I have a city in another world

Chapter 3005 Boy, conditions

Chapter 3005 Boy, conditions

The boy was aggressive and his questions were direct and crisp.

He had obviously decided that Tang Zhen was a god, and looked him up and down with strange eyes.

Seems like a long-awaited one, and now it's finally here.

Just the boy's behavior, without any manners, as if he didn't take anyone seriously.

There are reasons for doing so, perhaps in this island of desire, or even in this world of purple light, he is the most special existence.

Control the distribution of reward items, unless you don't want rewards, you must ask him.

In this case, the boy naturally does not need to flatter anyone, but others ask him for it.

Over time, it naturally became more and more rebellious.

Tang Zhen thought of the boy on the huge ship, with a cold and low personality, who would lock him immediately if he disagreed with him.

As expected of having the same appearance, their acting styles are so similar.

Looking at the boy sitting on the opposite sculpture and staring at him intently, Tang Zhen's expression was a little indifferent.

"I just want to know when I can get my reward."

If possible, Tang Zhen would never deal with the other party, but hoped to leave this ghostly place as soon as possible.

So what can the gods do? In this damn purple light world, there are still dangers everywhere.

"What should be given to you will definitely be given to you, but the way to give it to you needs to be decided by me."

The smiling expression on the boy's face was obviously warning Tang Zhen that if he was unhappy, it would make it more difficult for Tang Zhen to obtain rewards.

So Tang Zhen had better answer obediently to the questions he asked.

Seeing the boy with a smug smile and staring at him intently, Tang Zhen suddenly had the urge to strangle him to death.

Of course, it's just thinking about it. In the purple light world, it is impossible for Tang Zhen to kill the other party.

"Well, you can ask questions."

After a few breaths of silence, Tang Zhen spoke.

"That's right, I don't like people who go against my ideas and make me feel very unhappy."

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the boy said in a smug tone, as if you were interested.

Tang Zhen didn't answer, but just glanced at the tall throne. Perhaps if this thing sits for too long, it will make people get carried away.

Although the boy in front of him is special, what can he do?

At least one thing can be determined, the opponent's cultivation base strength is simply not comparable to his own.

Being able to be so arrogant and arrogant is only because he is in the purple light world and has borrowed the power of rules here.

If you change the place, see if he can become arrogant?
"Now tell me, are you a god or not?"

For this question, the boy seemed very persistent.

"Yes, I am."

This time Tang Zhen did not deny it, and he knew very well that the boy had already seen through it.

The other party just wanted Tang Zhen to say the answer himself out of some kind of stubbornness, which was simply too stubborn.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the boy looked very happy. He stood on tiptoe on the statue and danced in circles.

Trying to express my joy in this way.

The boy's seemingly naive behavior reflects his unscrupulousness, but also his loneliness that cannot be concealed.

When you get the answer you want, you will dance happily without any scruples, looking presumptuous and weird.

After dancing for a while, the boy looked at Tang Zhen and said expectantly, "Since you are a god, can you do something for me?"

Tang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the boy to ask him to help.

In the purple light world, if there is anything he can't do, why would he turn to himself for help?

"You can talk about it, and I'll see if I can help?"

Tang Zhen didn't directly agree, God knows what this weird guy would ask him to do for him.

Being in a special environment, Tang Zhen would be vigilant all the time, and he would never be negligent in the slightest.

"No, you can definitely help!"

The boy said in an affirmative tone, still in that unquestionable tone, which does not allow anyone to refute.

Tang Zhen kept silent, just looked at the boy quietly, not wanting to talk nonsense with him.

The boy didn't care about Tang Zhen's attitude at all, he just walked around in the gorgeous hall with his little hands behind his back.

While walking around, he was still talking to himself: "I want your help to build a city on this island, which will be exactly the same as the outside world.

In this city, there are normal residents who don't know where they are and cannot leave the city.

After the city is built, I can play various roles and go to the city to play freely. "

When the boy said this, he had a longing expression on his face, and his tone was full of anticipation.

You don't need to think about it, the role he plays is not a devil, but a troublemaker.

The boy looked at Tang Zhen and said in a positive tone: "Since you are a god, you can definitely accomplish this, and it is not particularly difficult for you."

Tang Zhen nodded, indicating that what the other party said was good.

"Then what are you waiting for, come with me right away, I can't wait now."

While the boy was speaking, he waved to Tang Zhen and left the magnificent palace.

Turning around, Tang Zhen was still standing there.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

the boy asked aloud, looking very unhappy.

"Although I can do it, there is no need to help you, and this matter is not as simple as you imagined, it requires a lot of God's Origin.

After paying so much, I can only get what I should have, and it's because of your intentional making things difficult. "

When Tang Zhen said this, he couldn't help laughing coldly.

"Now, reward me immediately, and then I will leave the Island of Desire.

As for your so-called city, I'm sorry I can't do anything, you can ask other gods for help. "

Tang Zhen's tone was so decisive that the boy froze in place, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

After a while, he said in a gloomy tone: "Aren't you afraid that I deliberately increased the difficulty so that you can't get those rewards?"

Facing the boy's threat, Tang Zhen said in a flat tone: "Do whatever you want, but don't let me find a chance, otherwise you will definitely pay the price for your current behavior."

The gods cannot be bullied, the gods cannot be insulted, the boy's actions at this moment are provoking a real god.

His reckless behavior may be applicable to others, but it will not work at all with Tang Zhen.

At this moment, Tang Zhen had made his attitude clear and would never let the boy command and drive him.

If there is an enmity between the two parties, Tang Zhen will never regret it.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the boy froze in place, with a gloomy face all the time.

Like an angry child, he puffed his cheeks and stared at Tang Zhen with rolled eyes.

It seemed to be telling Tang Zhen that I was already angry, very serious, please hurry up and make me happy.

Tang Zhen didn't move at all, but his attitude was equally clear. Hurry up and give me the reward I deserve, and then I leave immediately.

There was no sound in the hall, and the confrontation lasted for half an hour without any movement.

"Damn bastard..."

The boy looked at Tang Zhen, roared angrily, and stomped his feet up and down.

The items in the palace suddenly fell into bad luck, and they were smashed to pieces by him, and the sound of shattering continued to resound.

Items that are priceless in the eyes of outsiders are thrown all over the floor like garbage at this moment.

After venting for a while, the boy fell in love with Tang Zhen, and said in a unwilling tone: "I can give you half of the reward now, all of which are ordinary-grade original spirit treasures. Higher-level ones do exist, but you need to personally reward them." Look outside."

Hearing this, Tang Zhen nodded with a chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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