I have a city in another world

Chapter 2663 "Troubleshooting" Tang Zhen

Chapter 2663 "Troubleshooting" Tang Zhen
In a large camp, there were panicked figures everywhere. In the thick smoke, dozens of figures rose into the sky one after another.

The camp below was in a mess, and it was clear from the looks that a fierce battle had taken place.

Many scattered items radiated a faint light, indicating that they all came from monks in Loucheng.

As for the owner of the item, he has already been eliminated.

In the sky, a chase is unfolding.

It was said to be a chasing battle, but it was actually not the case, because this group of monks in Loucheng could not catch up with the enemies in front of them at all.

Including three king-level monks and a group of lord monks, they are all looking ahead angrily at the moment.

It was a Yaksha demon king wearing a purple battle armor and possessing king-level strength. It suddenly broke into the camp and killed anyone it saw.

This was the first time Brother Loucheng had seen such a crazy monster, so he was caught off guard.

But in a blink of an eye, the camp turned into a sea of ​​flames, and more than a dozen Loucheng monks were eliminated.

This move was equivalent to poking a beehive, and soon hidden Loucheng monks appeared, including two king-level monks.

It turns out that this is a secret camp where elites from the entire theater are gathered, preparing to launch a sneak attack on the enemy.

This move is similar to the beheading operation, and every theater will try it, because once it succeeds, it will have a great impact on the decisive battle.

One step behind, the opponent will press forward step by step, without giving the slightest chance to breathe.

Unexpectedly, before the assembly was completed, they were suddenly attacked by monsters and lost a large number of operatives.

After reacting, the monks in Loucheng immediately besieged and killed, but they didn't want the monster to turn around and run away.

Obviously the monster knew very well that he was no match for this large group of Loucheng monks, so he didn't hesitate to run away.

How could the monks in Loucheng give up and chase up one by one, trying to chop the monster into meat.

It's just that the monster's lightning speed made the monks in Loucheng collectively dumbfounded. They never expected a monster to run so fast.

Even if monk Loucheng used his skills to double his speed, he was still left far behind.

At this moment, anyone can see the problem.

"It's not right, this guy is not a monster at all, he is definitely disguised by monk Loucheng!"

Among the pursuing monks in Loucheng, a king-level monk said with gritted teeth, his eyes almost burst into flames.

The truth was discovered mainly because the monster inadvertently used monk skills in the process of escaping.

In this short period of time, they thought about competitors, because others had no reason to attack.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this should be the case, which made the monks in Loucheng gnash their teeth with anger.

If possible, they would like to rush to the enemy's camp and attack in the same way.

Cultivator Loucheng didn't know that he had fallen into a trap.

In every camp that was attacked by surprise, there will be people left alive, and almost every person who was attacked will have the same idea.

The results of their guesses and judgments were what the attackers wanted, which led to even greater chaos.

This frenzied pursuit has covered hundreds of miles, but the speed of the monster is still faster after all.

The pursued monks in Loucheng returned angrily, because if they continued to move forward, their situation would become very dangerous.

Naturally, he was very unwilling in his heart, and when he returned, he kept thinking about how to carry out a retaliatory attack?

After the Loucheng monks left, a figure flashed, with a cold light in the purple-gold eyes.

"At this level, the cornerstone platform still has no response. This is forcing me to make things bigger."

This figure is wearing a purple battle armor. It looks like a Yasha demon on the outside, but it is actually Tang Zhen in disguise.

Since returning from the island, he has assumed the image of the Yaksha Demon Race.They attacked the gathering places of Loucheng monks everywhere.

Every time it is not to kill them all, but to deliberately leave some alive and leave enough flaws.

The main purpose of doing this is to induce fierce conflicts in different theaters, leading to a more chaotic situation.

Under this operation, many monks in Loucheng were indeed defeated, making the already tense atmosphere even more tense.

However, Tang Zhen's hoped-for intervention from the upper echelon has never appeared. It seems that the cornerstone platform doesn't care about his actions.

It's normal to think about it carefully. After all, the real battlefield changes rapidly, and anything can happen.

This move by Tang Zhen can actually make the competition more intense, which is more in line with the original intention of the cornerstone platform.

Not every war zone has the luck of the fifth war zone. If you really want to win, you often need an extremely tragic fight to achieve it.

Tang Zhen's harassment attack can be regarded as an accident on the battlefield to increase the difficulty.
Perhaps it was for this reason that the Cornerstone Platform did not interfere with Tang Zhen, but instead allowed him to "act wildly."

If this is the case, Tang Zhen really has been busy in vain.

But there is always a limit to everything, and once this limit is exceeded, good things will turn into bad things.

Combined with the current situation, Tang Zhen has a feeling that he has not reached that limit yet.

So you still need to continue to work hard and make more noise, so that you can get the results you want.

"Since the attack on the camp has no effect, then I'll just destroy one of his theaters and see if the cornerstone platform can sit still?"

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen went straight to the forest in front of him, because he had found a monster's lair when he passed there before.

After about two hours, thousands of monsters came out from the edge of the mountain.

The leader of these monsters is Tang Zhen's disguised Yasha Demon King, leading the monster army forward.

Tang Zhen wants to create a wave of monsters, sweep away the monks in Loucheng he meets along the way, and even eliminate the entire theater.

It only took one day for the monster army to encounter a city occupied by the monks of Loucheng. Tang Zhen commanded the monster army to attack.

Facing the sudden monster army, the monks in Loucheng resisted desperately, but they were not opponents at all.

Just when they were about to transfer, they were blocked by monsters, and they were all eliminated in the end.

The Loucheng monks resisted desperately, but they were still no match for the monster, especially the Yasha Demon King, who was simply too strong.

After destroying a camp, Tang Zhen led the monster army to continue operations. Based on his experience, he guessed that he should have entered a hinterland controlled by a war zone.

The strength of this theater is not too strong, and it is estimated that the ranking is not very high, otherwise Tang Zhen would never have won so easily.

Such a goal is just right, otherwise no matter whether it is too strong or too weak, it will not be able to achieve the desired purpose.

Not long after, the bird monster sent by Tang Zhen came back to report that he had found a suspicious place.

These bird monsters have been selected and trained by Tang Zhen, and they are specially used for reconnaissance and search, and they can perfectly execute Tang Zhen's orders.

After receiving the picture transmitted by the bird monster, Tang Zhen confirmed the accuracy of the information. It was indeed a gathering place for a group of Loucheng monks.

Looking at the density of monks in Loucheng, it is likely to be the headquarters of a war zone, similar in nature to the Valley of the Nine Tombs.

This is definitely a big fish, if you can kill it, you will be able to achieve your goal.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately commanded the monster army and headed straight for the gathering place.

(End of this chapter)

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