I have a city in another world

Chapter 3003 Troll, landing on the island

Chapter 3003 Troll, landing on the island
Controlling the giant sea snake, Tang Zhen ran fast all the way.

This giant snake was a hundred meters long, and in its transparent body were densely packed corpses of monks.

As the giant snake squirmed, the corpse seemed to be densely packed with scales, making one's scalp numb.

Because of the special nature of this ocean, when the giant snake was marching, there was no scene of riding the wind and breaking the waves.

Although the speed is extremely fast, it is silent.

The howling from behind from time to time proves that there are still many monsters who are persistently tracking them down.

If you observe from the air, you will see countless corpses hanging behind the giant sea snake.

They connect with each other, forming a strange long snake, wriggling in the dark green ocean.

Tang Zhen didn't turn his head back, he didn't bother to talk to these monsters, they couldn't stop him now.

If you annoy him and turn around and cut off the thread of fate, these monsters will definitely die.

Since you have already died once, it doesn't matter if you die again.

But now it seems that these monsters are destined not to catch up with Tang Zhen, and naturally they cannot pose a threat to him.

His main purpose at the moment is to find the island of desire.

Manipulate the direction of the sea snake to keep in line with the route of the giant ship, and never dare to make any mistakes.

Even a slight deviation will cause him to miss the target, and it will be very difficult to find it again.

After traveling for a certain distance, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the ocean ahead.

Like a piece of land, suddenly rising from the ocean, the speed is astonishingly fast
The billowing seawater was like a waterfall, falling from the very high sky, blocking Tang Zhen's way forward.

Behind the water curtain, there is a terrifying existence.

It was an indescribably huge monster with its mouth wide open, like a long and narrow coastline without boundaries.

As far as the line of sight goes, there is no limit at all.

Compared with this super sea monster, the giant sea snake controlled by Tang Zhen is equivalent to meeting a loach with a horse.

Even the level of grandchildren doesn't count at all.

In the normal world outside, it is impossible for this kind of giant beast to exist, unless it is the state of chaos when the world first opened.

After all, at that time, everything can become a god, and the size of the body can easily break through the sky.

But in the purple light world, everything is possible, after all, this is a special place related to gods.

The giant monster blocked Tang Zhen's way. If Tang Zhen continued to move forward, he would inevitably get into the monster's mouth.

This is purely for death. Once you enter it, there is no possibility of escaping.

At this critical moment, Tang Zhen did not panic, and continued to charge forward with the giant sea snake.

From a distance, the giant mouth like the coastline is getting closer and closer, but Tang Zhen controls the giant sea snake, and it directly rises from the sea and soars into the sky.

The height of nearly a thousand meters is definitely not a height that a giant sea snake can fly, and Tang Zhen has no intention of letting it fly over.

When it reached the limit height of the giant sea snake and couldn't continue to ascend, it saw the sea snake shut its mouth tightly, and its body instantly swelled into a ball.


Like jets of air, countless corpses of monks were sprayed out and flew straight into the sky.

This jet stream is so strong that it is easy to send people high into the sky.

At this moment, Tang Zhen threw out five slender chains, which caught five monk corpses flying into the air.

The chain was something he deliberately left behind when he smashed the flat-bottomed wooden boat, the purpose is to prepare for emergencies.

Sure enough, it comes in handy at this moment.

The corpses of the five monks, like fired shells, dragged Tang Zhen to the sky.

After the giant sea snake spewed out the corpse in its abdomen, its body shriveled instantly, and then sank limply into the deep seabed like a broken balloon.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen passed the giant sea monster's mouth, and saw an indescribably large body.

It turns out that behind the mouth, there are rows of giant eyes, which are constantly looking around.

Seeing countless corpses soaring into the sky, the super monster seemed a little puzzled, wondering what these things were?
At the same time, the slender tentacles flung towards the corpses one by one, trying to intercept them.

Tang Zhen drove the five corpses of monks, like a warrior charging in a chariot, constantly dodging the attacks of those tentacles in the air.

Discovering that Tang Zhen avoided capture, the monster became a little annoyed, as if it had encountered an annoying mosquito.

The tentacles swung at high speed, increasing the strength of the attack.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Tang Zhen picked up a chain, driving the corpse on it up quickly.

When he had enough power, Tang Zhen let go of his hand suddenly, and the monk's corpse flew out with the chains on.

The locked target is one eye of the monster.

The speed of the corpse was strange, like a fired shell, it hit the target accurately.


The size gap between the two sides is too large, and under normal circumstances, monsters will not be affected.

However, the transformed monk's corpse has become safer and different, and has already possessed great destructive power.

At the same time as the monster was shot in the eye, the monk's body exploded with an astonishingly loud sound.

The monster was really hurt, its huge eyeballs burst instantly, and its body even shook slightly.

Tang Zhen took this opportunity to gallop forward, trying to get away from the huge body of the monster.

At this moment, Tang Zhen could clearly see the true form of the monster.

It is like a huge disc, surrounded by mouths, as big as an island.

Under Tang Zhen's control, the four-sentence cultivator's body was like a wild dog running away, dragging the iron chain and running.

Finally rushed to the edge of the sea monster's body, Tang Zhen jumped down from above the giant mouth without any hesitation.

The monster was enraged and started chasing and killing Tang Zhen.

Such a terrifying body shape also has an astonishing speed. Tang Zhen must do his best to avoid the pursuit of the super sea monster.

What he did was to help the passengers on the giant ship avoid disaster, otherwise the giant ship would also face the interception of this sea monster in a short time.

It took a lot of time to gallop all the way, and time dared not stop for a while.

Fortunately, the corpse of the monk controlled by Tang Zhen didn't know how to be tired at all. Otherwise, with this swimming speed alone, he might have been so tired that he vomited blood.

In the process of avoiding the pursuit, Tang Zhen kept looking for the island of desire.

Only by successfully landing on the island can you get rid of the pursuit of this monster. It is the overlord of the ocean, but not the supremacy of the land.

The super monster really held a grudge, and pursued him all the way, as if he wanted to kill Tang Zhen.

After running for a while, a pillar of seven-colored light rose into the sky on the pitch-black sea ahead, and then bloomed like a firework.

Under the radiance of the light, a huge island appeared in front of the eyes, covered with all kinds of incredible and beautiful flowers.

In the dark green ocean and the dark night sky, the island is like a bright pearl, showing the monks the way forward.

No need to guess, this is the island of desire.

Tang Zhen's spirit was greatly shaken, and he drove the four corpses of monks trapped in iron chains to swim wildly towards the Island of Desire.

The super monster that was following behind suddenly slowed down, as if this island, like a dreamland, was a forbidden place that it dared not touch at all.

No matter what the reason was, it had nothing to do with Tang Zhen, and he could only feel lucky.

The super monster behind him was an existence that he could not fight against, and the thread of fate could not be seen at all.

Otherwise, why would he run away in embarrassment, he would have turned around and beheaded him long ago.

Fortunately, he ran all the way and finally got rid of the pursuit. Tang Zhen finally landed on the island of desire after going through twists and turns!
(End of this chapter)

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