Chapter 2665
Because of Tang Zhen, the child had to show up in person, and several characters suddenly changed.

For such thorns, the child must be very upset, so he has always had a bad face.

Tang Zhen didn't care, after all, he was deliberately making trouble, and it's no wonder he was greeted with a smile.

As long as the goal can be achieved, the others don't need to care at all.

"So you should be clear that this matter is not as simple as you imagined, or even impossible."

The child said in a cold voice, feeling that Tang Zhen was looking for something to do when he had nothing to do, deliberately making things difficult for himself.

Although this matter is small, it has a huge impact, and the controller of the world may not agree.

"I want to try it, if it doesn't work, I have to find another way."

Tang Zhen expressed his attitude and would never give up easily.

"What a strange guy, your promise is so important?"

The child looked at Tang Zhen with strange eyes, as if he didn't understand why he was so persistent, but he didn't ask too much.

Everyone has their own beliefs, and Tang Zhen's approach is indeed worthy of praise.

A gentleman's promise is as heavy as a mountain, and with such a character, he is the best candidate for a companion.

So if it can be done, the child doesn't want to embarrass Tang Zhen, but the problem is that this matter is really not easy.

"If I don't agree to you, will you continue to make trouble until I agree to your request?"

The child stared at Tang Zhen and asked in a confirming tone.

Tang Zhen nodded. He did have this idea, and he would not give up until he achieved his goal.

It's rare for Tang Zhen to miss something that needs to be persisted in. No matter what, there must be a result.

There was a hint of helplessness on the boy's face, he was really helpless with Tang Zhen's method of hob meat.

It cannot be suppressed or expelled, otherwise, if things get serious, it will be of no benefit to anyone.

Tang Zhen is not an ordinary Loucheng monk, but a creator, who belongs to the top combat power in the Loucheng world.

Tang Zhen is the biggest contributor to the promotion of the Fifth War Zone. It is precisely because of this incident that Tang Zhen has attracted the attention of many big shots.

Even for his nonsense, he had an attitude of watching a show, but he didn't feel angry because of it.

If he can't handle this matter safely, the cornerstone platform of the fifth war zone, including those bigwigs in the fifth war zone, will stand up and ask for an explanation for Tang Zhen.

It is natural to take care of the heroes in this theater, how can there be so many selfless people.

"You wait for me first, and I will give you an answer later."

As soon as the child said this, he disappeared without a trace.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry either, he knew that the child was only a special envoy, not someone who could really make the decisions.

Glancing at the battlefield below, those Loucheng monks who were re-transmitted back were looking at him inexplicably.

They couldn't figure out what was going on, obviously they had already been eliminated, but why did they return to where they were in the blink of an eye?

Of course, while being puzzled, there is also a lot of surprise. If they are eliminated like this, these Loucheng monks will be depressed for a long time.

Once the goal has been achieved, the war must continue.

Following Tang Zhen's order, the besieging monsters scattered and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The soldiers and civilians in the city cheered. Although their homes were destroyed, at least their lives were saved.

As long as people are still alive, it means there is still a chance.

Seeing a building on the top of the hill not far away, Tang Zhen flew down and walked into the slightly dilapidated pavilion.

Sitting in this position, looking at the beacon fires in the city below the mountain, it is not interesting.

Not long after, the child reappeared, still expressionless.

"I just asked for you, and I can promise you this matter, but you have to pay a certain price."


Tang Zhen had already prepared for this, as long as the request was not too excessive, he could directly agree to it.

"Because of his cultivation, the master of this world has projected countless avatars and traveled to various unknown worlds.

These avatars will condense the crystallization of consciousness and help to improve the realm, so the master of this world wants to take them all back.

I'll give you a list later, marking the worlds where those clones are, and it's your job to retrieve them.

As long as you agree to help retrieve the very consciousness crystal, then you can take what you want. "

Tang Zhen frowned slightly. The request was hard to say, but it was not easy either.

"Could it be that the master of this world has no hands to complete this matter?"

The child explained: "But anyone who is related to the master of this world will have cause and effect, and will be perceived by those clones.

At that time, you will either hide, or you will choose to self-destruct, and you will definitely not hand over the crystallization of consciousness willingly.

In fact, you are not the only one doing this task, many Nine Star God Generals have also accepted the same task in order to get the reward from the God King.

Ordinarily, with your qualifications, you don't have the opportunity to get in touch with such a task, but you have something to ask for, so I will give you a chance.

Don't think this is cheating you, you should know that taking away a person is equivalent to taking away the consciousness of the master of this world, and it is the kind that has gone through countless reincarnations.

It's like a pearl being bred, if you take it away now, the owner of this world will inevitably suffer the loss. "

The child explained, saying that he was not embarrassing Tang Zhen.

"If you can bring back more avatar consciousness, you will get enough rewards, which will be of great help to your promotion to God King."

When the child said this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he felt that this sentence was premature.

Tang Zhen is just a star general, and he still has a long way to go if he wants to advance to become a god king.

However, the child's words also let Tang Zhen understand the realm of the god king. It turns out that every plant and tree in this world is equivalent to the creator of the world.

Under the gaze of the child, Tang Zhen nodded in agreement.

"In this case, then take what you want and leave. If you continue to make trouble, I will suppress you mercilessly."

The child raised his face and issued a warning to Tang Zhen.

"There is no problem with leaving, but before I leave, I still want to know one thing."

Tang Zhen mentioned the island in the sea and asked what happened?

"Every time the monks of Loucheng come, the world will be updated. Those people on the island are seeds, and I don't know the specific purpose.

As for the imitation Loucheng, it was a weapon built by a Loucheng monk in the second war zone, and the indigenous monks were transported only to complete the task. "

Tang Zhen was taken aback for a moment. The imitation of Loucheng was actually done by a monk in Loucheng alone, which sounds incredible.

It seems that the strength of the first three theaters has far exceeded my imagination, and it is simply overpowering to defeat them in one go.

Even if Tang Zhen took action himself, it would be impossible to complete such a magnificent project in a short period of time. From this, we can see the strength of the first three theaters.

After everything was explained, the child threw out a ball of light and floated in front of Tang Zhen.

"Take what you want and get out of here quickly."

After leaving a word, the child disappeared.

Tang Zhen put away the light ball, scanned the surrounding area, and then flew towards the sky.

His flying speed became faster and faster, and finally disappeared at the end of the sky like a streamer.

(End of this chapter)

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