Chapter 2657 Dodging thousands of miles
The scene of the monster army coming overwhelmingly was discovered by the monk Loucheng at the first time, and then Qi Qi's expression changed.

"Brothers are not good, quickly evacuate here!"

A monk in Loucheng shouted loudly, turned around and ran away.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the monster army is full of monsters from the lord realm, and there are also many demon kings.

The total number cannot be counted. Compared with the number of monks in the fifth war zone, it is definitely not much more.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, even if the monks from the fifth war zone gather together, it is impossible for them to be opponents.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?
Those monks in Loucheng laughed as they ran. After all, this was not a real rout, so there was no need to feel ashamed.

At the same time, the monks of Loucheng cursed loudly, asking what the Jishi platform was doing, why they drove themselves away in such a hurry?

Tang Zhen, who was above the imperial city, was also looking at the surging monsters with an extremely dignified expression.

Having just eliminated the fourth war zone, he had to face such a terrifying army of monsters. This rhythm was obviously not right.

How could that king-level monk in the fourth war zone managed to escape all the way to the hinterland of the imperial city under the pursuit of so many monsters?

The other party is obviously planning to use the monster army to retaliate against the fifth theater. This is his real purpose, but it is also caused by the secret guidance of the rules.

According to Tang Zhen's guess, this should be the cornerstone platform deliberately increasing the difficulty of competition to test the strength of the fifth theater.

If you can survive, you can participate in the competition for the top three rankings, otherwise you can only be eliminated!

The rules of this competition are so cruel and strict that there is no room for chance.

From this, it can be confirmed that the competition for the top three rankings in the theater is far more fierce and dangerous than imagined.

Fortunately, even if it is really unbearable, the fifth war zone will definitely not lose, at most it will be a little embarrassing.

Because they have already eliminated their competitors and proved their own strength, there is no problem in advancing to the theater.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, what should we do next?"

Luo Fei looked at the surging monsters, and asked Tang Zhen in a low voice, his tone was unhurried.

She is well aware of the strength of the fifth theater, and it is simply impossible to defeat the monster army in front of her and compete for the top three.

So even if you can't beat these monsters, it will definitely not damage your honor, or this is a gorgeous curtain call ceremony!

All the monks in the Fifth War Zone present had this mentality, and they just wanted to stay longer while avoiding monsters.

They also wanted to kill more monsters and earn more military exploits. How could they leave the event so easily once in thousands of years.

"Let's run separately, run as far as you can, of course, in my opinion, the chance of success is less than [-]%.

Take care of yourself, I have things to attend to. "

Tang Zhen said to Luo Fei, turned around without hesitation, and flew towards the distance.

Luo Fei smiled, stared at Tang Zhen's back for a few moments, and flew in another direction as well.

You Jiu and those bigwigs in the headquarters chose to evacuate by coincidence, because they didn't want to be eliminated now.

As long as you can continue to stay, you can continue to earn military exploits, of course, the premise is to avoid the pursuit of these monsters.

"Brother take care!"

"See you later!"

The remaining Loucheng monks in the fifth war zone smiled and said goodbye like friends at this moment, turning a blind eye to the surging monster army.

Without the strength above the lord, there is no way to avoid the pursuit of these monsters. In this case, what is the point of escaping?
But in the blink of an eye, the army of monsters had already flown over the imperial city, swarming towards the monks in Loucheng.


With a loud noise, the Loucheng monks in the fifth theater began to explode themselves, in order to hunt and delay monsters, and help the evacuated companions buy time.

The sound of self-explosion was endless, but all the monks in Loucheng who were not as strong as the lord chose to leave in this way.

The surging army of monsters was blinded by the continuous self-explosions, but they also became crazier and more ferocious. .

They shuttled like the wind, constantly looking for the silhouette of the monks in Loucheng, and then swarmed up to attack.

If you react a little slower, you will be torn to pieces by monsters.

As for ordinary soldiers and monsters, monsters shaped like yakshas only attack occasionally, obviously not interested in such weak targets.

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and the final result was as expected, all the Loucheng monks who could not evacuate were eliminated.

Just defeated the fourth theater, but there is no time to celebrate the victory, which also makes the contestants of the fifth theater feel speechless.

As for the evacuated Tang Zhen and others, they were also chased by monsters, and I don't know how many people will escape in the end...


There were snowflakes falling from the sky, falling on the mountain peaks suspended in mid-air, the sky and the ground were all white.

A figure suddenly appeared, and the snow that passed by was surging, crashing into the floating mountain like a snow dragon.


Ice and gravel splashed in all directions, and half of the hard floating mountain was knocked down, and then a huge boulder the size of a house fell down and landed in the icy lake below.

There was another loud bang, and the frozen lake was crushed by a huge boulder, and a large piece of the frozen lake surface was shattered.

Perhaps it was because the water was too stuffy. After the ice lake was smashed, black shadows appeared underwater, as if they couldn't wait to breathe fresh air.

Another black shadow appeared, in stark contrast to the white snow, heading straight for the floating mountain.

After getting closer, I realized that these black shadows turned out to be monsters, each of them looked very ferocious.

They have wings on their backs, are dressed in black armor, and hold steel forks lingering in the dark fire in their hands.

Among the fifteen monsters, five were king-level, and the remaining ten were also lord-level.

They looked at the floating mountain in front of them with ferocious blood-red eyes, and quickly surrounded it.

The monster did not climb the floating mountain, but stared at the cracked place intently, with a hint of vigilance flashing in its fierce eyes.

"You monsters really linger!"

A figure appeared, looked at the surrounding monsters, smiled lightly and shook his head.

This person is Tang Zhen. He started from the imperial city to avoid the monster's pursuit, but he didn't want to run for three thousand miles.

At the very beginning, he killed many monsters. He thought he could get away with it, but he didn't want to be targeted by a group of demon kings.

This group of demon kings tried to kill Tang Zhen, but they were unsuccessful. Instead, Tang Zhen killed a demon king.

It was also like this that Tang Zhen was chased by these demon kings, fighting and killing all the way, and finally came to this ice field.

It just hit the floating mountain because the chasing demon king delivered a fatal blow, trying to kill Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen deflected the fatal attack, but still hit the floating mountain, followed by a group of monsters.

Seeing Tang Zhen walking out intact, a demon king raised his steel fork and growled at Tang Zhen.

"Bitch, die!"

The Demon King made a strange tone, and stared at Tang Zhen viciously, with a murderous look all over his body.

Tang Zhen sneered, and said in a flat tone: "You are so many, I can't beat you, so I can only run away.

I deliberately showed weakness along the way, and kept increasing the distance between you and the main force. As a result, the run was thousands of miles.

Fortunately, time was not wasted, and finally got rid of your large army.

I have to say, you guys are really patient, and you still refuse to give up after chasing for thousands of miles.

If this is the case, then I can only take action and send you back to hell. "

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, a long sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and a cold light of several tens of feet swept towards the monster!

 Thanks to: the leader of "Duck Egg Life" for the reward, and to the book friends for their support!
(End of this chapter)

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