word, turned around and left quickly, but his expression was very dignified.

The practice of destroying the passage was actually Tang Zhen's last resort, and he believed that the monks in Loucheng outside had been alarmed.

Tang Zhen had to evacuate as soon as possible. If he stayed for a second longer, the danger would be multiplied.

Rushing to the entrance of the mausoleum like lightning, Tang Zhen stopped abruptly, and quickly hid in the shadows.

More than a dozen figures rushed towards the tomb, all of them murderous, and all of them were monks of the lord level.

Among them were two kings, with faces full of anger, rushing to the front of the team.

The location of the exit of the mausoleum has been tightly blocked by the monks of Loucheng, and there are also king-level monks guarding and leading the team.

The response speed of the fourth theater was extremely fast, which can be said to have exceeded Tang Zhen's expectations. Perhaps the moment his identity was revealed, the opponents had already gathered quickly.

If Tang Zhen went out at this moment, he would definitely be besieged by the enemy, and the chance of successfully escaping was extremely slim.

The situation is extremely critical, Tang Zhen has already fallen into the enemy's heavy siege, and if he is not careful, he will be eliminated.

So he hid in the corner, relying on the slime monster to blend with the stone wall, so as not to be found by the enemy

Of course, this is only a stopgap measure. Tang Zhen must find a way to evacuate from the mausoleum, otherwise he will be discovered by the enemy sooner or later.

This is a very difficult task, because the enemies he faces are a group of experienced Loucheng monks.

Regardless of strength level or combat experience, the enemy is no worse than him.

Tang Zhen was a little excited. He hadn't experienced such a dangerous situation for a long time.

In a desperate situation, to survive from death, this is the real competition of strength.

Ignoring the noise in the tomb passage, Tang Zhen began to meditate and study ways to escape.

Soon he discovered that no matter which method was used, the success rate was less than [-]%.

The monks in the fourth war zone have already heightened their vigilance. It can be said that it is as difficult as heaven to escape in this situation.

For example, pretending to be a monk in the fourth war zone sounds good, but in fact it doesn't work at all.

Tang Zhen can be sure that the enemy must start using secret words, and use this to determine whether it is an enemy or a friend?

Although the method is primitive and simple, in this case, it happens to be the most effective method.

Because this is just a competition, the threat of death does not exist at all, and the enemy naturally does not need to speak secret words out of fear of death.

Without knowing the secret language, as long as Tang Zhen dares to impersonate, the enemy will immediately find out.

As for digging out and leaving, it was also impossible. There was no reason why the enemy could not think of things that Tang Zhen could think of.

The mausoleum must be fully monitored. As long as Tang Zhen dared to dig a hole to leave, he would be blocked by the enemy.

On the contrary, it is safest to stay in the Demon Realm. Although you will be trapped for a while, you will be able to find a way to leave after all.

It's just that if you are in the devil world, you will still be hunted down by the monks in the fourth war zone, and it will also affect Tang Zhen's next actions.

What's more, the channel has been bombed down. It doesn't make any sense to think about it at this time. We should honestly find another way.

There was another sound of footsteps, and a large group of Loucheng monks entered the tomb passage, leaving one at a distance.

This is obviously to strengthen the defense of the exit. As long as Tang Zhen passes through this place, he may be discovered by these Loucheng monks.

Tang Zhen felt a little helpless. The enemy monk's actions almost cut off the possibility of him escaping.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Zhen discovered that many of the Loucheng monks guarding the passage looked familiar.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that I saw it in the ruins, and it was the group of Loucheng monks who successfully escaped.

After they escaped from the ruins, they should go straight to the Valley of the Nine Tombs to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle.

It is absolutely impossible for so many Loucheng monks to wander outside. That would be the greatest waste of resources.

Although monsters are rampant in the outside world, there are too many Loucheng monks who have fled from the ruins, and there is no good place to improve their strength in a short period of time.

It is a matter of course to transfer back to the headquarters of Nine Tombs Valley and use the resources here.

The mobilization of these Loucheng monks to guard the tomb is obviously because they have come into contact with Tang Zhen, at least they have seen Tang Zhen.

The monks in Loucheng have very sensitive perceptions, so it is really suitable for them to be responsible for guarding the tomb passage.

They must have hated Tang Zhen to the core. Other monks in Loucheng may have problems, but these monks will never.

If they encountered Tang Zhen, these Loucheng monks who were humiliated because of Tang Zhen would definitely launch an attack immediately.

"The situation is getting worse and worse, what should I do?"

Looking at the vigilant monk Loucheng in the passage, Tang Zhen secretly thought, how can we solve the problem?

While thinking, Tang Zhen's eyes swept across these Loucheng monks, and suddenly stopped.

It turned out that there was a figure standing in the corner on the edge of the passage, which looked very familiar.

Then Tang Zhen confirmed that the other party was Hula, a monk in Loucheng who had been in contact with Tang Zhen several times.

He is not a monk in the fourth war zone, but he also entered the channel with some monks in the low-level war zone, obviously belonging to the ranks of those who have seen Tang Zhen.

Under normal circumstances, the transaction between Hula and Tang Zhen was shady, and he would definitely try his best to cover it up, so how could he let others know that he had met Tang Zhen?

Tang Zhen thought of a possibility that Hula might have done it on purpose, just to meet Tang Zhen.

Because his lover is still in the ruins, and looking at Hula's appearance, he is clearly an infatuated species.

That's why he chose to take risks, saying that he met Tang Zhen only to achieve a certain purpose.

After thinking about these things clearly, a smile appeared on the corner of Tang Zhen's mouth, and the opportunity he was waiting for might have appeared.

Controlling the slime monster covering its body, it extended a thin tentacles and quietly approached Hula's position.

Then the tentacles approached Hula quietly, and touched his body in an extremely concealed way.

Hula's body trembled slightly, but he regained his composure in an instant, but a look of joy flashed in the corner of his eyes.

"State your request?"

Through the vibration of the tentacles, Tang Zhen's voice came into Hula's mind. Because it did not rely on spiritual power to communicate, it would not be discovered by the monk Loucheng next to him.

"I can help you out and tell you the secret language, but you have to do one thing for me."


"Take my woman out of this world, and then let me and her go to your war zone, I wonder if you can do it?"


"Well, I will tell you the secret language, and then you will replace me, and you can sneak out when the guard changes."

(End of this chapter)

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