I have a city in another world

Chapter 2651 Flooded Imperial City

Chapter 2651 Flooded Imperial City
In the imperial city, the night is already dark.

The lights above the city head are brightly lit, and under the illumination of special lamps, the area outside the city wall can be seen clearly.

It is simply impossible to get close at night.

Even above the imperial city, rune lamps rose one after another, hanging in the night sky like little suns.

With a bright light, the darkness can be dispelled, and the sneaky guys will lose their natural protective barrier.

It's just that these dazzling lights can't bring people much sense of security, but make people more anxious.

The people in the city rested early, making the imperial city extremely quiet, as if it were a dead city.

Under the heavy siege of the city, whenever night came, all the residents of the imperial city were restricted to their homes and were not allowed to go out.

Seeing the streets as bright as day, and the footsteps of patrolling soldiers from time to time, the hearts of the residents of the imperial city were filled with panic.

All they can do is wait, either turn the corner, or die!
On the empty street, a group of soldiers walked slowly, looking at every corner of the street vigilantly.

Although so far, no signs of the enemy sneaking in at night have been found, but this is not a reason for them to relax their vigilance.

Actively inspecting the urban area to ensure the stability of the city is also one of the most important tasks.

The patrolling soldiers have been ordered that if anyone dares to make trouble, they can be killed in the street.

Fortunately, the residents of the imperial city know how to measure themselves. Until this time, making trouble is tantamount to early death, so they all behaved very peacefully.

This is only temporary. If they are really pushed to the point of desperation, the sheep will also become hungry wolves that eat meat.

After crossing one street and coming to the intersection, the soldiers will turn around and go to another street.

As a result, at this moment, a mist of water floated over and landed on the faces of the soldiers.

"What's going on, is it raining?"

A soldier looked up at the sky suspiciously, and then his mouth slowly grew, and his expression became more and more frightened.

"What are you looking at?"

After the captain saw it, he reprimanded him, and then looked up.

Just like a soldier, but in a blink of an eye, a frightened expression appeared on the captain's face.

In the sky above the imperial city, nine shining balls of light appeared at unknown times, connected by lines of light, forming a set of weird and mysterious patterns.

In the center of this pattern, a glowing hole is slowly opening, and a torrent of water is pouring down.

The water mist that was blown on the face earlier came from the hole in the sky, and the torrent with the smell of water was falling into the imperial city overwhelmingly.

Under the illumination of the rune lamp, the huge water column looks like a waterfall falling from the sky, giving people an indescribable visual impact.

"My God, this is a leak from the sky!"

The captain let out a loud roar, and watched helplessly as Hong Feng washed away the houses near the landing point, and then another billowing flood rushed towards his face.

Houses collapsed along the way, and those residents struggled in the flood, but were quickly swallowed by the flood.

Such a terrible disaster cannot be resisted by mortals.

In the torrential flood, there are also huge monsters that are devouring the struggling residents madly.

The harsh sirens sounded, and the patrolling soldiers ran wildly on the street, blowing their whistles desperately.

They just want to wake up more residents so that they can avoid this disaster, instead of being drowned in sleep.

The scene at this moment is simply chaotic.

It was like a drop of clear water falling into a hot oil pan, and there was an instant bursting sound.

The imperial city is that pot of hot oil, because the torrent that fell from the sky has completely fallen into collapse and chaos.

Shouts and howls echoed continuously over the imperial city.

The residents who rushed out after receiving the warning stared blankly at the flood on the street, not knowing what happened at all.

But when they saw the residents running around on the street, screaming and avoiding the water monster, no one cared what happened.

They turned and fled without hesitation, because as long as they couldn't run away from others, they would become food in the monster's mouth.

The scope of the chaos is getting bigger and bigger. The Loucheng monks from the fourth war zone arrived one after another. After seeing the turbulent water flow, the Loucheng monks were shocked at the same time.

"These bastards from the fifth war zone actually used such insidious means!"

Looking at the nine light spots in the sky and the rune circle with vertical and horizontal lines, monk Loucheng couldn't guess its purpose.

This is clearly a special teleportation array, which directly teleports the river water and monsters from unknown sources to the imperial city.

The only way to solve the crisis is to destroy the teleportation array.

But this thing is above their heads, at least hundreds of meters high, which makes most of the monks in Loucheng helpless.

All the Loucheng monks present had the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, but that was before participating in the competition.

In this special world, they are not qualified to fly until their strength reaches the lord's level.

The problem is that those lord monks can't escape, and they are all on the top of the city, guarding against a sneak attack from the fifth theater.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is the strategy of the Fifth War Zone, trying to mobilize the lord monks.

If the lord and monk came to the rescue, the defense of the city would be empty, and the fifth theater could take advantage of it.

Once the line of defense collapsed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But if there is no rescue, the imperial city will be flooded, and even if the fifth theater does not launch an attack, the defenders in the imperial city will automatically collapse.

After realizing this, the monks in the fourth war zone cursed one after another, saying that the enemy's method was extremely vicious.

In desperation, the monks in Loucheng had no choice but to discuss the solution while sending people to deal with the raging water monsters.

With the existence of these monsters, the chaotic situation will continue to expand. Even if the torrent cannot be blocked, these monsters must be resolved first.

It's just that those monsters are huge, and they fly through the streets and alleys with the help of the torrent, so it is extremely difficult to catch them.

The monks in Loucheng led the team to rob and kill everywhere. It took half a day, but they only killed a dozen water monsters.

As for the other water monsters, they had already followed the rushing water flow, and they didn't know where they went.

The residents in the water shouted for help, but those monks in Loucheng didn't seem to hear it, which caused countless people to curse.

If there is no more rescue, the residents will die sooner or later, so why fear?
The Loucheng monks who hunted and killed the water monsters were also very helpless. After such a long time, the headquarters has never sent the lord monks to investigate and rescue, which means that the residents of the imperial city have been abandoned.

As a result, as soon as this thought came up, there was a crackling sound in the sky above his head, and then two white lights flashed.

For this kind of light, the monks in Loucheng are very familiar with it, and it is obvious that someone has been eliminated.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that the eliminated monks in Loucheng must have come from the fourth war zone.

Since the enemy has used this method, how can they not send experts to guard, and the fourth war zone sent lords and monks to test, and the white light transmitted is the result of the investigation.

Since they couldn't beat them, they could only let the floods flood. Anyway, for the monks in Loucheng, the lives of the aborigines were nothing more than worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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