I have a city in another world

Chapter 2668 Tang Zhen's reward

Chapter 2668 Tang Zhen's reward

Tang Zhen took out a light sphere, and his mental power merged into it, and then the recorded data was read.

The content recorded in the light sphere is the world where the consciousness avatars of the god king and powerhouse are located, and there are tens of thousands of them in total.

This method of releasing consciousness avatars is a special method of cultivation, and there are not many monks in Loucheng who cultivate.

The main reason is that the initial investment is too large, and recycling is very troublesome.

But if the recycling is successfully completed, it will become very simple to build a temple of your own.

Every crystallization of consciousness can be cultivated to become a god general, but it is not the creator.

In fact, God General and Creator are just general terms. The Creator starts from the level of God General, but the real God General will always be compared with the Creator.

The reason is that the real god generals are all formed by the consciousness crystallization of the god king.

If you don't want to cultivate god generals, you can also integrate and absorb them. In the case of accumulating less, the god king will get great benefits.

To put it bluntly, this kind of cultivation method is a kind of stocking model, allowing the consciousness avatar to grow freely, and then harvesting after the time is almost up.

It sounds amazing, but in fact every creator can do it.

Take Tang Zhen as an example, he can release this consciousness avatar at any time, but the release speed is very slow, and it also needs the support of a lot of original power.

It is impossible to cast tens of thousands in an instant like the god king and powerhouse, and it will not cause much burden to itself.

Because of the different levels and strengths, the aptitudes of the consciousness avatars are also different. The avatars of the god king powerhouses all have extremely high talents, and they can get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation.

After all, it comes from the king of gods, how weak can it be?

It is for this reason that it is very difficult to recover consciousness crystals, because as long as they become monks, these consciousness clones will have very good development.

They will develop independent consciousness, think that they are themselves, and are very resistant to the harvest of the ontology.

Those who try to take back the crystallization of consciousness are their life and death enemies, and they are bound to be at odds with each other.

This is basically the reason for the conscious avatar that the god king did not take back. After a long period of training, they already have not weak self-protection methods.

Among these information, Tang Zhen saw a record that a consciousness avatar escaped 32 chases by the monks of Loucheng.

It is for this reason that this consciousness avatar is considered to have extremely high potential, and it is also set as the highest reward level.

If Tangzi can bring back his consciousness crystallization, not only can he complete the agreed task, but he can also get extra generous rewards.

The information in the intelligence is limited, and Tang Zhen will not try it lightly, so as not to waste his time and energy.

After reading all the information, Tang Zhen had an idea in his heart, and then sank his consciousness into the Kingdom of God in his mind, and continued to start the construction of the world framework.

He was not in a hurry to improve his strength, but used this time to cultivate while waiting for the day when the ranking competition ended.

This wait is half a year.

The competition to determine the ranking of the [-] theaters finally came to an official end, and the monks participating in the battle returned to their respective theaters.

In the early and middle stages of this competition, it was actually very calm, but the late stage became extremely fierce.

Especially when the deadline was reached, all the monks in Loucheng did their best, and every moment there were theaters that were collectively eliminated.

After eliminating competitors, if you feel that you still have strength, you can challenge higher-level theaters.

It's just that this kind of situation is very rare. For most of the theaters, it is not easy to advance one level, let alone advance a few levels.

In fact, for low-level theaters, a one- or two-level ranking change doesn't actually mean much. Most of the time, it's about honor.

The higher the ranking of the war zone, the more intense the competition, and at this time, interests are involved.

In this competition, many surprising situations occurred, which amazed the monks in Loucheng.

The most talked about matter is naturally the decisive battle between the fourth and fifth theaters, and the result has already been reached half a year before the final.

The fifth war zone won, knocking out the fourth war zone.

It's a pity that the fifth war zone failed to win consecutive victories. After winning, it encountered an army of monsters and ended up annihilated.

Many monks in Loucheng suspect that this should be deliberately arranged by the cornerstone platform, because the rankings of the top three theaters do not participate in the competition at all, so the fifth theater must be eliminated.

The rankings of the top three theaters have not changed, and according to insiders, there is no competition at all among the top three theaters.

The three war zones each dispatched some Loucheng monks to participate in the entire competition as if they were playing, and then withdrew collectively at the last moment of the decisive battle.

This matter has caused a lot of controversy. For those theaters that are actively participating, the approach of the first three theaters may be too childish.

Of course, it's just talk. If you are not qualified to win the fourth theater, what qualifications do you have to comment on the first three theaters?

In addition, there are some anecdotes, such as a low-level war zone that was eliminated by the monster army as soon as it arrived.

There is also a low-level war zone ranked at the bottom, which shined during the competition and even defeated several war zones in a row.

This war zone is called Shenglong, and it belongs to the newly built war zone, and it has attracted great attention because of this matter.

Also because it is a low-level war zone, the improvement in ranking doesn't mean much, at least in the eyes of those high-level war zones, this matter is just a topic of chatting.

When the competition rankings were released, the fifth theater was successfully promoted and became the brand new fourth theater!

Although it is only a step forward, the significance is absolutely extraordinary.

Because the first three war zones represent the top level of Loucheng World, they have always been extremely mysterious, and they dare to treat the ranking of war zones as a trifling matter.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the three theaters that they can go out independently, and they cannot be compared with other theaters at all.

After leaving aside the three war zones, the fourth war zone became the top of the list of three thousand war zones, which represented the ultimate honor.

It can be said that no matter where you go, as long as you reveal your identity as the fourth war zone, you will get corresponding treatment.

When the ranking was announced, the monks in the fourth theater cheered collectively to celebrate this exciting moment.

As the greatest hero in this battle, Tang Zhen's name spread throughout the Fourth War Zone. Countless Loucheng monks knew this name and learned about Tang Zhen's deeds.

While being amazed, the reputation of the fissure territory became more and more famous, and brought a series of development opportunities.

There are also many monks in Loucheng who are very curious. What kind of reward will Tang Zhen get for such a feat?
The Loucheng monks in the crack territory were surprised and delighted, they never dreamed that their lord lord would be so powerful!
You must know that in this competition, the elites of the [-] theaters gather, and the same is true for the fourth theater.

Among so many peerless geniuses, the lord is actually the first one, the difficulty of which can be imagined.

Because of this incident, Tang Zhen's prestige rose again, and he became a god-like existence in the crack territory.

As for Tang Zhen himself, he is currently receiving his own reward in front of the cornerstone platform.

Tang Zhen's contribution is indeed not small, but for this reason, the contributions of other Loucheng monks cannot be obliterated.

Whether it's You Jiu and the others, or the bigwigs in the headquarters, all of them have been rewarded for their hard work.

However, the first achievement is the first achievement, and no one can deny this, so Tang Zhen's reward is definitely beyond the reach of other Loucheng monks in the fourth war zone.

Most of Tang Zhen's rewards are related to the welfare of the territory.

For example, open more advanced tasks, and open some functions that are restricted by the cornerstone platform because the territory is too low.

These rewards may not look like much, but they are actually extremely rich. Some cornerstone platform restrictions may not be eligible to open even if you do a century-old mission.

It is normal for the rewards to be aimed at the territory. After all, the Creator is not interested in any material rewards at all.

With these rewards, the strength of the Fissure Territory will increase rapidly until it becomes the backbone of the fourth war zone.

(End of this chapter)

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