I have a city in another world

Chapter 2655 The Final Battle

Chapter 2655 The Final Battle
The long night seems to have become more difficult.

The defenders on the imperial city were silent at the moment, but their hearts were not at peace.

Looking at the enemies gathered outside the city, and hearing the screams from inside the imperial city, I felt so oppressed that I could hardly breathe.

The soldiers guarding the city wanted to know how many people were still alive in the imperial city, and whether their relatives and friends were safe and sound?
It's a pity that the monks of Loucheng issued a ban, absolutely not allowing anyone to leave the city wall, otherwise they will be killed immediately!
After beheading hundreds of heads and preaching, the restless soldiers became calm.

They knew very well that after they left the city wall, even if the monks in Loucheng did not kill themselves, they would be swallowed by the flood sooner or later.

I don't know when it started, thick fog began to float in the imperial city, covering the flood-soaked buildings.

The fog seemed to have the effect of filtering the sound. It didn't take long for the sound in the imperial city to disappear.

The deathly silence made people feel extremely depressed.

The Loucheng monks in the fourth war zone are each in charge of an area, teaching the soldiers how to fight and how to better protect themselves.

Although it was a sharpening of the gun before the battle, if he really kept it in his heart, it might save his life at a critical moment.

Looking at the posture of the fifth theater, it can be determined that the decisive battle will officially begin in a short time.

At this critical moment, accidents are absolutely not allowed.

The monks in Loucheng in the fourth war zone were also nervous, because this competition has been completely out of the control of both sides so far.

The original plans had long been abandoned due to accidents, and many preparations for the decisive battle had not even begun.

The lack of high-end combat power, the senior monks on one side were besieged by monsters, and the senior monks on the other side went to snipe. It can be said that a bloody battle is inevitable.

The remaining low-level monks gathered inside and outside the imperial city and were forced to start a decisive battle.

Compared with the command layer, ordinary Loucheng monks know less information, but they still have a feeling of being led by the nose.

It seems that there are a pair of big hands behind, dominating everything, forcing both sides to fight to the death!

The battle to siege the city was about to begin, and those demonized residents of the imperial city finally began to attack.

In the thick fog, monsters gathered under the city wall in groups and began to climb towards the city wall.

The defenders on the city wall had been prepared for a long time. The moment the monster appeared, the soldiers began to attack desperately.

Stern wailing sounded everywhere, monsters were constantly being killed, but more monsters came to the top of the city
The monster that the drowned person turned into jumped out of the water like a big fish, and was ejected to a height of more than 20 meters.

Some monsters fell to the top of the city, and some monsters grabbed the wall, and their palms were firmly attached like suction cups.

There was chaos on the top of the city, the monster's offensive was too fierce, and the casualties of the soldiers defending the city became more and more serious.

Seeing that ordinary soldiers were unable to resist the monsters, monk Loucheng had no choice but to help, but his heart became more and more anxious.

The monsters in the city can't be killed enough, if the fifth war zone launches another attack, then they will be attacked by the enemy.

As soon as this idea came up, a series of horns sounded from outside the city, which meant that the fifth war zone had begun to attack.

The defenders on the wall sank, and what they were most worried about finally happened.

At this moment, the morning light was slightly dew, and the sun had not yet risen, but there were countless fireballs around the imperial city hitting the top of the city.

These fireballs fell among the soldiers, and the unlucky ones were directly smashed to death, and some were affected by the fuel, and they themselves turned into fireballs in an instant.

Some soldiers wailed loudly, begging their companions to help put out the fire, and some simply jumped off the top of the wall, trying to put out the flames with water.

But I forgot that there are countless monsters in this water, once they fall into the water, they basically never return.

The general offensive of the fifth war zone started, first with a wave of long-range attacks, and the enemies were thrown into chaos.

The siege troops approached quickly, people were densely packed like ants, and the shouts of killing shot up into the sky.

The defenders on the top of the city had been waiting for a long time, and the moment the attackers entered the range, overwhelming attacks came one after another.

Bed crossbows, flying stones, shells, one after another fell into the crowd.

The shield could not withstand the bombing, and when each shell fell, it would leave a large piece of broken corpse.

There were flames on the city wall, blood and flesh everywhere, and the sound of wailing was endless.

Casualties in the war are inevitable, but the degree of tragedy is still beyond expectations. The two sides have just started fighting, and the number of casualties is so shocking.

The fifth war zone was fine, but as for the monk Loucheng in the fourth war zone, he was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

They were caught between the walls, attacked on both sides, and had to divide their forces to meet the enemy.

Fortunately, the monsters in the city are not too powerful, and there is no unified command, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

After a blast of long-range weapons, the large troops of the fifth theater finally rushed up. They used various tools to continuously attack the city.

The life-and-death fight began to become more and more tragic.

The besieger climbed up with the help of the ladder, but was immediately hit by the city wall. Rolling logs, boulders and various weapons smashed towards the besieger.

The pressure on the defenders on the city wall doubled, and the attackers kept rushing to the top of the city, and then fell down screaming.

This was just the beginning, and it didn't take long for monks from both camps to join the battle.

They had experienced many battles, and they used monk methods, so the battle scene was naturally more brutal and intense.

The monks in Loucheng in the two war zones were simmering with anger in their hearts at the moment, and they tried their best when fighting.

Everyone knows the significance of this battle. If they lose, the ranking of the theater will change hands.

During the flickering of light, there were continuous violent explosions, and more and more monks were eliminated.

The monks on both sides are red-eyed, as long as they can lift their swords, as long as they can fight, they will never give up.

Even those native monks were all fighting to the death, looking extremely heroic.

The solid city walls were shattered by the bombardment, and more than half of them had collapsed in some places, as if they would completely collapse in the next moment.

From the beginning to the present, the battle has entered a fierce state in just ten minutes.

In the sky above the imperial city, the teleportation array was still in operation, and the torrent was pouring down.

Looking at the city covered by the flood and flames, You Jiu showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, there was a touch of complacency.

"It's almost time, otherwise we can only gnaw the bones!"

While You Jiu was speaking, she commanded the nine rune airships to descend slowly, making the teleportation array get closer and closer to the ground.

When it was about to approach the ground, the rune airship suddenly changed its formation, turning the teleportation array into an erected form.

The vertically falling waterfall turned into a flat torrent, and at the same time, it seemed to be blocked, and the water output was suddenly reduced by half.

Immediately afterwards, one after another, huge and strange pirate ships squeezed out of the big glowing hole.

The ship was full of ferocious ghost pirates, greedily looking at the flood-soaked imperial city with excited and expectant eyes.

At the same time, outside the imperial city, the big boss who had been in contact with Tang Zhen before was also directing his men to board the rune airship.

Not long after, dozens of rune airships soared into the sky and headed straight for the sky above the imperial city.

Among the chaotic army, Tang Zhen slowly walked towards the imperial city to collect his share of the victory.

(End of this chapter)

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